Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 50.1 – Interlude 8

So, I'm really messy and couldn't keep my posts in time. Sorry about that.

Anyways, here's first part of chapter 50 and I should post the second part tomorrow.

I hope you guys enjoy another peek at the Titans!



EDIT: Ah... as I was posting this, I just saw a news article about Superman. I haven't read it entirely but, apparently, they released a new comic where Superman's parent's are black and Pa is abusive... Rao, what did I just read? Why? 

I don't even care about the raceswap, why make him abusive?

Gonna go see if that's true or just some... [redacted] clickbaiting me.


Above the night skies of Bialya, the Bioship flew undetected, invisible to both visual and electronic surveillance as it floated a few kilometers from the location where the Watchtower had picked up a huge energy spike.

Below them there were several military buildings protected by a tall, metal fence, watchtowers every five hundred meters and a wide, empty desert area for kilometers in any direction.

Miss Martian sat in the captain’s seat; her hands touching the Bioship as she kept it beneath the radar while also connecting their minds together. At her side, Superboy sat in a meditating position. He had gotten into the habit of doing so whenever possible to control his anger.

Aqualad had a map stretched in front of him, studying what they knew of the Bialyan troop deployment one last time before the mission truly started.

“Alright, we’re above where our equipment tracked the exotic energy source,” Aqualad warned telepathically, rolling the map back and making sure they were all aware of what to do.

Should I land?” Miss Martian asked, briefly glancing at him.

No, with Kara’s equipment, we’re more than capable of scanning for non terrestrial emissions from the air. Just lower our altitude to hover above the location, there’s no need to risk detection from the military,” the team leader said through the link. His eyes found the Martian girl’s and they traded a meaningful glance. “Can the Bioship sense anyone close by?”

“I’m detecting non-terrestrial energy sources,” Miss Martian answered, then gasped. “Wait, I can feel a lot of pain and desperation, as if something is struggling for its life!

Letting herself do what came naturally, Miss Martian reached for the mind she sensed, trying to offer it some amount of comfort while they prepared for a rescue, her hands squeezed into fists on top of the Bioship’s control panel.

Suddenly, she felt a spike of pain as something struck their mental link, a malevolent entity taking control of her mind and locking her in place. Gathering her power, she attempted to struggle free, using her greater power to fight off the mental attack.

Unfortunately, while she was much stronger, the intruding mind was more skilled… and more insidious, slipping through her defenses with a mocking laugh, spreading his influence through the mental link.

Oh my, what do we have here?” the male voice reverberated through her mind, as if it came from everywhere. “Child, did no one teach you to not leave yourself so open? Maybe I should teach you a lesson.

Slowly, the image of Psimon materialized into her mind, his power stretching like a virus as it reached for the mind link she was still maintaining, an unconcerned smile on his face while he drew closer to Miss Martian’s own mental image.

The Martian used her power to form shields, trying to cut him off and eject him from her mind, but he really was more skilled than her. It was like fighting her uncle, with every one of her actions countered before she could even start. Gritting her teeth, she grunted and retreated.

Tsk-tsk, how useless. You really are too raw, too untrained… distracted,” Psimon laughed again, his face growing, filling her vision as it seemed to tower over her. “This is almost too easy.”

It really is!” Superboy yelled, punching the mental projection with everything he had.

Superboy’s physical strength couldn’t really be used in a mental battle, but Torquasm-Vo was a discipline specifically created for such battles and he had been training with Superman every day.

While he couldn’t claim mastery of the art, he was actually much better at it than Kara, having taken to meditation far better than his cousin not only because it helped with his anger, but because it was necessary to increase his power.

The punch shattered Psimon’s giant projection, breaking his control over Miss Martian while also revealing his true mental form, a small, pale man with his brain visible through a clear dome.

WHAT?!” the villain yelled before a second punch cracked said dome, completely disrupting his concentration.

Miss Martian attacked, a blast of psychic energy slamming at his back and causing him to scream out in pain, the effect extending even to his real body which collapsed to his knees.

Taking another breath, Superboy kicked the villain in the chest, sending him flying back towards the Martian. Taking advantage of the situation, Miss Martian grabbed Psimon from the back, both hands enveloping his head as she struck, a blast of raw power that completely shattered his mental projection.

Inside the tent, Psimon fully collapsed, his face hitting the ground and bouncing off, droll escaping his mouth as his eyes lost their focus and he fully passed out.

Inside the ship, Aqualad relaxed, releasing the telepathic jammer and stepping away from his teammates as he saw both of them shake themselves awake. Releasing the device, he pressed a button on Supergirl’s portal communicators and spoke. “Psimon is down, I repeat, Psimon is down, the mission is a go!”

Inside the military encampment, hidden behind a crate, Starfire touched her own comms. “Understood, friend Aqualad. We shall retrieve the targets at once!” glancing at Robin and Kid Flash at her side, the Tamaranean gave them a huge smile and a nod.

