Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 29.2

My hate knows no bounds! Another Rao damned 1 star review!

Thankfully, it didn't really affect my ratings, but I can't help but be annoyed🤬😡

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Kal didn’t approve, but he didn’t stop them either and, four hour later, all three of them floated far above a building in metropolis, under one of Kara’s optical camouflage.


Kara had to make some changes to the Fog, put some restrictions so it couldn’t damage organics, optimizing its AI and programming it so the micro-robots would go directly for important servers, only destroying things like concrete and metal when it was absolutely needed in order to carve a patch towards any electronics.


Green Arrow was using his tactical gear, holding a black compound bow, a quiver filled with Kara’s own arrows at his waist and the Fog’s cylinder safely attached to his back. The archer hadn’t said much since finding out about Red Arrow, gritting his teeth and playing with his arrows.


With a nod, Green Arrow jumped down, falling towards Lexcorp main building at an astonishing speed, his body still invisible to most forms of observation.


Ten meters above the building, he activated his thrusters, slowing his fall just enough that his gear could absorb the impact of his knees hitting the top of the building. Acting fast, Green Arrow released the Fog, watching as cloud of microscopic devices dug a small hole through the floor and infiltrated the building.


Floating invisibly above the building, Kara started typing. Less than a minute later, the Fog had breached LexCorp’s security giving her access to all of their files and defenses.


About a minute and a half later, the Fog finally dug into some important servers, ones protected by more than just mundane tech. Some of the robots were fried with some kind of electromagnetic pulse, but the vast majority was able to disable the defenses.


“Green Arrow, hostiles are aware of your situation, three minutes until they get to the rooftop.” Kara whispered while watching a few security guards trying to fight the fog, to no effect.


Mercy Graves burst through the rooftop’s door and immediately rolled aside, dodging an arrow that hit the guard behind her before expanding into a dense block of foam that barred the door. Turning towards Green Arrow, the woman lifted her arm which was already turning into some kind of cannon.


Green Arrow didn’t let her; a second arrow hit her atop the elbow, piercing through the thinner armor there before discharging an EMP that caused her arm to go limp.


Mercy reacted quickly, immediately ripping the arrow away and pulling out a pistol, she attempted to shot at Green Arrow.


The hero was having none of that. With yet a third arrow, he hit the barrel of the gun and caused it to fly away from her fingers. Dropping the bow, Green Arrow rushed her while pulling out his sword.


Mercy’s arm was truly top of the line, it was able to reboot completely in less than a minute. She tried to shot him again, and watched with gritted teeth as the energy blast went wide. 


With a single step to the side at the right moment, Green Arrow let the energy shot fly harmlessly towards the horizon. He didn’t give Mercy time for a second shot, shortening the gap between then with a single leap and delivering a devastating overhead strike.


Mercy tried to block it, lifting her metal prosthetic in from of her body, but the sword cleaved right through the metal with barely any resistance, cutting through Mercy’s meticulous business suit and opening a giant gash from her shoulder to hip.


The minion fell to her back, out of breath, her blood soaking her clothes at an alarming rate.


Standing beside her, Green Arrow pointed the tip of his sword towards her heart. Slowly, the weapon tipped down and started to dig into her flesh.


Kara sensed Kal tensing beside her, his muscles straining to contain his power, but he remained in place, arms crossed in front of his chest.


“I thought you’d interfere?”


Kal turned towards her, uncrossing his arms he shook them and attempted to relax, but eventually gave up and just sighed. “I trust him.”


“Are you mad at me?” Kara turned away from the surveillance and meet Kal’s eyes. “For killing Faust I mean.”


“No. I’m mad, but it’s not at you, not really.” Scratching at his neck, Kal looked back towards the LexCorp building. “Are you willing to accompany me next week? I think I need to show you something.”


“Yes.” She nodded almost immediately. It wasn’t like following him would be a shore for her. And Kara needed a break from dealing with things.


