Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 25.2 – Interlude 3

Heya, there'll be another interlude after this one, after that we'll be back to the Usual Kara chapters.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


Koriand’r and Superboy watched closely as the robots located every objective they had: Kobra himself was overlooking the operation, and there were at least four Kobra-Venom enhanced on the factory alone. Still, there were places deep within the factory they dared not infiltrate remotely.

“Crap, I hate when the villains are smart.” Robin cursed as he looked at the computer on his wrist. “They don’t keep any important information on the local servers.”

“Alright, remember, capturing Kobra is the primary mission.” Aqualad informed them through their communication devices.

That had been one of the first lessons The Atom and The Green Lantern had given them. As some of the only heroes who had been representatives of a military not focused on individual prowess, they had been an indispensable constituent of the Titan’s initial training.

“Yeah, yeah, we all remember the debriefing.” Robin huffed. He was far too accustomed to working with The Batman. Having to communicate his actions was both inefficient and unfamiliar to him.

“Control, we will start the mission in one minute.” Koriand’r informed The Red Tornado. Being the one responsible for monitoring the mission, Koriand’r held her breath and looked at the enemies locations one final time.

She gave them the signal. “Proceed!”

All four attacked at the same time, each one responsible for a few guards. Their enemies’ surprise was total, and the attack left no chance for any escape, or even the raising of the alarms. A second later, Supergirl’s holographic devices were thrown on the ground and immediately started replicating the guard’s movements for the last minute, making sure none could notice their attack, at least not with a simple glance.

Koriand’r gripped the edge of her seat tightly and leaned forward, her heart pounding against her chest. She did not know having to act as overwatch could be so exhilarating!

“All targets neutralized, proceed.” Superboy said on his comms. He too had to relax his grip on the dented chair.

Poor bioship, Koriand’r hoped she could not feel pain from such a small location. Then she gasped, had she just been pinching it? She really disliked when Komand’r pinched her. “Apologies.” She whispered while gently patting her seat.

Using the drone images, Koriand’r and Superboy guided the four Titans through the facility, utilizing the holographic projectors to delay their discovery for as long as possible.

“I’ve located a shipment of Kobra-Venom, it seems ready for delivery.” Robin called out over his comms.

Turning her head towards his screen, Koriand’r frowned. A large quantity of Kobra-Venom was neatly packed and ready for transportation, too large to be distributed locally.

Typing fast, Koriand’r opened a screen with the information Robin had been able to hack from the local servers. There really was no immediately important information, but there were records of an increase in security and change in guard locations every week at the same time.

Koriand’r quickly sent the information to the four of them and got up, crossing her fingers, she stretched her tense arms above her head, then behind herself and bent down. With how much tighter the security was going to get, Koriand’r knew she and Superboy would have to intervene.

“What’re you doing?” Superboy asked with an uncertain voice.

“I always observe proper stretching techniques.” She answered and grabbed her leg, pulling her feet up to her back, pressing her chest forward. “Come, Friend Superboy, join me.”

“What do you think it means?” Kid Flash asked while punching out a minion and setting another holographic dummy.

“A sale.” Robin answered, his voice becoming more animated by the second. “Come on, not only can we capture Kobra, we can get one of his buyers too. I’m really feeling the aster here!”

“Friend Robin, I do not see any flowers from the surveillance drones.” Koriand’r commented as she finished her stretches.

“What?” Everyone asked in confused voices.

“Please, were you speaking of the cellular structure then? But, there must be so many, to be able to feel them…”

“No, I mean, aster as in, the opposite of disaster…” Robin explained in a frustrated voice.

“I… did not know the vernacular could be used in such a way.” Koriand’r mumbled while blushing. She would have to search for the idiom later. Friend Robin was most confusing.

The mission continued, Miss Martian acting as lookout to keep anyone from noticing while Kid flash installed explosive devices on the factory’s machines and Robin searched Kobra’s documentations and personal computers, trying to find proof of other villain’s involvement.

They had discussed simply disabling the produced drug supply, but, even without Kobra or Bane, the factory could still be used to restart Venom production, it was best to destroy it all.

Also, Robin did enjoy blowing up things.

Finally, a drone caught sight of an approaching helicopter, also, Kobra himself appeared. Flanked by two Kobra-Venom users, the cult leader left the building and walked calmly towards the Helipad.

“Main Target located.” Superboy informed everyone. All four heroes quickly dropped what they were doing and converged on Kobra’s location.

Robin just disappeared from view, his new stealth suit allowing his impressive skills to reach a new level. Aqualad threw a holographic display and hid inside it, a second later, Kid flash slid into place beside him.

“Alright, how’re we going to do this?” He asked.

“Starfire, Superboy, how long until you arrive?” Aqualad asked.

“The bioship is already floating above the factory.” Superboy replied, cracking his neck, he and Koriand’r stood in the middle of the ship and prepared to open the hatch.

“Have we identified the buyer?”

