Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 47.3 – NSFW!

So, last week I was incredebly busy, so much so that I wasn't able to post an advanced chapter on Patreon, this week I'm trying to make up for it, but I don't know if I'll be able to write everything I have to while also keeping up with college.


You guys get this Smut chapter today, and I'll probably post first part of chapter 48 in two days, with the second part coming Saturday, but I may not make it.

I always do my best on this one, so I hope you guys enjoy it!


Kara woke up feeling a soft touch on her back. Her heart nearly exploded in her chest and her muscles momentarily locked in fright as she struggled between turning around to blast whoever was attacking her and pretending to be asleep to gather information.

Then her other senses started registering in her mind, the pleasant scent of the floral soap, the familiar heartbeat, even the way the fingers traced her skin. Releasing a long breath, Kara relaxed back on the bed.

“I apologize, I did not mean to startle you Kara,” Kori whispered, sitting beside her on the bed.

“Ugh,” Kara felt her aching muscles protesting as she pushed herself on her side to glare at her friend. “Kori, I wanted to sleep until the next day.”

“It is the next day, Kara,” Kori said, using her fingers to push a strand of hair away from Kara’s face. “Please, are you feeling alright?”

Kara just groaned, she wasn’t exactly a stranger to pain anymore, but it had been a long time since she had felt, well, tired, at least for more than a few minutes. That entropy blast had really taken a toll on her.

Grabbing the blanket, Kara pulled her legs to her chest and curled into a ball, burying her face into the pillow. “Nope, my body is aching all over and I feel like I’ve just fought ten rounds with Wonder Woman, I’m staying in bed today.”

“I see, in that case I shall inform Master Diana I can not train this day,” with a light push, Kori floated away from the bed.

“Kori, wait!” Kara grasped for her girlfriend, but the Tamaranean was already beyond her reach and, despite being fully awake by the scare, she REALLY didn’t want to get up. “Ugh.”

From the door, Dexter gave her a judgemental look, his narrowed eyes telling her she shouldn’t be so lazy, or maybe he just wanted her to get up and feed him, either one of those.

Looking at her computer on the other side of the room, Kara pointed with a hand, trying to pull it closer. Unfortunately, laziness wasn’t a part of the emotional spectrum.

Giving up, Kara lowered her arm and looked through the walls, staring at the sun for a moment to see it was still early morning. Turning away from the cat, she covered her head with the blanket and attempted to fall back asleep without much success.

“I have returned!” Kori said, jumping on top of the bed.

“Nooooo,” Kara protested, feeling her coverings being pulled away in a heartless manner, turning to glare at the Tamaranean, but stopping when she realized Kori only wore a sport’s bra and a thin pair of panties. “Why?”

“After much research, I have found that performing the manipulation of soft tissues is very beneficial for such pain,” Kori explained while ignoring Kara’s glare. “Do not worry, Friend Troia has taught me how to perform such things.”

“Oh she did, huh? And just when did the two of you get such good relationship?” Kara asked, a hint of jealousy in her voice as she thought about the Amazoness touching HER girlfriend.

“We have been sparing often,” Kori answered without a hint of worry. “Now, remain in this position.”

With a fast movement, Kori straddled her back, letting Kara feel the heat from her body. A moment later, the Tamaranean had taken off Kara’s bra and spilled a thin thread of oil on her back, the cold making her draw a sharp breath.

Soon, Kara felt Kori’s warm hands starting to spread the oil on her back, pressing down on her muscles in a… very pleasant manner. Rao, she should act spoiled more often, being pampered felt great.

Unable to help herself, Kara let out a small moan as Kori’s fingers dug under her shoulder blade, pressing on a particularly bothersome ache and steadily drawing up towards her neck.

Flushing slightly, Kara felt Kori’s tights wrapped around her body, her panties getting soaked with the oil and leaving very little to the imagination. The Tamaranean’s fingers wandered all over her back, pressing down on her muscles before slowly spreading down her sides.

