Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch88- Lisa vs Yoruichi

With that, they lunged. Metal met metal in a harmonious clash, ringing out through the arena. Sparks flew as Mugen Kage deflected Tetsu Ryūjin. A grin crossed Lisa's lips; she broke contact and flipped back, gaining some distance.

Before she could catch her breath, Yoruichi was on her. With uncanny speed, she dashed towards Lisa, who barely managed to block the strike. Yoruichi smirked, taking advantage of Lisa's momentary imbalance to deliver a swift kick, forcing her back even more.

Kazuki watched intently, his sky-blue eyes tracing every movement. He was well aware of the complexities of this duel, a blend of competition and companionship. Beside him, Kensei nodded approvingly, while Isane, Mashiro, and the others looked on, equally absorbed..

Yoruichi chuckled, "That's more like it."

"Just warming up," Lisa responded.

Lisa and Yoruichi circled each other cautiously, each sizing up the other's stance, looking for an opening. The atmosphere was charged, a blend of competitive energy and mutual respect.

With a quick chant, Lisa whispered, "Bakudō #1, Sai," attempting to immobilize Yoruichi's arms. Almost immediately, Yoruichi broke the low-level kido with ease, darting away with Shunpo. She appeared a few meters away, grinning.

"Nice try," Yoruichi taunted, her voice tinged with amusement.

Lisa smirked. "Awaken the Depths, Tetsu Ryūjin."

As she spoke the command, her nōdachi morphed into an imposing polearm, its blade resembling a dragon's wing. On the other end, a mace-like structure materialized, taking the form of a coiled dragon.

Yoruichi responded in kind, "Shroud the world, Mugen Kage."

Her wakizashi disintegrated into shadows, enveloping her arms and extending to her fingertips like dark claws.

As Yoruichi lunged with her shadowy extensions, Lisa countered with "Dragon God Emerge," elongating the polearm's blade in an instant. The weapons clashed, neither yielding.

Sensing the momentary equilibrium, Lisa channeled her Reiatsu, summoning ethereal dragon figures to surround her. "Iron Beasts."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed, immediately using her Shadow Manipulation to form a shield. The dragons collided with it, resulting in a burst of energy that swept across the arena.

Yoruichi seized this chance to use her "Shadow Step," appearing right behind Lisa. But just as she was about to strike, a high-pressured blade of water formed around Lisa, repelling the attack.

"Water God Conquest," Lisa announced, locking eyes with Yoruichi.

A brief pause, and then Yoruichi was on the move again, her Shunpo putting even Lisa's Hohō to shame. Yet Lisa kept up, her polearm constantly shifting lengths to parry Yoruichi's relentless assault.

Kazuki watched intently, feeling the flow of the duel. Beside him, Kensei shared an approving nod. The audience was captivated, the layers of friendship and competition adding depth to every move.

Switching tactics, Yoruichi manipulated shadows into projectile forms, launching them at Lisa. But with a wave of her weapon, Lisa summoned another ethereal dragon to intercept, disintegrating the shadowy attack.

Recognizing the constant defense, Yoruichi blended into the surrounding shadows, becoming nearly invisible. Lisa focused, her senses sharpening. She felt a ripple in the Reiatsu around her—a giveaway.

As Yoruichi materialized for a surprise attack, Lisa's polearm had already shortened, the mace end swinging around like a dragon's tail, making contact. Yoruichi skidded back, a look of appreciation crossing her face.

"Just warming up," Lisa called out, taking an offensive stance for the first time.

With a mutual understanding, both fighters forwent any further kido spells, focusing on their innate abilities. They darted towards each other, engaging in a high-speed melee. Blades clashed, shadows stretched, and dragons roared—each maneuver executed with impeccable timing and skill.

Lisa finally saw her opening. Channeling her Reiatsu for one final "Dragon God Emerge," she elongated the blade of her polearm, aiming it directly at Yoruichi.

Simultaneously, Yoruichi gathered shadows around her, intending to launch a decisive strike. Their weapons met mid-air, causing a brilliant burst of light and shadow, cancelling each other out.

Both stepped back, panting but smiling, acknowledging the duel's end without a need for words. They sheathed their weapons, their Reiatsu settling down as if bowing to the mutual respect and skill displayed.

As they returned to the stands, both Lisa and Yoruichi looked toward Kazuki. The moment their eyes met his and saw the warmth in his smile, a sense of relief washed over them. They had just gone through a duel that was as emotionally complex as it was physically demanding, and Kazuki's reassuring look meant the world to both.

Kensei offered Lisa a fist bump as she took her seat. "Not bad. You almost had her there."

Lisa chuckled. "Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."

Mashiro leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "That was so awesome, Lisa! And Yoruichi, that shadow thing? Wow!"

Isane, a bit quieter than the rest, added, "Both of you were remarkable. Your skills are truly something to behold."

Kazuki nodded approvingly. "Well done, both of you."

Yoruichi winked at him. "Glad we could put on a good show."

Chōjirō Sasakibe, who had been officiating the duels, stepped forth. "Isane Kotetsu versus Hiyori Sarugaki," he announced, calling the next pair to the center of the arena.

As they were about to get up for the battle, Unohana, who was seated at the front, softly said, "Isane-chan is my student and focuses on Healing Arts. The battle is not necessary." Sasakibe looked to Yamamoto, who nodded in return. "In that case," Sasakibe announced, "Mashiro Kuna will replace Isane Kotetsu. Mashiro Kuna versus Hiyori Sarugaki!"

Mashiro bounded to the center of the arena, her Zanpakuto, Hana no Arashi, swinging at her side. It hummed softly as if matching her excitement. Hiyori took her place opposite her, grinning mischievously.

"Let's make this fun," Hiyori grinned, her eyes dancing with anticipation.

Mashiro sprang into the center of the arena, her vibrant green-hilted katana, Hana no Arashi, almost humming in tune with her high energy. Opposite her stood Hiyori, whose demeanor screamed mischief.


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