As one, the three of them reached towards their heads, deactivating their psychic shielding and allowing Miss Martian to reestablish their psychic connection to better coordinate things.

With a nod back, Robin jumped over the crate, his figure disappearing before any of the guards ever noticed him. Touching his chest, Kid Flash activated the invisibility on his own suit and dashed away.

Not losing any time, Starfire herself flew low along the ground, making directly for where they had located the New Genesphere. She had an innocent to rescue!







Starfire sucked the mustard from the bottle with her straw, making a slurping noise as she did her best to consume every last bit of the delicious condiment.

It was truly a pity she did not have any zorkaberries, it would make her meal perfect.

Perhaps she could take a quick trip with Kara to get a few supplies? She had not wanted to leave Earth using the Psion’s ship lest it reveal their location even more but, now that Kara’s own spaceship had finished growing…

Waiting for the rest of the Titans to arrive, Koriand’r threw the bottle away and went to the Mountain’s mission room, starting to prepare her presentation while wondering about the future.

Yes, a break outside the planet would be exactly what Kara needed.

In truth, Koriand’r did not think it wise to return to the Vega system before they were ready —no matter how much she missed her homeworld— but, while zorkaberries were native to Tamaran, their divine taste had long been recognized by the universe as a whole and it had became a common delicacy.

Still, where should they go? Thanagar itself was a good destination, likely to have anything they could wish and Koriand’r was greatly impressed by The Hawk couple, meeting their people would be an honor.

More importantly, Kara would appreciate the chance to acquire a new supply of Nth metal. Her girlfriend was always complaining that she had too little of the metal for her liking.

Or perhaps they could visit Colu? It would not be her preference but, even in Tamaran, Koriand’r had heard of the planet’s technological superiority. Kara would certainly enjoy spending a few days there and trading knowledge with the natives.

Havania was another location, similar to Tamaran in temperature, the planet was a paradise where they could relax, enjoy nature. Koriand’r had heard there were many idyllic rivers there. Hopefully, Kara would not mind being naked in nature.

Pausing her preparations, Kori smiled as she remembered her time at their moon base, the way she had ripped Kara’s costume away, the things they had done.

Though, the Moon Base had survived their encounter, so perhaps she had not shown her girlfriend the full extent of her appreciation.

A loud swallow caused Koriand’r to stop and look up, her eyes staring straight at M’gann’s unnaturally wide ones hidden behind a bucket of popcorn.

“Friend M’gann, please, are you unwell?” She worriedly asked, the young Martian was an accomplished shape shifter capable of changing every aspect of her body, but she usually wore a green skin color, not the glowing red she was sporting now. “Perhaps you are suffering from the flu? You appear to be having a fever!”

“I WASN’T PEAKING!” M’gann snapped, her body flying up to hover in the air, some of her popcorn spilling to the floor as she avoided Koriand’r’s eyes. “Ack! I mean, I-I…” Finally, she lowered her head, already sensing Koriand’r’s reaction through their mind link.  “Sorry.”

“Oh, I do not mind,” Koriand’r said, helping the girl get back onto the sofa. “I do not know how many ways I must convey this, but my people do not share Earth’s prudish ways. Still, perhaps do not mention it to Kara, yes?”

“You think she’d be angry?” M’gann asked worriedly as she helped pick up the popcorn.

“I do not, else I would ask that you beg for forgiveness,” Koriand’r shook her head. “But she would be embarrassed for a time.”

“I bet. I didn’t know Kryptonians could…”

“Hello Megal… ehem, I mean, hi girls,” Wally appeared at the door, his eyes taking in the situation. “Sweet, you made popcorn!”

Flashing forward, he grabbed all the ones still on the sofa and started eating them before the two girls could say anything. Still, he did grab a broom and help tidy up the room before the rest of the Titans arrived.

Kaldur entered shortly, arriving directly from Atlantis where he was helping out his still wounded King, The Aquaman had still not received a new hand and Ocean Master had become far more active because of it.

Both Kon-El and Robin arrived together, actually laughing as they entered the room and relaxed in their seats.

“So, we’re getting our first mission today huh?” Robin asked, “Anybody else really whelmed about it?”

“What? No way, really? I thought we were just getting another teacher like Detective Chimp!” Wally jumped up, pumping his fist in the air. “YES!”

“The entire team is here at night, it’s kinda obvious there’s a mission,” Robin said as he ate some of the last popcorn. “Well, glorious leader, spill. What’s this about?”

“I don’t know,” Aqualad shrugged and then looked around at the expecting faces, even M’gann and Kon-El were leaning forward in their seats. “I agreed we were ready for a mission, but we’ll be acting on information from Kori and the Justice League, she’s the one doing the briefing today.”

“Thank you, friend Kaldur,” Koriand’r nodded, floating up and towards where she had prepared her holographic projector. Adjusting her body into a more professional stance, she started. “Ahem, to be more precise, we will be acting on Supergirl’s information.”

