Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 17.1

The next day she woke up late, taking a few minutes, she stretched her limbs and took a quick shower before looking for Kori, but the girl had already left the house, her training keeping her busy almot every day.


She decided to start her day by visiting her cousin while he was at work and finally get her documentation in order before she started recruiting again.


And maybe get his permission to look at the Fortress military tech too while she was at it.


Also, she wanted an excuse to see the famous Daily Planet and meet Lois Lane.


She also had to get her power armor ready, even if it was only the civilian version.


She had thought she could get by as a normal human, but Detective Chimp had guessed her powers with barely a glance so she didn't want to risk meeting anyone else without hiding her identity.


As she stepped out of the Zeta-tube in Metropolis she made a note to see if she couldn't crack the teleportation network and make her own version. It was just too convenient.


She'd probably get rich enough to be able to buy the entire LexCorp if she made teleportation affordable to the common people. That, or get assassinated by the transport industry.


She smiled as she saw the enormous skyscraper with the globe rotating on top of it marking the headquarters of the Daily Planet.


Kara walked through the doors and paused to look at the building’s interior.


The entrance was an enormous open floor with panels showing prize winning reports written by the journal’s own reporters, dozens of workers walking purposefully to and from the stairs and elevators.


From behind her, a young man came running inside the building. Kara heard him approach and stepped to the side, but the guy still managed to hit her back and bounce off, falling on his ass.


"Hey." She scolded, turning around to see a young redhead with a photograph camera around his neck.


"Sorry, I didn't notice you…" he sheepishly apologized as he looked at her face and flushed.


Kara smirked, she hadn't been bad looking in her last life, but she did enjoy her new and improved looks too.


Extending a hand, she helped pull the young man to his feet. 


"Thanks. Jimmy Olsen, photographer," he introduced himself as his flush faded. Checking his camera to see if it was still okay, the man looked back at her. "Sorry for running into you."


"Don't worry about it." So, this was her cousin's famous friend, he was surprisingly cute. "You know, maybe you could help me find my cousin?"


"I'm sorry, who are you again?" He asked in confusion.


"I'm Kara Danvers, Clark's cousin." She introduced herself as the two of them walked further into the building and stopped blocking the doors.


"What? I didn't know Clark had any more family!" He exclaimed in surprise, clearly confused by the way things were turning out. "You're talking about Clark Kent right?"


"Yep, you know Clark's adopted right? I'm his biological cousin." Usually she wouldn't be so open, but she was in a great mood and felt like she knew the man from the comics. "We reconnected a few weeks ago."


"Huh, you know what, sure. Come on." He pressed the button to call for an elevator and turned towards her with a smile. "So, are you his only family, or is there a whole Clark clan out there?"


Kara thought about the question, and about both Kon and Match, then avoided his eyes and shrugged. "It's… complicated, I guess it'd be better to ask Clark about that."


"Yeah, I get that; don't wanna step on his toes or something right?" He nodded and dropped the subject.


"Hey, what kind of photos do you take? Is it just people for the Planet?"


"Yeah, I mostly take photos to go with the articles, but I love to take art photos and nature shots."


"No nudes?" She teased, causing the young man to swallow wrong and start to cough away from her, his face becoming red.


Heh, teasing people was surprisingly fun.


When the doors finally opened, a flustered Jimmy practically ran away from the enclosed space, buying himself time for his embarrassment to fade.

Using her vision Kara looked through the walls until she found her cousin bent over a table, discussing an article with Lois and an older male inside a private room.

Kara smiled, she just knew he’d be with Lois.

“You alright Jimmy?” She asked as she patted his back.

As soon as she spoke, Kal’s head twitched, then he briefly turned towards her, even through the walls she saw him giving her a small smile and motion for her to wait before turning back to Lois to finish their talk.

“I’m fine.” He said and glared at her, but there was no heat to it. “Come on, Clark should be at his desk right now.”

She followed him inside the building, entering a wide open space filled with individual desks; Jimmy frowned when he didn’t see Kal anywhere in sight.

“Come on, which desk is his?” Jimmy looked at her eyes for a second, but shook his head.

“Sorry, could you just… wait over there.” He pointed to a comfortable waiting chair close to the wall. He was still in a hurry, but didn’t want to just leave her alone at Clark’s desk without supervision.

“Sure, I sent a message right before I arrived so he should be here soon anyway.” She lied, glancing back towards Kal, she saw he was almost done with the discussion and decided to wait on her feet.

Jimmy seemed conflicted, looking between her and a room further inside the building. “I’m really sorry to just ditch you like that without Clark, but I really am late.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Kara waved his concern away with a smile and watched him dash away towards his employer.

Not even a minute later Kal left the room, followed by Lois Lane. Miss Lane seemed completely distracted by something she was reading, but Kal motioned for her to come over as they walked towards their desks.

“Kara, good to see you!” he gave her a hug and turned towards Lois as the reporter raised an eyebrow and looked at him suspiciously. “Lois, this is Kara Danvers, the cousin I told you about. Kara, this is Lois Lane, one of the Planet’s star reporters.”

“So you’re the famous cousin?” She took a moment to look Kara from top to bottom with a critical eye. “Yeah, I can see the resemblance. Weren’t you in the hospital?”

Lois seemed to be really suspicious of Kara, her gaze never leaving Kara’s face, as if searching for any signs of guilt.

Kara couldn’t blame the woman, a new relative turning up out of nowhere with a medical emergency was suspicious even on her previous world, much less this one that was filled with supervillains and other ridiculous plots.

“I got better, still have to get treatment, but I don’t have to stay in the hospital anymore.”

“Expensive treatment, I take it?” The reporter squinted her eyes, her feet tapping against the ground as she thought Kara was taking advantage of her… wait, were they already married?

Kara remembered they had a son together but, since the focus was never on Superman, she didn’t remember in which season they’d gotten together.

“Lois! Don’t be like that.” Clark begged while covering his eyes with a hand.

“It’s fine Clark, I can see why your girlfriend would be worried.” Kara patted Clark’s back causing him to trip, almost dropping the papers on his hand. “And I guess you could say it’s expensive, but I have the money.”

“Oh, tell me more.” Lois tried to shoulder Kal away and get to her, but her cousin grabbed her by the shoulders and gently guided her away.

“Lois, she’s not here for an interview.” Lois frowned at him, but still let him guide her towards her desk.

“Fine, I’ll drop it.” Rolling up one of the papers in her hand, she used it to hit him in the forehead to show her displeasure before walking away. “But don’t you dare do that again or there will be consequences, Smallville.”

Kal had a small smile on his face as he watched her go, then he turned towards Kara’s smirking face. “Not that I’m complaining but, what’re you doing here Kara?”

“Getting my documents back, mostly. I’m just starting to get my life in order and I kinda need them to even get started.” She told him as she continued to look around the place with interest. “By the way, you and Lois? I tentatively approve.”

Kara still hadn’t had time to properly get to know Lois Lane, but what little she had seen was promising. The woman did seem to care about Kal and was very protective of someone she thought was taking advantage of him.

“Things with Lois are… complicated.” He told her as he guided her towards his table, “I actually brought everything here since I was thinking of finding you later today.”

Pulling one of the drawers, Kal handed her a thick folder, Kara took only a few seconds to check everything, but she trusted him and Batman to have things in order.

It seems that things would be even easier than she had first thought; her new identity already had an established tech company in her name, one that was seeing at least moderate success in the communication field.

Kara smiled, she could finally start her tech company.


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW)

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao and Ian Michael for supporting my work!

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