Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 13.2

I don't usualy do recomendations, I'm not big enough for that and I have a problem remembering the names of fics I read.

However, I just realized one of my readers was actualy an author I follow for a long time now: Ioriangel has writen The Raptor of Life. I started reading it on another plataform, but she posts here too.

I had already writen the first 3 or 4 chapters of this fic (I had to stop writing for a long time then) when I first found her fic so... I can't say my story is inspired on it, but, if you like my fic, I'm sure you're gonna enjoy hers too, they have similar concepts.



It took some time to finally reach Star City, Batman hadn’t actually left her an address but, with how good her hearing was, a little bit of concentration was all she needed to sense him and Green Arrow talking on an empty rooftop.

She gently stepped into the roof and saw both heroes waiting for her there, Batman was busy reading something on his communicator, but Green Arrow was pacing from one side to the other, his arms crossed and his fingers digging into his skin in a way Kara was sure would have drawn blood had he not been wearing gloves.

“You’re here,” the Bat simply said as he glanced at her. “Speedy should be here in half an hour.”

“Why would he come here?”

“Across the street is one of Brick’s bases of operation… Speedy is trying to gather information on his activities and will be here to install monitoring devices.” Green Arrow said as he finally stopped pacing and scratched at his tired face with both hands. “He’s still using some of my supply spots for equipment.”

“So, are we just capturing him them?”

“You’re the one who found Roy, Big Blue’s cousin right?” Green Arrow said and actually warped his arms around her body in a heartfelt hug. “Thank you.”

“Ah, yeah…” Kara was left without knowing what to say, she patted the man’s back and looked towards Batman but he was ignoring her. “Sooooo, the Bat managed to keep you from killing Luthor?”

She really had no idea what to say.

“Yes, God knows I wanted to, but…” releasing her, the man stepped away and shook his head as if it would help dispel his anger. “I don’t even know what I should do. I think I know the clone for almost as long as I trained Roy.”

Kara turned her eyes away from the awkwardness of the situation, what could she say to that.

“Are we taking him to Manhunter or the Genomorphs?” She finally asked Batman, the man glanced at Green Arrow for a second and turned off his computer.

“I spoke with Manhunter, while he could deprogram the clones he informed me the Genomorphs would be a better, safer choice.” Kara lifted an eyebrow at this information.

“Isn’t John far stronger than them?”

“Yes and, if we wanted to break his mind, that would be useful.” Batman said as he approached the two of them. “Manhunter informed me unraveling, and even finding, such commands is more about knowing the mind you’re working with and being careful than raw power.”

“And the genomorphs have far better knowledge of the clone’s mind.” Kara realized as the man explained, but Green Arrow was still unsettled by the idea.

“Don’t worry, Manhunter promised he’d look over their work once it was done but, the genomorphs really are the best option in his opinion.”

Not that Batman himself seemed to be any happier about the prospect, from the way his body tensed at the thought. He probably still didn’t trust the Genomorphs.

“How’re we capturing him?” Kara asked.

If she had been alone she probably would just use his mental commands against him, she still remembered the clone would freeze if she said “Broken Arrow”, but the information wasn’t anywhere on Cadmus computers so, she couldn’t justify using it. She had already messed up enough no need to make everybody even more suspicious.

“I’ll try talking with the boy.” Green Arrow said as he scratched at his beard. “Clone or not I still trained him for years, he’ll listen to me.”

“In case Green Arrow fails to convince him and Speedy manages to escape, we’ll intervene and subdue the boy.” Batman said and handed her a small black injector. “This should cause him to pass out in a few seconds, we can’t risk him escaping and warning his handlers, willingly or not.”

Kara nodded and they all retreated inside the building to wait for Roy to arrive, Green Arrow started pacing again while Batman just continued reading something. Kara started thinking about her future.

She had been making do with asteroid mining and selling gold in pawn shops but it wouldn’t work for much longer, there are only so many pawn shops in the world before she had to find some, even less legal, other means.

There was also only so much gold she could sell before she crashed the market.

More than that, hauling gold back and forth just took too much time and felt like grunt work, there were far better things she could be doing.

Hmmm, how would she go about creating her own company anyway? She’d have to get an Earth identity and documents, then start hiring people who weren’t too arrogant to work for a young woman.

There were so many kryptonian devices that could improve life on earth. It would still take a lot of work to adapt it so human’s themselves could both understand, and produce, the technology but she could really make a difference.

She smirked, it would be so satisfying if she could use her own company to corner the market and drive Lexcorp into bankruptcy.

