Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 55.1

Ugh, I just decided to watch Secret Invasion... a strange decision to be sure since I'm no longer following the MCU after Endgame, (I just didn't care to continue watching and nothing I have read about the movies and shows has caught my interest) but I remembered reading the comic even back in the day and I loved MCU Nick Fury.

.... Still, I'm not here to talk about the show, but the director and writers. How do they do that? How do they NOT care what the fans think of the shows?

Again and again I have seen writers and directors take those stories from the original creators and do what is, in essence, not that different from fanfiction.

Yeah, they bought the stories, and I guess they're not fans, so it's NOT fanfiction, but it's a different Author taking something another person made and putting their own spin on it.

And yet, they don't give a shit about their fans, what they think or even if they like the story.

I can't do that, every chapter I post I hope people like, I'm afraid they're gonna think it's crap, I take criticism very serious and try to adapt, correct things because I want readers to like it.

 And yet, those guys couldn't give a shit about what they make, they genuinely don't care what the watchers are gonna say.

I guess it's just a job for them, there's no passion involved, they take their paycheck, do something and don't give a shit because, as I said, they're not fans. Creating Secret Invasion... or the Witcher... or Star Wars, it's less than a paycheck, its a shore, something they REALLY would rather not do.

Anyways, sorry for the rant, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


Kara floated in the air above the city of Phoenix, her legs crossed in a sitting position and a nearly finished ice cream in hand. Eating the last of the cone in a single bite, she licked some melted cream off her hand and leaned forward, her clean hand holding her chin in thought.

She had ended up adjusting her mask so the lower jaw could retract, freeing her mouth whenever she wanted to eat something. The change had diminished the mask’s structural integrity, but only minimally.

Turns out building a new Phantom Zone Projector wouldn’t be hard —she already had the Fortress start building the pieces that didn’t need her help— but locating anyone inside would be nearly impossible without the right data.

As far as she understood, the Phantom Zone was a nearly infinite realm, mirroring the material world and, while she could be relatively certain of some baseline assumptions like a prisoner not being sent to the very edges of the dimension, it was still an enormous area.

Really, without the list contained in an existing Phantom Zone Projector, it would be nearly impossible to even know if her counterpart was inside, much less locate her.

Not that Kara wouldn’t try but, at this point, trying to locate the remaining projector while also searching for the missing kryptonian in the current universe would be a better use of her time.

Smashing her head against a kryptium wall wouldn’t help, so she shifted her focus, working on some of her other projects to some success.

From preparing weapons to a way of draining magic, Kara was now ready to face Black Adam and Wotan, even if she had to sacrifice some of the Nth metal in her gauntlets to do so. All that remained was for Bobo to finish his investigation.

Tracking down exactly where in Midway City the Injustice League was keeping Poison Ivy and how she was being protected was taking some time, particularly as they had the Joker with them and, while he was a chaotic mess, the clown did know how to hide from a detective when it amused him.

Kara had even sent a few of her drones out into the city and did a fly-by, but she didn’t dare attract too much attention before everything was ready for the assault, not with the powerhouses they supposedly had in the area.

Bonus points, Kori had liked her power armor’s design despite it covering the entire body.

A few kilometers away from her, a helicopter filmed the transit underneath, the reporter shifting the camera towards her figure from time to time in amusement as the vehicle circled her location.

Kara kept most of her attention down on the city, but even she couldn’t focus on everything that was happening below. She couldn’t shut down all crime in the city and, often, wouldn’t even notice if the criminal was quiet enough, particularly if it happened indoors since she wasn’t using her X-Ray vision all the time.

Her hearing already invaded their privacy enough, even if she didn’t pay attention to anything but screams, there was no need to also be looking at normal people’s homes… Well, and there were some things she NEVER wanted to see again.

