Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 3.2 – Rewrite

alright guys it seems I somehow deleted the a part of chapter 2 and didn't see it, there's no need to go back since it was only a paragraph or two about how both Kara and Kori went through medical treatment and Kori was whole and healthy again.

Damn annoying since I deleted it from my word document so it's missing in every site I posted

Kara had planned to spend quite some time exchanging her gold in pawn shops all over the world for some time now and, after her meeting with Catwoman, it was the perfect moment.


Since she could fly to anywhere on the planet, the fact that it was night wasn’t an excuse to stop.


When she finally found a city where the shops were already open, Kara was in England, which was very convenient; she only spoke two earth languages right now.


Kara spent the next three hours going from pawn shop to pawn shop, selling pieces of her gold in every city she could. Eventually, she got fed up with the activity, there had to be a better way to do this, but she hadn't thought of it yet, not without getting in contact with worse criminals than Catwoman and she wasn’t willing to do that.


On her way back, Kara couldn't help but be happy with her work. Hopefully, Catwoman wouldn't take too long to get back at her and, although she had only gotten a few thousand from each shop, she had gone to enough of them to gather almost a quarter million. It was more than enough for her expenses for the next month.


It's really a pity that people who accepted getting paid in gold were usually on the wrong side of the law; things would be so much simpler if that wasn't the case.


Arriving back to Fawcett City, Kara committed her first mistake, she let her guard down. The entire time, she had been flying under the radar, keeping her senses focused so she could avoid anyone getting a good look at her while moving too fast for most people to even see her figure, but she was almost home so, she relaxed.


Kara collided with a wide chest floating right in front of her, bouncing off and almost hitting a building before recovering her balance.


Captain Marvel stood in front of her. Almost two meters tall and with a wide chest, the brunette looked to be around twenty five, with perfect hair and well defined muscles filling his skintight red outfit, a white cape hanging over his right shoulder.


He looked hot as hell and, for a moment, Kara hoped this version of him was already grown up but, since she hadn't heard anything of the marvel family, she didn't find it very likely… a pity.


"Ahem, hello there." He said with a charismatic smile. Kara could even see the shine in his teeth.


"Hi….?" She made the greeting sound more like a question before looking around. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?"


"Ah no, no, you've done nothing wrong miss." He said embarrassed before scratching at his neck. "It's just… I don't see someone flying in this city everyday."


"Oh really?" Kara answered and leaned closer to the man before lowering her voice. "Are you making a pass on me?"


"No! No, of course not! Ah, not that I wouldn't… And you are very beautiful… Ugh, that's not what I meant." He floated back, his face going red as an apple as he desperately tried to justify his actions and immediately looking several years younger. "I mean… haaa."


Yep, definitely still the kid version, Kara thought and sighed in her mind. With a smile, she laughed at him.


"Don't worry, I was just kidding, come on let's get inside." She motioned for the young hero to follow her since they were very close to her loft. "I don't actually want to draw too much attention and hanging out with a hero isn't very stealthy."


"Of course miss, lead the way." He recovered from his flustered moment and waited for her to gain some distance before whispering to himself. "Stupid, stupid, this is Beautia all over again."


Kara couldn't resist, the best Kryptonian power had to be her ability to mess with people, because she really loved it. "I heard that. You know."


"Ugh." The Captain stumbled in the air, but recovered almost instantly, closing his mouth before he said something else incriminating.


Flying fast enough nobody would have time to take a picture, Kara entered her own flat through an open window and settled down, waiting until Captain Marvel followed her in, looking around himself curiously.


Taking of her jacket, Kara threw herself down on the sofa and opened her boots before kicking them away, revealing her metal leg. "So, what exactly did you want from me?"


"Sorry, I'm really not used to new supers just inviting me over." He said while searching for a place to sit. "They usually just want to kill me, you know?"


Kara sighed. The kid looked so earnest right now, she couldn't keep her distance. Floating up from the sofa she made her way towards the kitchen. "Fine, come on, I think my roommate left some chocolate cake in the fridge."




"Cake, you want it?"