Better yet, she could work towards buying Lexcorp and turn it towards improving the world instead of killing Superman. By Rao, with how much more advanced Krypton had been she could even succeed.

Did she know any smart businessman beside Luthor in the DC universe? She’d need one of those as CEO if she wanted to take him on no matter how good her tech was.

She knew she had gotten the advantage over Luthor and the Light right now but she’d need some smart people on her corner when they started plotting against her.

Suddenly, Kara's head turned towards the side and she immediately looked through the building to see an arrow poking from the side of the brick wall, a thin rope tired too it.


Not even a minute later Speedy came sliding down the rope, using his bow as a handle.


Green Arrow traded glances with the two of them and nodded, then left the shadows of the building and started walking towards his sidekick.


Roy had leaned over the edge of the building and was watching Brick's employees working on the illegal building.


"Hello Roy, I heard you aren't answering your friend calls?"


Roy's head turned towards his mentor and snorted, "If they want to play house with the League I won't stop them, but I have real work to do."


"Come on Roy, you know that's not what the League wanted to do." Green Arrow sighed and sat on the edge of the building. "Look kid, you know that's not why we kept you from the space station."


Kara grimaced, noooooo, don't call him kid you idiot!


"Don't patronize me!" Roy slapped his mentor's hand and stepped away, "I don't need you cuddling me when I know I can do better. I'm tired of your bullshit."


"Roy… look, we really need to talk alright"


"There's nothing to talk about!" The boy snapped and pulled out another arrow from his quiver, "first you keep me away from any important mission, now you're even interfering when I'm doing something for myself. Stop trying to keep me down!"


It seemed like Roy really was done talking because he shot his arrow towards a street lamp, a second rope trailing behind it and growing taunt when it hit something solid.


For a second Kara though nobody would do anything and got ready to catch Roy herself as he put his bow over the cable, then Green Arrow moved with surprising speed.


A second arrow flew straight at the line and cut right through it, causing the cable to snap and almost making Roy fall on his ass.


"Look Roy, we really need to talk." Green arrow's only answer was an arrow to the face.


He dodged the projectile and closed the distance between them, using his bow as a club to hit Roy's legs and cause him to fall down.


"Stop it kid," he jumped over Roy's sweeping kick but got a punch to the stomach while in midair. "Uff, think about what you're doing, this isn't you Roy!"


Turning towards Batman Kara asked "Should we step in?"


"No, Green Arrow has it handled."


"We're just here to watch?"


"We're here in case he manages to escape, or has reinforcements." Batman said and finally turned away from whatever he was reading to watch the fight in silence.


Green Arrow and Speedy traded blows, using their bows as weapons to try and disable each other, but Kara could see they weren't trying to really hurt each other.


"Enough!" Roy managed to push Green Arrow away.


Faster than Kara thought possible they pulled arrows from their quivers. The kid was faster and shot his arrow at his mentor's feet, then jumped away to avoid the result.


It exploded, expanding foam and covering a large part of the rooftop in an instant.


Green Arrow had been ready, he knew his protégée was actually a faster shot than him and was already twisting aside before the foam had covered him, then he released his own arrow which split into four ropes to encircle Speedy.


The boy was still in the air and couldn't dodge, but he still managed to interpose his bow between the arrow pieces and stop the rope from completely locking his arms.


Falling to the ground, Speedy managed to reach another arrow and started to cut the cable but Green Arrow was faster.


Grabbing speedy's bow with both hands the older man pressed the boy down into the ground.


Roy tried a few tricks such as using gadgets in his legs or fighting dirty, but Green Arrow had taught him everything he knew and managed to overcome it all.


"Sorry about this Roy." The archer said and pulled away from his protégée, an empty injector in his hand.


"How…?" Roy asked in the ground, his voice already failing him, with a hurt look on his face, he only managed a single other word before falling unconscious. "Why?"


"Come, were taking the Batplane towards Cadmus." 


"Not gonna use the zeta-tubes?" Kara asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Two risky, Speedy had access to the network, there's no way to know how compromised it is."


Approaching the sleeping boy Kara made to grab him but Green Arrow stopped her.


"No, let me do it." He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and got up from his sitting position, "Damn, I'm not as young as I used to be."


He looked down at Roy and sighed deeply, his face becoming a frown. "Sorry kid."


Then he lifted the boy in his arms and adjusted his mask with unusual gentleness.