Kara’s breath caught in her throat when Kori caressed the side of her breasts, her touch becoming light as she traced along her mounds. Unfortunately, Kori pulled back, causing Kara to almost growl in frustration as her partner adjusted position to start on her legs.

“I… hmmm… I certainly hope you haven’t been doing this… AH… this kind of massage with Troia,” Kara said when she felt Kori cupping her ass, hands squeezing her flesh and dripping some of the cold oil on her already damp pussy.

“I have not,” Kori said, hands going down her toned legs. “On Tamaran, we do not have the same proclivity towards monogamy as on Earth or Krypton, but it is not something I would do without conferring with you Kara.”

“Mmmm… good to know.”

Finishing up with her feet, Kori started going up again, this time, gently tracing her fingers along the glistening skin as she crawled up.

Gently tickling the back of her knee, Kori sent a shiver up Kara’s pussy, causing it to contract in anticipation before she deepened her touch, tracing a line leading up along Kara’s inner thighs.

Unable to help herself, Kara’s own hand started acting, grabbing onto her own breasts and squeezing, the combined sensation causing her breathing to increase, her thighs grinding against Kori’s hands.

Suddenly, Kori drew back, causing Kara to whimper in protest. Before she could do anything about it, Kori grabbed her side, eagerly flipping her on the bed and revealing Kara’s flushed face.

Putting a hand on each side of Kara’s body, Kori leaned down and kissed her, but Kara was far too excited, flying up and pressing herself against her girlfriend, grinding their mostly naked bodies against each other, their tongues interlocking as the kiss deepened.

With only some effort, Kori pressed Kara back down and smiled. Eyes clouded with lust, Kara traced a finger down her belly, caressing the top of her pussy lips.

Kneeling over her, Kori took the chance to take off her own top, revealing her ample breasts, their tips hard and tantalizing. With her eyes, the Tamaranean followed Kara’s hand, smiling as she saw her playing with herself.

“I am glad to see you comfortable with yourself,” Kori said, lowering her body and kissing Kara’s neck, trailing her mouth up and biting her ear. “I had thought you may have not been secure with our relationship. You were far too tense the last time, yes?”

“Kori I… mmmm… I didn’t exactly have experience,” Kara confessed, feeling the Tamaranean’s hands exploring her breasts, pinching a nipple while she trailed kisses down Kara’s body. “I had never played with myself back on Krypton.”

“I understand. Do not worry, I will make sure to teach you well,” Kori said, squeezing one of her breasts with a hand while sucking on the other.

Kara felt Kori’s lips enveloping her nipple, her teeth rubbing against the skin and sending a wave of pleasure through her chest, the heat causing sweat to accumulate on her skin.

Kori’s other hand traced down, lightly touching Kara’s toned belly, sneaking it’s way under her panties and bypassing her small strip of hair to caress her clit, the swollen button sending a jolt of electricity down her core.

With expertise, Kori traced circles with her finger, drawing eager gasps from Kara as she attempted to grind her hips against the teasing girl. “Kori… ahh…”

With a light and fast movement, Kori used a finger to tap her sensitive clit, the sensation making Kara involuntarily jolt in place, her legs drawing up as her thighs squeezed together.

Finally, when Kara was desperate for release, Kori held it between her thumb and forefinger and pinched while also biting down on her nipple.

The twin spikes of both pain and pleasure were too much, making Kara bite down on her lip, her back arching up while one of her hands grabbing the bed sheets and the other grasping at the headboard, making the reinforced metal groan.

Kara had changed the materials of her bed frame in anticipation of something like this, but she still left a handprint on the metal as she came down from her first orgasm, an extremely satisfied Kori looking down on her.

Tilting her head in slight confusion, Kori frowned at Kara’s exposed chest, causing her to feel self-conscious. “What?”

“Kara, your Kryptonian ways are strange to me, but I heard some human women decide to increase their size through implants,” Kori said, a concerned look on her face. “Please, I do hope you did not think you had to change for me? I did not mind that they were small.”

“What so you…?” Kara asked with growing confusion, then the realization hit her and she groaned, her face flushing with embarrassment as she released the bed frame and covered her eyes with an arm. “Rao damned Wrath!”