"... Yes." Captain Marvel was initially wary of the food, but Kori always took her food very seriously and always bought the best cakes in the city, so he soon forgot about him worries. "You know, this is turning out far better than I expected."


"Yeah, I'm not much for starting fights with superheroes." Kara said and pointed at him with her fork. "Besides, my roommate is a fan. She'd be mad if I beat you."


"Alright, so… What are you doing in the city?" He finally asked between bites of cake.


"It's more or less where I landed." Kara poured herself some milk and offered it to the superhero who nodded happily.


"You're an alien then?" He asked while lying back against the chair and wiping his mouth with his sleeve.


"Yep, don't worry, I'm just here to meet one of my relatives and won't cause any problems."


Turned out, Captain Marvel was a pretty okay guy. He accepted her answer fairly easily and they spent the next half an hour just talking with each other with. Him telling her about his fights with Doctor Sivana or Black Adam, while she spoke a little about her life on Krypton, without revealing any details of course.


"Hi, Kara, you home already!?" Amber shouted from the entrance. "Ouch, watch it, Kori!"


"I am sorry, Friend Amber." Kori floated towards the kitchen, her arms filled with grocery bags, and then she froze, her eyes going impossibly wide while looking at Captain Marvel. "X'hal's breath! I am your biggest fan!"


Kori flashed in front of the Captain and proceeded to fly around him like an over excited bee. "Curiosity abounds! Please, who is your greatest enemy, why do you call out Shazam, who is stronger, you or Superman, do you like cookies, may I have an autograph?"


"I… Whoa, that's a lot of questions." He said to try and buy himself some time while the orange girl continued to buzz about.


Kori threw the shopping bags on the kitchen’s counter, spilling out an intimidating assortment of snacks before grabbing a bag filled with cookies and dragging the Captain by his arm, surprising him with her strength. "Of course you like cookies, what kind of terrible creature would not, yes? Please, have you ever eaten the strawberry flavored ones, the geniuses of your Earth knows no bounds, to be able to invent something so divine!"


Kara shook her head at the scene. The huge man couldn’t resist and was physically dragged towards the living room where a new girlish scream came from Amber herself.


Looking at all the bags, Kara sighed. Kori had probably bought a lot of ice cream again, so she better start organizing things before they melted.


Kara finished putting away the groceries when it hit her. "Shit, I knew the cake was too much."

Flying past a laughing Kori playing arm wrestling with Captain Marvel, Kara dashed into the bathroom without anyone noticing and proceeded to spill her guts out. Thankfully, she remembered to keep her hair out of the way, but her stomach was hurting like hell.


Once again, Kara cursed the Psions with every fiber of her being while spilling what little food she had managed to keep. Really, she was very thankful that Kryptonians under a yellow sun ate more out of habit than necessity.


Taking her clothes off, Kara took a long bath, making sure to clean her face especially hard. Her missing eye still bothered her and she knew she should make a prosthetic, if only to fix her problem with depth perception, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Somehow, a missing eye was harder to face than a leg.


Using one of the Psion's medical devices, she made sure to check her health to see how the constant exposure to the yellow sun was affecting her. The device was far too primitive to truly diagnose Kryptonian DNA, but it still gave her a base to work from.


Kara sighed; her missing limb and eye really had stopped healing. It seems like even the effects of sunlight had limits and her body had reached them. At least her insides were still recovering, if slowly. Kara felt slightly better every day that passed, but it would still take a long time until she was fine.


In a bout of anger, Kara almost punched the wall, but managed to stop herself and take some deep breaths. The Psions were gone, she was on Earth, she was safe... she was safe.


Kara finished her bath and put on a robe before briefly glancing at Captain Marvel, The hero was still being bombarded with questions by Kori and Amber. Kara smiled, both Kori and the Captain seemed to be having a lot of fun.


Too tired to interact with them, she went to the bedroom and took the time to check her phone. She knew Catwoman wouldn't have called her so soon, but she couldn't help but hope.


Nth metal would fix a lot of her problems.


Throwing herself on the bed, Kara knew she should get changed, but she just didn't care, before long she had passed out.

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