“We have not. The drones do not have a good view of the helicopter.” Koriand’r informed them. She commanded one of the drones to approach, but the wind was disturbing its flight. “I could try and approach, but the drone’s stealth can not overcome the harsh wind.”

“Hello Megan! I’ll try to take a look myself.” Using her powers to camouflage her body, Miss Martian started approaching the helicopter from the air.

“Miss Martian!” Aqualad grumbled under his breath, but it was too late.

Kobra lifted an eyebrow and glanced up for a second. He took another three steps and then wiped his arm up, throwing a dagger exactly where Miss Martian was floating. Miss Martian was able to react in time, but the dagger still pierced her shoulder and she dropped her camouflage.

“Eliminate her!” Kobra shouted in anger, but he didn’t move himself. Lifting his arm, Kobra spoke at a device on his wrist. “Nothing must disturb us, activate the jammers.”

A batarang flew through the air towards Kobra, but one of his bodyguards blocked it with an arm. With a beep, the batarang exploded and covered them with a cloud of smoke, obscuring their visions.

“Attack!” Aqualad ordered, and that was the last thing he managed to say before their comms stopped working.

Miss Martian, mentally connect us!” Koriand’r shouted in her mind and ordered the bioship to open her doors.

I-I… just a moment!” Miss Martian shouted back, she pulled the dagger out of her shoulder and hid behind the factory while using her shape-shifting to heal the wound.

Grabbing the edge of the door, Superboy looked around and located one of the large Kobra-Venom guards rushing towards Aqualad’s location. Pushing against the ship, he caused it to swing around in the air while he pounced on the giant man, smashing his entire body on the floor and causing the earth to shake under their combined prowess.

Koriand’r dropped out of the ship and floated in the air for a second to access things. The situation on the ground was chaotic, but she decided to focus on the helicopter which was turning aside to reveal a giant artillery piece.

Koriand’r shot a starbolt at the weapon, but the metal proved far more resistant than she had believed. A wave of bullets hit the ground causing it to explode in a shower of gravel.

Kid Flash had been waving between cultists, utilizing his celerity to steal their weapons and disable the lesser minions, but he stumbled on the impaired floor and fell down.

Another three shots of her starbolts disabled the aircraft’s munitions and Koriand’r turned her face to the ground again.

Suddenly, a javelin flew towards her right from the helicopter she had already dismissed. Koriand’r reacted fast and floated aside. With lightning-fast reflexes, she grabbed the projectile midair and twirled it in her hand before throwing it back with all her strength.

It had barely left her hand before it exploded, only a few centimeters away from her body. The shockwave sent her hurtling right into the factory building, bursting through the roof and into the steel beams.

A little help here!” Kid Flash's desperate voice shouted in Koriand’r’s head.

Kinda busy!” Robin yelled and Kori could feel his concentration. “This is totally not whelming!

Miss Martian, support Superboy before he’s overcome. Starfire, help Kid flash!” Aqualad's voice overcame the chatter in their minds. “I’ll help with Kobra.”

Koriand’r was already moving. She burst through the factory’s wall and took in the scene again. Robin was desperately fighting Kobra, but it was clear the cult leader was stronger and more skilled.

Superboy was facing four Kobra-Venom cultists. He was stronger and faster than then, but the cultists were more skilled, and the half-Kryptonian was getting overwhelmed by their attacks.

Kid Flash was also struggling with two Kobra-Venom cultists, and there were several people trying to shoot him. Usually, he could run circles around them, but his fall seemed to have contused his ankle, and he was far slower.

Koriand’r narrowed her eyes, “Leave, him, alone!” she growled, shooting the closest Kobra-Venom cultist with a green starbolt before slamming into the second one with a knee to the face.

Bullets pinged against her skin with bruising strength, but Koriand’r ignored them to fight the enhanced. Despite their size and appearance, they were competent martial artists.

“Thanks!” Kid Flash shouted.

What about the buyers! “ Robin shouted in their minds, but Koriand’r could feel Aqualad shaking his head.

Priorities! Disabling Kobra is our main concern.”

Focusing on the Kobra enhanced, Koriand’r weaved between their blows and hit them. Unfortunately, she had never personally battled a chemically enhanced regular human and didn’t know how resistant they were.

Without the heavy hitters, Kid Flash was able to disable the remaining cultists, allowing Robin and Aqualad to fully focus on Kobra without having to worry about stray bullets.

When Koriand’r finally subdued her enemies, she saw the aircraft starting to fly up with the latest delivery of Kobra-Venom. A blonde man wearing a metal mask was supervising the lift off while using projectiles such as darts and javelins to assist Kobra.

The cult leader himself seemed to be trying to escape, but Kid Flash had joined the fight and, together, they were keeping the man from running away.

Koriand’r rushed towards the masked man, throwing starbolts at him to stop him from helping Kobra. Reaching him, they started fighting. The man was incredibly skilled, and he knew to avoid her blows instead of blocking them.

They danced around each other as Koriand’r disabled his weapons. Shooting a starbolt from her eyes, Koriand’r forced him to duck under the blast and leave himself open for a kick to the chest.

