Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch86- Graduation

The day they had all been waiting for had finally arrived. The sun was perched high in the sky, bathing the Shin'o Academy courtyard in a radiant glow. Kazuki, his silver hair catching the sunlight, stood beside Yoruichi, Lisa, Mashiro, and Isane. His friend and more-than-friends. On his other side, Kensei struck a relaxed pose, exuding a brotherly aura.

They were all donned in graduation robes, each one reflecting their own personal style beneath the ceremonial garb. Urahara and Aizen stood a few feet away, chatting about some arcane subject that Kazuki suspected had multiple layers of meaning. Hiyori Sarugaki was also there, decidedly alone, and for once, not looking like she wanted to kick someone.

Five years—three mandatory and two advanced—had flown by since Kazuki woke up in the Soul Society with no memories. He had been found by Isshin, who had taken him to the Shiba Clan. Today was the culmination of years of study, training, and forging relationships that he never knew he needed but now couldn’t imagine living without.

"Can you believe we've reached this day?" Yoruichi said softly, her eyes catching his.

"It feels unreal," Kazuki admitted. "Like waking up from a very intricate dream."

Isane leaned in, her eyes gentle. "We've worked hard for this, all of us. We should be proud."

"We are," Lisa interjected, a slight smile lifting the corner of her lips. "But it's only the beginning, right? Who knows what awaits us out there?"

Mashiro, ever the enthusiastic one, jumped a little. "Oh, I'm sure it's gonna be super exciting!"

Kazuki chuckled. "Exciting is one word for it. The world out there is big; it could be anything."

Nearby, Kensei leaned against a pillar, arms folded. "You guys always get philosophical at the worst times," he said, but the tone was affectionate. "We should be celebrating."

"Kensei’s right," Yoruichi agreed. "Soon, we’ll be out in the world, upholding justice and stuff. We should enjoy today."

Soon, Yamamoto Genryusai arrived with the other captains, flanked by various members of the Gotei 13. They stood before the gathering of graduates, their haori flowing slightly in the faint breeze. The courtyard was silent, every graduate's gaze fixed on the captains, as if by sheer will they could divine their future.

Yamamoto began the ceremony, his voice a rumbling echo that filled the space. "Today marks the end of your time at the Shin'o Academy, and the beginning of your duties as protectors of the Soul Society. The captains will now select students to join their respective divisions."

The tension was palpable. Kazuki glanced at his friends and noticed a collective holding of breath. He felt the weight of the moment but reminded himself to relish it, like Yoruichi had said. After all, what lay ahead was unknown, making today’s achievements all the more precious.

Captain Chika Shonin, of the 2nd Division, was the first to step forward. Without hesitation, she looked at Yoruichi and spoke, "I choose you."

Yoruichi nodded, a glint of happiness flashing across her face. She caught Kazuki's eye, and he could see she was pleased, maybe even relieved. Given her ancestry, her path had always seemed preordained, yet the affirmation was meaningful.

Kinroku Izuhara, Captain of the 3rd Division, stepped up next. "Urahara," he called out. A small smirk curled on Urahara's lips as he acknowledged the choice.

Then came Retsu Unohana of the 4th Division. "Isane, Lisa," she announced. Isane shot Kazuki an encouraging look as she moved to stand by her new captain. Lisa simply winked at him, embracing the new chapter.

Shinji Hirako of the 5th Division looked over the crowd and locked eyes with Aizen. "You'll be joining me." Aizen nodded, a brief expression of satisfaction crossing his face.

As the ceremony continued, Kazuki felt more eyes on him. The top student usually got picked early, yet here he stood, unchosen. The room seemed to hold its breath collectively, but Kazuki remained unfazed. He knew that Kengo Shiba was biding his time.

Finally, Kengo stepped forward, Captain of the 10th Division and patriarch of the Shiba Clan. "Kazuki," he said, a paternal warmth in his voice. Kazuki felt the air around him lighten. It was his moment of affirmation. As he walked toward Kengo, he felt the stares from his friends, each filled with a unique blend of emotions—happiness, pride, perhaps even a touch of envy.

engo Shiba then turned his attention to Mashiro. "Mashiro Kuna, your enthusiasm will be a great asset. Join us in the 10th Division."

"Yay! Thank you, Captain!" Mashiro exclaimed, practically bounding over to stand beside Kazuki.

"Welcome," Kengo said softly, laying a hand on Kazuki's shoulder.

Next up was Entetsu Kumoi, Captain of the 9th Division. "Kensei," he announced. Kensei sauntered up to his new captain, stealing a look back at Kazuki. The two shared a nod; words were unnecessary.

Kenpachi Soya of the 11th Division opted for some burly graduates who looked like they could swing a sword, while Kirio Hikifune, Captain of the 12th Division, chose Hiyori. She was relieved, as there was a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes as she moved to stand by her new captain.

After the selection, Yamamoto and the captains took their seats at the front, the new recruits filling the rows behind them. The atmosphere was tense, but it vibrated with an electric sense of anticipation.

"For your Captains to see your level, we will now hold a small tournament," Yamamoto declared, his voice commanding the attention of everyone present. "Demonstrate your full power to show your Captains what you are capable of. Don't hold back."

A murmur of excitement washed over the graduates. Many were eager to show off the skills they had honed over years of rigorous training. Then, Chōjirō Sasakibe, Yamamoto's lieutenant, stepped forward.

"Aizen Sousuke versus Kensei Muguruma," he announced.

Kensei tensed for just a moment at the mention of Aizen's name. After a beat, he regained his composure and stood. He remembered Kazuki's words about the true nature of Aizen and trusted that his friend would neutralize any illusions. With a steadying breath, he stepped into the designated arena.


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