The flight towards Cadmus was a quiet one, Batman wasn't exactly talkative even in his best days and even Green Arrow didn't seem up to talking.


Finally, Kara couldn't stand it anymore and spoke.


"Don't worry, we're fairly sure we can undo the mental commands without causing damage."


"Thanks, but what about Roy, the original one I mean?" He covered his face with both hands and quietly screamed for a few seconds. "God, this is such mess."


"You do know Kal-El's Fortress is creating a cloning facility as we speak right? Human body parts are far easier to make, Roy can have his arm back in a few months." Then she tapped her metal leg with a finger causing it ring. "Until them I can make him a substitute."


"Ugh, didn't we have enough of a mess with clones already?"


"Well, it's not really the same thing." Kara explained. "Krypton didn't deal with full on cloning of sentient beings, the religious guild came down on that really hard, but we could create tissue samples, organs and limbs for medical purposes, we used the patient’s own DNA to prevent rejection." 


"So, you'd just… grow him a hand?"


"It wasn't my area of expertise but, I think it was more like… building him a new hand using biological material?" She said, but it was more like a question, the entire thing wasn’t really common back then, it was not like many kryptonians even needed such medical procedures in the first place. "I never really saw it in action."


"Right… sometimes I forget you guys are aliens with interstellar travel and other such things." He shook his head and lay back against the seat. "And... thanks, I'm sure he'll appreciate that."


An hour later Roy was inside one of the genomorphs pods with ten G-gnomes all around him, their little horns glowing brightly as they worked.


"How long is this going to take?"


"Once we knew the situation my brothers were able to locate several of the G-gnomes responsible for the initial work on the boy."  Dubbilex told the worried hero. "None of us were responsible for his mental commands but we are familiar with his mind, it will only take a few hours to undo his commands."


Turning back to Kara, Dubbilex continued speaking.


"Once we are done here it should be easy to go over our brother Kon's own mental commands, in about the same amount of time."


"Thanks Dubbilex, we appreciate it."


"One last thing, one of my brothers informed me there was yet another clone of the boy on the facility."


"What?" Green Arrow whirled around to stare at the genomorph and even Batman started paying attention. "Where is it?"


"It seems like Guardian himself was an aged clone of Roy Harper the light decided to use as a bodyguard. We have already started looking over, and scrubbing away, any commands on his mind."


"Fuck!" The hero cursed and kicked the wall with his full strength, only his steel caped boots preventing his toes from breaking. "Godsdamnit!"


Batman turned away from the room and Kara decided to follow his example, leaving the incensed hero alone to vent his frustrations.


"You know what; I think I can let them recover for a week or two before I pitch my idea to them." Kara commented to the caped crusader. "As long as the light doesn't find out we have their mole I'm not in a hurry, and I do need some more time to improve my plan."


It was not like Kara had anything on paper yet, she had an idea she wanted to pitch to them, but it would take a long time to iron out all the little details and refine the idea into a working plan.


Without turning her way, Batman eventually started talking almost in a wondering tone.


"Over the years I have come to trust the League, we aren't perfect, we aren't infallible, and this showed just how much such failure can cost, but I have come to trust it enough that I don't need to watch over their shoulders for everything they do."


Kara wondered why he was speaking like this, yes the Justice League needed to be better, but he didn’t actually own her the explanation.


“That means I’ll be trusting Green Arrow to act as your connection to the League. I’ll be too busy restructuring the League to micromanage your team.” He said and finally turned around to look her in the eye, his eyes were hard and filled with a newfound conviction. “That also means I trust Superman enough not to immediately disable and interrogate you, despite all your little slips and the inconsistencies in your story, don’t make me regret it.”


Kara gulped, despite being a Kryptonian and having all sorts of contingencies in her costume, the Bat still managed to be intimidating.


As the hero started walking away from her Kara watched his retreating back remember something else and lifted a finger to call his attention but couldn’t bring herself to speak, Batman stopped anyway. “What?”


“Ah, I kinda need some human documents?”  She told him and the Bat nodded.


“I’ll hand them to Superman when I next see him.”


NEXT: Batman interlude!

If you like my work take a look at my other novels Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD a SFW Damnmachi fanfic where the mc will grow slowly into power, Reincarnated into a H World a very NSFW fanfic with a MC thats a little too eager to get rid of uggly bastards using his powers and Welcome to the System which is my own original novel, a system apocalypse novel where the government is kinda competent and has super soldiers.

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, all my content is free.

A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, Carlos Barba, Comics, Icewing and Eric Faust for supporting my work!

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