He tried to block her kick with an arm, but her strength blew right through it and hit his armor. At the very last second, the man had jumped up so that his body flew back.

Koriand’r was just about to follow him when she heard the beep coming from her leg. It exploded with incredible power for a device so small, sending her flying back.

She reoriented herself quickly, only a slight burn on her leg. But the aircraft was already flying away, the man hanging from a rope connected to a harness at his waist, one of his arms broken while the other held his wounded chest.

Koriand’r shot a starbolt at him but the helicopter swirled aside at the last moment and someone inside shot a missile at her. A second starbolt blew it up but, by the time Koriand’r could see again, the helicopter was already far away.

She flew after it, she was just about to start hurling bolts again when the vehicle revealed another compartment. In a second, the aircraft shot three dozen smaller missiles towards where the Titans were still fighting. Koriand’r did not even stop to think, letting the helicopter escape in order to intercept the projectiles.

He’s gonna make a run for it!” Robin shouted in all of their minds, as Kobra looked around and finally bought himself some space.

Throwing a bomb to the floor, Kobra caused a large black cloud to rise around them.

No he isn’t!” Kid Flash shouted. Already warned by Robin, he quickly ran around their location and used the generated wind to disperse the cloud.

Kobra had made surprising progress in his escape even in that short time. Keeping close to the ground like an ophidian he had almost literally been trying to scurry away, but the cloud dispersed too soon and both Miss Martian and Superboy were already blocking his path.

The two heroes were a little battered, Superboy’s costume had several dents in it, but they had proved superior to the Venom enhanced cultist they had fought.

Koriand’r finished destroying the missiles and floated down to face the cult leader. Kobra took a look at the Titans and gave a resigned sigh. Straightening his back, he lifted his arms with a smirk on his face. “I surrender.”

“No shit.” Kid Flash said.

Robin just threw another batarang at the man’s face. Kobra grabbed the weapon midair and it released a small green cloud, causing the cult leader to collapse face first to the floor. Everyone looked at him.

“What? It’s safer this way.” He shrugged.

“Pity the buyer escaped.” Kid Flash sighed. “And they took so much of the drug too.”

“About that,” Robin smirked. Pressing a button on his wrist he deactivated the holographic displays revealing all the disabled cultists, and also revealing a large quantity of the Kobra-Venom dumped to the side of the factory. “Since they had already prepared the drug for transport so conveniently, I thought it best to move it away for the moment.”

“So, what did they carry away?” Miss Martian touched down on the floor and asked.

“A tracker.” He snickered. “Well, I also had to fill it with some random crap for weight, and a holographic device to keep the disguise.”

“Nice!” Kid Flash lifted his hand in the air and Robin high-fived it.

 “Do you think they’ll check on the drugs before arriving at their location?” Superboy asked, making them all trade glances.

“Communications are still blocked.” Aqualad informed them after checking.

“I’ll contact the mountain!” Miss Martian called and hurried towards the Bioship.

“I’ll look for the signal blocker.” Kid Flash ran towards the Factory.

“Hey,” Robin called for Koriand’r’s attention. “You don’t think Supergirl is gonna be mad I let the villains take some of her devices? I know Batman hates when that happens.”

“Do not worry, Friend Robin. Supergirl has installed assorted means of self termination in all of her devices.” Koriand’r nodded with a smile. “It will most likely explode after some time, or if they attempt to study it. She will not care.”

Robin and Aqualad traded unease glances then looked at their own costumes and the teleporting devices at each other's backs. “Now, when you say it will explode, do you mean the…”

“Come, Friend Robin, this is a victory and I was informed that, after victories, it is custom to do the partying!” Koriand’r grabbed Kobra by his coat and hoisted him onto her shoulders. “I am most eager to have some mustard with pizza on the bottom!”

The mustard party was magnificent, and it became even better when The Batman informed them the League had been able to pursue the signal. The villainous enemy Koriand’r had faced was identified as Sportsmaster and had been arrested by Wonder Woman herself.

They had also found a most villainous sanctuary where animals were being experimented on in India, a member of the UN charter, so the Justice League had been able to interfere. The Batman suspected the villain, The Brain, to have been involved but the mastermind had still escaped.

Feeling somewhat enervated, Koriand’r arrived home, and that very prospect already brought a smile to her face. Taking a quick shower, Koriand’r paused in front of Kara’s room.

The blond was already sleeping, her body in a fetal position, her arm curled under the pillow. She had a frown on her face and her entire body shook. Dexter stood on top of her body, his claws kneading at her shoulders.

Stepping inside the bedroom, Koriand’r sat down on the bed and, carefully, laid beside her best friend. Kara did not wake up.

“You are safe now.” She whispered at Kara’s ears and, when her friend’s hand grabbed at her shirt, Koriand’r lay down on the bed beside Kara and held her tightly against her body until the girl stopped shaking.

Koriand’r felt the cat curling into a ball between their bodies and smiled. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.     


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox, Chaos and Rootbeerguy  for supporting my work!

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