Green Arrow glanced at his sword, his arm was steady as always, but he didn’t seem able to continue. With a snort of disgust, he pulled the sword away and snapped it to the side, getting rid of the blood on it.


“Who-Who are you.” Mercy gurgled, blood flowing through her mouth.


“You can call me Minion three.” Green Arrow opened a compartment on his costume and pulled out a needle. Kicking Mercy’s remaining hand aside; he applied it to her neck, and then sprayed her wound with some foam.


The needle was a healing agent made, weirdly enough, by CADMUS. It only accelerated healing a little bit, but it should be enough to keep her alive, while the biodegradable foam sealed her wound and stopped the bleeding.


A minute later, three drones floated up from the side of the building. They were large things, equipped with a pair of machine guns and three missiles each.


Before they could even aim correctly, an arrow pierced right through the vulnerable gaps on their armor. Each Arrow actually held one of Kara’s micro drones and, once inside their armor, with direct access to their hardware, the devices were able to hack them fairly easily.


Soon, three discarded drones were stationed in front of the rooftop’s door, further blocking any reinforcements from arriving.


“Retrieving the Fog.” Green Arrow warned them over the comms while a cloud of machines spilled out from inside the building. “What’s next?”


As soon as the Fog entered the cylinder, Kara started accessing their information, using keywords to find anything suspicious. Soon, she smiled. “I have the next location.”


The defenses on Luthor’s private bunker were a little more impressive, but they still couldn’t block the fog, or Green Arrow.


Still, on the third target, Kara was left with only half of the Fog, Luthor’s defenses slowly chipping away at the amounts she had available.


Kal followed her, keeping watch on the entire operation without saying anything.


Kara gave the ok and watched as Minion 3 physically infiltrated Luthor’s forth building. With only 48% of the fog left, she wanted him to disable some of their defenses.


The hero didn’t protest.


Kara was just about to start planning an assault on Luthor’s private house when Kal held her shoulder and shook his head.


Lifting an eyebrow, Kara looked at him. “I thought you’d stop me earlier. So, going after his private property is too much for you?”


“Not exactly.” Kal floated closer to her and used some of her drones to form a shield before sitting down on one of them. “I just don’t think going after another target will get you any new information, and we have given them enough time to prepare against us.”


Kara checked the clock. With their speed and access to the Zeta-Tube network, all four attacks had only taken a little over an hour, just enough time for people to realize she was attacking them, and possibly predict her next move.


“Yeah, I think I got what I needed anyway.” Kara sat down beside Kal, her legs swinging freely under the shield. “I-I didn’t think you’d be alright with this kind of action.”


“Kara, you seem to be mistaken about something. I stand for many things, truth, justice, hope, life, liberty, the ability to dream and pursue happiness…” He looked down as Green Arrow finished eliminating the base’s automatic defenses and releasing the Fog. “What I don’t stand for are laws. Not that they aren’t important, because they definitely are, but vigilantism was against the law when I first dressed like a strongman and started saving people.”


Kara stopped moving her legs, her eyes focusing fully on Green Arrow.


The hero was utterly exhausted, sweat dripping from his face in copious amounts, he could barely pull the string of his compound bow, but he still managed to retrieve the Fog before anyone could intercept him.


“You think I did the right thing?” Kara turned towards Kal, but she already knew the answer.


“I think your heart was in the right place.” Kal sighed, pushing himself up, he offered her a hand. “I really wish you hadn’t felt the need to kill Faust, but I understood why you did it. I don’t agree with it, but I understand.”


“Thanks, that means a lot.” Kara took his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet.


Despite everything, Kara smiled. Talking with Kal had lifted a weight off her chest, and the information gathered with the Fog was invaluable. She couldn’t wait to leak all of Luthor’s misdeeds. Let’s see the slippery bastard get out of this.


f you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox, Chaos, Rootbeerguy and High Priest of Torga  for supporting my work!

Thanks again for Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter.

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