Her presence had meant a paradigm shift in the city though. Crime still happened, but car chases had almost completely stopped and violent crime was down, by a lot. Causing a ruckus, making someone scream, or shooting a gun was the easiest way of getting her attention.

She supposed that was a win, fewer people were getting hurt, even if it cut down on her amusement.

“Attention, Phoenix station 18, duty crew, Phoenix station 18, duty crew, for fire in apartment, 551 Oak Street, unknown if anyone is in the apartment, cross-streets Seventh Avenue, north coming down Oak Street, time of call 17:55.”

Kara’s head snapped up as her illegal connection to the police communications spoke up —she had yet to get in contact with the chief of police— focusing her eyes, she looked through the buildings until she saw the five stories apartment on fire.

The flames seemed to have spread through most of the left side of the building, consuming the fourth and fifth floors while slowly spreading. She couldn’t find a source or any adults, but she did see a small body hiding under a bed in one of the rooms, a dog cradled to its chest.

Closing the opening on her mask, Kara exploded into movement, her body going from zero to full speed in less than a second and leaving a sonic boom behind her. 20 seconds later, she slowed down, bursting through a window and doing her best not to cause too much damage.

Moving through the building as if it was water, she made a straight line to the kid, bursting through the wall to see a small room, with several drawings on the walls. In a single motion, she flipped the bed and pulled the kid out with one hand, making sure the dog couldn’t escape.

Unconsciously, her protections spread to the duo, blocking any smoke or heat from getting into their lungs. The kid must have been 9, he had a runny nose and was already wearing Batman pajamas despite it not being bedtime. He was also perfectly fine, without any wounds or suffering from the smoke. The dog was a mutt that definitely included some watchdog in there somewhere for how much it fought back.

“Shhh, it’s alright,” she tried to calm him down while looking around the building for anyone else.

“You’re not Batman,” he accused, his body still trembling in fear.

“You’ll get over it,” she deadpanned, holding him against her chest. “Come on, Batman approved of me. He’s even given me a hero license, you know.”

“… Really?” he finally asked, wiping his nose on her clothes before looking up.

“Uhu, that’s how you know I can keep you safe,” she answered, already moving. There was one more body in the building, a woman collapsed under a support beam, the rest of the tenants seemed to have escaped. The woman was still alive but had several burns on her back and her head was bleeding.

Rushing forward, Kara made sure to hold the woman, protecting her body before kicking the support beam away, gathering the body in her arms, she flew out of the building.

“Mommy?” the boy asked, now with a little uncertainty in his voice.

“It’s alright kid, she’s fine,” Kara said, pushing his head away from the woman’s burns and blocking his view. “Want to see something cool?”

No paramedics or firefighters had arrived yet, so Kara dropped some of her drones from a pocket in her costume, one enveloped the woman in a forcefield so she wouldn’t drop from the multi-story heights they were floating at and kept her immobile while applying soothing sprays, the wound hidden from view.

With the woman being treated Kara flew up with the kid still in her arms and sucked in a lot of air, her chest rising as she concentrated and blew out, a blast of cold hitting the building and not actually freezing it but blowing out the flames and lowering the temperature enough to be safe.

Just a week ago, she wouldn’t have been able to do this, her lungs too weak, but she was getting healthier faster every day. The effort did still make her wince, but the pain stopped immediately after.

“Batman could have done it too,” the boy actually pouted, his eyes glued to the burnt building. “He has, like, a huge Bat… Battinguisher that releases this white cream!”

“I see you have a critic,” someone said from behind her, his voice full of amusement. “I prefer my own powerset, much cooler and more flexible.”

Turning around, she saw Alan Scot floating in the air, he had his hand extended towards the woman, a beam of green light covering her and seeming to take care of her smoke inhalation while cleaning her burns.

The original Green Lantern wore a red shirt, an image of his namesake in a circle in the middle, a large green cape billowing behind him and a kind smile on his face.

“Hi, thanks for meeting me,” Kara smiled back. “I was going to go pick you up in Gotham, but I guess I lost track of time.”

