Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch82- Smutty

A week later, Kazuki was seated alone in the academy's dojo after another session with Kensei. Today’s lesson had been on Zanjutsu, taught by none other than Unohana-sensei, a paragon of grace and deadly precision with a Zanpakuto. As soon as the session ended, Kensei had dashed off, probably to spar with some unsuspecting tree.

Kazuki's hand rested on the hilt of his own Zanpakuto, which lay unsheathed next to him. Training sessions like these were more than just an exploration of technique; they were lessons in relationships—the symbiotic connection between a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto. Every slice through the air, every defensive stance, and even each controlled breath furthered that relationship.

Unohana-sensei’s words echoed in his mind: "Your Zanpakuto is not a tool. It is an extension of your being, and understanding it is paramount to mastering Zanjutsu."

Kazuki grasped the hilt and lifted it, watching as the pale dojo lights flickered on the blade. The sensation of holding his Zanpakuto was far removed from that of clutching a mere sword. It wasn't the weight or the balance; it was the resonance—the way it seemed to pulse in time with his own heartbeat. The cold steel felt as if it had its own unique soul, unlike other blades that felt static and unresponsive in his grip.

"Lost in thought, are we?"

Kazuki looked up to find Lisa leaning casually against the doorframe. Her eyes flicked to his Zanpakuto and then back to him.

"Trying to have a heart-to-heart with your Zanpakuto?" She grinned as she moved closer.

"Something like that," he replied. "Unohana-sensei really drives home the point about Zanpakuto not just being weapons but entities."

Lisa nodded as she took a seat beside him. "Well, they do say the best way to understand someone is to spend time with them. That goes for your Zanpakuto too."

Kazuki looked at Lisa, and saw her pouting a little. It was almost non-existent but he could see the trace of it in her usually calm face. The sentence, although seemingly aimed at the relationship between a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto, had another layer of meaning. They weren't spending enough time together, and a flash of guilt swept through Kazuki at the realization.

Over the week, his relationship with Kukaku and Yoruichi had evolved at a pace that surprised even him. Mashiro's impulsiveness and freedom had added another dynamic dimension to his life. She didn't worry about societal norms or traditions; she knew what she wanted and went after it. Isane, though more reserved, also had her unique place in his whirlwind of experiences. She was like the calm within the storm, and he tried to make time for her whenever possible.

But Lisa? They had barely shared any moments alone, and he knew that was partially his fault.

Breaking the silence, Lisa gestured at his Zanpakuto. "Planning on joining Kensei in sparring with the trees?"

Kazuki chuckled. "No, I think the trees have suffered enough for one day. I was actually pondering on how I can better understand my Zanpakuto. It's a relationship that takes time to develop, like any other."

The words lingered in the air, each syllable saturated with unspoken meaning. Lisa glanced at him and smiled, but there was a wistfulness in her eyes.

"Why don't we spar?" she suggested, a renewed energy suffusing her voice. "You want to understand your Zanpakuto better, and I wouldn't mind some practice myself."

Kazuki shook his head, making Lisa hang her head in disappointment, thinking he didn't want to spend time with her. But his next words brought a smile to her face. "It's important to meditate and relax from time to time. How about I show you my new favorite spot for reading instead?"

Although Lisa beamed, she teased him with a mock-scandalous face. "You read?"

Kazuki chuckled dryly as he tickled her sides. "I might not read as much as you do, but at least what I read is meaningful."

"I too read meaningful things," Lisa retorted, a snort escaping her lips.

"Since when is smut meaningful?" Kazuki grinned.

Lisa huffed and started to walk away, but Kazuki quickly caught up. "C'mon, you'll love it."

As they continued to tease each other, their footsteps took them out of the academy grounds. Kazuki led her up a secluded path that wound its way to a hilltop. They arrived at a spot that was an enigma—a sole, withered tree stood in stark contrast to the lush flora surrounding it. The tree looked as if it had given up on life long ago; its gnarled branches stark and leafless, an undeniable symbol of decay. Yet the verdant grass around it swayed in the breeze, bursting with life. It was as if nature itself was highlighting the cyclical nature of existence, life and death in close proximity, neither diminishing the beauty of the other.

In an odd way, the dead tree was like a Zen koan, a question without an answer, designed to provoke thought. While most would see a dead tree as a sad or ominous thing, here it served as a focal point of contemplation. In a world where Shinigamis, souls, and swords coexisted, the tree offered a paradoxical moment of clarity—a reminder that things are often more complicated than they seem, and that beauty could be found even in contradiction.

The place was a juxtaposition that lent itself to deep thought, inviting anyone who visited to ponder the complexities of existence, the paradoxes of life and death, and the mystery of beauty that can be found even in decay.

"This is where you come to read?" Lisa asked, her voice tinged with genuine interest as she looked around, taking it all in.

"Yes," Kazuki answered, gesturing towards a grassy patch near the tree. "Have a seat."

Laying side by side, with dead branches above them, Lisa and Kazuki looked at the sky.

"What you gonna read, I don't see any book on you," Lisa asked.

Kazuki grinned, "I didn't bring any with me, so we'll make do with one of yours."

Lisa looked beet red as she shook her head vehemently. "Absolutely not."

Kazuki chuckled at her reaction then pressed, "C'mon, I wanna read something meaningful."


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