“Ack!” Kon-El started coughing, having swallowed wrong when he heard that.

“Ugh,” Wally collapsed back on the sofa. “Say, anybody gets the feeling we should, maybe, I don’t know, skip this one?”

Everyone stopped and gave the speedster a look, causing him to scratch at the back of his neck. “Look, I’m all for proving we’re not sidekicks anymore, but maybe we should start with an easier mission, maybe from Batman? He should be more lenient with us, right?”

“No, Wally is right,” Kon-El said when he finally managed to clear his throat. “I love my cousin, but every time she’s involved with something it gets bad. League bad. And, while I hate to say it, we’re not at that level yet.”

He still remembered his fight against Lobo, the memory immediately causing both his hands to squeeze into fists as he nearly growled. Yeah, he definitely wasn’t there yet.

“Come on guys, it can’t be that bad!” M’gann tried to animate everyone, but it wasn’t having much effect.

“She does have a bad record with such things,” Robin said with a careful voice. Lifting his fingers, he started counting. “Mr. Mind, Lobo, Infinity Island going kaboom, that… thing at Salem…”

“Do not worry, I have spoken with The League and they have agreed with this mission,” Koriand’r informed them. “The Superman will also be ready to intercede in case anything happens.”

Everyone traded a quick look, but it was Robin that broke the silence again, his voice hard as he squeezed his hands into fists. “On the other hand, if the situation came from that Flying Maniac you call a cousin,, it’s likely to have something to do with them. Anything that messes with their plans is good in my books.”

Kaldur and Wally stopped, almost immediately sobering up and getting a glint in their eyes.

As they were new to the planet, much less their little group, neither M’gann, Kon-El or Koriand’r had known Speedy very well, but the three original sidekicks were greatly affected by the redhead’s death, clone or not.

As a result, all of the Titans were interested in anything to do with his passing and, while they hadn’t found everything yet, they’d learned far more than the League itself may have wanted.

They knew there was a Supervillain team working behind the scenes, one powerful enough to control the entire underworld, and they really weren’t happy with it.

“Starfire, please continue,” Aqualad said, now fully focused on the briefing.

“Yes,” Koriand’r pressed a button, showing a map of Bialya with a glowing dot near the border. “Almost a week ago, there was a massive surge of power in Bialya. Unfortunately, the situation at Salem has not allowed the League the time to look into this phenomenon.

“Information from Supergirl changes that, allowing us to know what had occurred and the League agreed to let us handle the situation,” She continued, presenting them with all the information Kara had given her and letting them read it.

The Titans were led by Kaldur, with Koriand’r as the second in command, but every one of them had their say in things, and, while Koriand’r was the one in charge of this mission, she knew how to hear her friends out.

“So, if Psimon is a psychic, should we drop Megan’s link and use Supergirl’s portal comms instead?” Wally asked, “As I understand, the signal should be weak enough that nobody can intercept it.”

“No, I think I’ve a better idea,” Kon-El said, turning towards the Martian girl with a smile.

“Alright, Psimon is wanted in several countries so, as long as we take him out of Bialya, we should be able to hand him over to any authority,” Robin said, searching for information on the computer at his wrist.

“So, first plan is to sneak inside invisible and get him before anyone notices,” Superboy said, leaning forward. “Anyone got an alternative plan when that inevitably fails?”

Ideas flew, the entirety of the Titans offering suggestions to improve their plans. Eventually, Red Tornado arrived and started helping out, offering suggestions himself.

Finally, after two hours of brainstorming where they went over every aspect of the plan, they were satisfied.

“Titans, our goal will be three-fold: rescue the New Genesphere, arrest the criminal Psimon and acquire a sample of Queen Bee’s pheromones,” Koriand’r said with a smile. “Since Bialya is a desert, I will be the one leading the ground operation. Friend Kaldur coordinating from the Bioship and acting as reinforcement.”

Koriand’r had decided to debrief the Titans an entire day before the actual operation, leaving herself plenty of time for adjustments. To rest, make preparations, choose her equipment.

With Kara as their supplier and Kon-El to make adjustments to their gear, the Titans had several advantages over the League, not the least of which was the fact they had standardized equipment and training, allowing them to operate in a generally more uniform manner.

Hours later, when they were getting into the Bioship to fly towards the mission, Kaldur stepped besides her, watching as Robin and Wally joked with each other.

“You think we covered everything?”

“Indeed, we went over all that was possible,” Koriand’r nodded, floating a few centimeters above the floor. “What remains is to hope for all the luck that is good.”

“Right, let’s hope nothing goes wrong,” Kaldur said, putting a hand on her shoulder to offer support.

Koriand’r looked at him and lifted an incredulous eyebrow. “Must you pronounce such words? Even I have consumed enough of Earth’s entertainment to know they do not usher anything good.”

Ahead of them, Robin snickered, shaking his head as he finished getting into the Bioship.

Time to start their mission.


If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Will of The Force (SFW).

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