“I do not understand?”

“Kori, I didn’t get breast implants,” Kara snickered, pushing herself to a sitting position so she could check herself better. “Wrath hit me with a spell and it caused me to age, this is natural.”

Looking down at her own chest, it was bigger than before, by a considerable amount. Not quite at the size of Power Girl from the comics, but she was between a C and a D right now.

“Come here,” putting a hand behind Kori’s neck, Kara drew her girlfriend closer, kissing her deeply. “I guess it’s your turn now.”

Relieved, Kori sat between Kara’s legs, one of her own thighs still tantalizingly pressed against Kara’s sex. With a mischievous smile, she shook her head. “Nay, today I have decided to indulge you.”

Despite having just had an orgasm, Kara didn’t complain as the Tamaranean slowly pushed herself back.

With a gentle touch, Kori pressed her hands under Kara’s legs and gently guided them up, taking a moment to slowly pull down her panties and throw the soaked fabric aside before moving both legs against her shoulders. Staring at Kara’s lustful eyes, Kori kissed her ankle, then slowly started to go down.

Each kiss left a spot of heat in her skin, in her calf, in her knee, in her inner thigh and drawing closer, Kara’s pussy getting soaked with anticipation as her feet slid over Kori’s shoulders to rest on her back.

Fully exposed, Kara couldn’t help feeling flustered as Kori stared at her pussy lips, her flesh glistening with excitement and the remains of her previous orgasm.

Then she felt Kori’s tongue, the feeling completely different from a finger as Kori licking over the outer lips, slowly exploring her sex, the feeling causing Kara’s toes to curl at her back.

Finally, Kori’s tongue touched her clit, causing Kara to release a small yelp, the pleasure driving her back against the headboard and her hands to grip the bed frame even harder, the metal complaining.

So much for reinforced materials.

Then Kori really started, her tongue sending waves of pleasure as she played with Kara’s sex, eating her out with such skill Kara was almost driven mad with pleasure.

“Kori!” the blonde screamed as a finger parted her lips, quickly followed by another.

Feeling both fingers curling inside her to caress her G-spot, one of Kara’s hands released the bed to grab Kori’s flaming hair, her mind unable to decide between pushing her girlfriend’s head back so she could catch her breath or pressing it down for more.

Kori’s other hand squeezed Kara’s ass, digging into the soft flesh while her mouth kissed her clitoris, fully enveloping the little nub with her lips and starting to suck. Kara went wild, unable to hold back her voice anymore as she screamed in pleasure.

With one last scream, Kara’s muscles trembled, her toes curling almost painfully as she pushed her pelvis up from the bed and into Kori’s mouth, the orgasm hitting her hard as she actually squirted, drenching Kori’s face.

Kori didn’t stop, her fingers only increasing in speed and prolonging the pleasure as she sucked on Kara’s clitoris, flickering it with her tongue as she rocked Kara’s world.

Finally, Kara collapsed bonelessly against the bed, her chest going up and down with harbored breaths, feeling exhausted once again despite just sleeping for so long.

At least she had managed to keep her voice to human levels and didn’t break any glass windows. That would have been really embarrassing.

“That was… yeah,” she gasped, words escaping her as she struggled to stay awake.

“Rest, I will clean up the bedroom,” Kori said, lifting her body up, guiding her to the sofa before putting a clean blanket on top of her.

“Thanks, I love you.”

Curling up on the sofa, Kara made up her mind to return the favor. She was just wondering if a metal dildo could survive their lovemaking or if she’d have to make something herself when she passed out.



f you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Will of The Force (SFW).

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Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, DAERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, Josh Orton, stanley seymour, AjiTae, danxzn, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph, Mike Bellavoir, Vegetables, George Dashner, MissingNote, Brendan Ferguson, Sleepymoonfox, Nisiris, Flashycow, Ryuda, Commander Miggs, Kaleb, Readaer Fall, Awais, Ty Tuttle, Juan Caballero, Daniel Aasa, Allison Jolley, Phillip Webster and Glitched Knights for supporting my work!

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