“Don’t worry about it lass, perk of being retired is I have a very flexible schedule.”

Floating down, Kara dropped the kid off onto the street, making sure he couldn’t see his wounded mother until Alan was done with her, no need to scare the boy. “So, Batman is it? Why not Superman, my cousin would definitely win any fight between them unless he gave Batman a week of notice.”

“Well, yeah, but I’m not kiptonian, I can’t be Superman when I grow up,” the boy nodded as if the answer was obvious.

“Very realistic, aren’t you?” she said. “How old are you anyway?”

“I’m 10 and 9 months old!” he proclaimed proudly.

Kara was just glad the kid didn’t burst out crying, distracted by the two heroes in front of him.

“What about a Green Lantern,” Alan asked, dropping to her side and putting his body in front of the kid’s mother. “You don’t have to be born anything to get a ring.”

“Yeah, but I’d have to be an adult then,” the kid complained, squeezing his dog closer to his chest. “I only have to be twelve to become Robin.”

Kara traded a glance with Alan, both greatly amused, after all, the kid wasn’t exactly wrong. “Alright, what’s your name kid? Maybe I can recommend you next time I see Batman, the current Robin is kinda lame.”

“Really?! I’m Kyle Vasquez!”

The fire engine rushed out the corner at just that moment, followed closely by an ambulance. Kara looked at the men and grimaced. “Guess I really should have that talk with the Police Chief, they didn’t really need to make a trip.”

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt,” Alan shrugged, “But they’d have to come anyway, advanced notice would only mean they wouldn’t be as filled with adrenaline. Oh, and never underestimate the paperwork they have to file or root-cause investigations they do. I get called ‘fearless’ all the time but even I get afraid when insurance companies get involved.”

On top of her drone, the woman groaned in pain. Opening her eyes, she snapped up with a scream. “Kyle!”

“Mom!” The boy immediately switched focus, squirming in Kara’s arms until she released him and he ran towards her.

Watching the boy throw himself on top of his mother, Kara almost stopped him, but she saw her burns were mostly healed, with only a few scars remaining.

“I can’t exactly regrow things,” Alan said with a shrug. “Not on other people at least, but I’ve learned to accelerate healing.”

From what Kara knew she doubted it was impossible —Alan’s powers were even more bullshit than a normal Green Lantern’s— but there was a huge difference between something being possible and him knowing how to do it.

Standing by his side, Kara watched the mother embracing her son, squeezing him to her chest as if her life depended on it, the poor dog almost dying between them.

This, this was why she had started acting as a hero… well, messing with criminals was guilt-free fun too, but this was far more satisfying.

One of the approaching paramedics nodded towards her, then did a double take at Alan before seeming conflicted. Still, his duty won out and he hurried towards the woman.

Now that the situation was dealt with, several nearby civilians started approaching. Instead of dealing with them, Kara followed after Alan, floating up until they flew above the buildings.

Down below, Kyle furiously waved at them and Kara could hear his mother speaking. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Waving back, she accelerated up and out of sight. “So, for how long do I have you?”

“As long as it takes,” Alan said, keeping pace by her side. “As I said, I’m retired. I decided to start helping again, but I don’t exactly have a schedule.”


If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Will of The Force (SFW). - WEEKLY / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) (HIATUS)/ Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) (HIATUS)

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Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks to my patrons : Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, khepri, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph,  Vegetables, Nisiris, Flashycow, Ryuda, Commander Miggs, Kaleb, Awais, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Allison Jolley, Phillip Webster, Glitched Knights, Robolo42, Zistrum, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, W01F, janember, AlthePal, Elia , Matthew D, rome33, Jesper Samso Birch, Austin, Pedro Belonia, Danny York, Joe Foreman, Duke, Kraxus, Invernos, Kristoffer, john the gamer and ecool for supporting my work!

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