Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch107- Fullbring

Kazuki paused, sensing Musashi's internal battle. There was a faint echo at the back of Kazuki's mind, a whisper suggesting that perhaps Musashi's latent abilities had been triggered due to an incident involving his mother and a Hollow. But now wasn't the time for speculation or assumptions. The man in front of him deserved answers, not theories.

“The surge of power you feel is called Reiryoku. To put it simply, it’s akin to spiritual sensitivity or willpower," Kazuki began, his voice gentle but authoritative. "Every creature possesses it to some extent. In humans, this energy is often meager, barely noticeable. However, in your case, it’s extraordinarily potent. This heightened Reiryoku allows you to perceive spirits and Hollows, and even bond with inanimate objects – like your sword.”

He took a breath, allowing Musashi a moment to digest the information. "This ability of using Reiryoku is called 'Fullbring', bringing out the full potential of an object in a sense."

Musashi, still processing the whirlwind of new knowledge, looked down at his sword. The bond he felt with it had always been undeniable, almost as if the sword was an extension of his very soul. Now, it made a strange sort of sense.

Kazuki then added, "But your technique is very crude."

Upon hearing this, Musashi's grip on his sword tightened involuntarily. He looked at the Shinigami, the trace of an affronted scowl threatening to mar his features.

Chuckling, Kazuki explained, "I don't mean your swordsmanship. I have to accept, it is quite amazing. But the way you wield Reiryoku? It’s so... elementary."

Musashi relaxed marginally, though curiosity replaced his initial annoyance. "How do you mean?"

Kazuki straightened, assessing the warrior before him. "It's like watching someone with a finely crafted blade using it to chop wood. You have power, Musashi, an immense one at that. But the way you harness and channel it is all wrong. Think of Reiryoku as a river. Currently, you are attempting to force it down a narrow channel, making it more like a torrent. Powerful? Yes. Controlled and efficient? No."

Musashi pondered the analogy, shifting his gaze to the city lights below, their glow casting muted reflections on his blade. "So, how do I refine it? How do I make the river flow where I want, at the pace I want?"

Kazuki said, "You already got the first step. Knowing what it is. Now, all you have to do is train it." His eyes wandered momentarily to Mashiro, who lingered in the alley below, observing with interest. "I will go now, but I will visit you on this rooftop once again to explain in more detail and train you."

Musashi straightened his posture, the city lights glinting off his blade. "Why?" he asked, his voice firm but genuine in its query.

Kazuki tilted his head slightly, his silver hair catching the soft light. "Why what?"

"Why are you helping me?" Musashi pushed further, his instincts as a warrior demanding clarity.

Kazuki chuckled, a light and amused sound in the nighttime hush. "You are a good person, and on our side. It's in my nature, and in the nature of my purpose, to help. Plus, the potential in you is clear. Why wouldn't I assist?"

Musashi couldn't help but laugh, the tension from before dissipating. "Very well. I will see you, then." With a nod, he began to walk away, his every step imbued with newfound purpose.

Kazuki watched him leave, lost in thought. He couldn't shake off the feeling that their paths were interwoven by more than just mere chance. Musashi's abilities were unlike anything he'd ever witnessed, and the Fullbringer's journey was only beginning.

Reuniting with Mashiro in the dimly lit alley, Kazuki couldn’t help but ruffle her green hair, amused by her evident contemplation. In response, she gave a soft sigh and, with a grace only she possessed, jumped onto his back, nestling comfortably against him. Her chin settled on the crown of his head, a silent indicator of her unspoken concern.

"Kazuki, is this alright?" she murmured, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and worry.

He felt the weight of her question, both literal and figurative. With a gentle nod, he started walking, allowing the muted sounds of Karakura City at night to cushion their exchange. "Don't worry," he replied, the quiet confidence in his voice evident. "Didn’t you sense it? His powers didn't annihilate the Hollow, but, much like a Zanpakuto, allowed it to move to afterlife."

Mashiro mulled over his words, the gears in her mind slowly turning. "Still," she finally whispered, the worry evident in her tone, "this could bring you trouble."

Kazuki chuckled softly, the sound a gentle balm in the night. "Don’t fret. I’ll inform Kengo-san when we return. Everything will be alright."

The weight on his back shifted as Mashiro relaxed, her trust in Kazuki evident. Instead of responding, she simply allowed herself to be carried, trusting in the strength and wisdom of the one beneath her. The city continued its soft hum beneath them, alive and yet distant.

Mashiro's hold around his neck tightened briefly, reflecting her contemplation. "You know this could lead to trouble, right? Introducing someone new to these intricacies..."

Kazuki chuckled, the sound soft in the tranquil night. "I’m well aware. But trust me, it's going to be alright."

The reassurance in his voice was enough for Mashiro. Her tense posture relaxed, and she leaned more heavily into him, a silent gesture of trust. Kazuki could always feel the depth of emotions through Mashiro's small actions, the subtlety of her feelings, her concerns, and her relief.

Returning to observing the Shinigami on duty, Kazuki and Mashiro slyly released subtle surges of spiritual pressure, just enough to keep the officer on his toes. From a distance, their mischievous act was indistinguishable from the regular ebbs and flows of spiritual energy, yet close enough to be unsettling.

Kazuki, perched on a rooftop, watched as the Shinigami below shifted uncomfortably, glancing around. He could tell that the officer sensed the subtle changes but couldn’t place the source. Mashiro, floating beside Kazuki, suppressed a giggle, her green hair shimmering faintly in the moonlight. She adored these little games, a brief reprieve from their demanding duties.

"It's cruel, but quite entertaining, isn’t it?" Mashiro whispered, trying not to give their position away.

Kazuki smirked, "It's essential training for them. Keeps them vigilant."

From below, the Shinigami officer took a deep breath, centering himself, and resumed his patrol. But now, there was an added alertness to his stride, a readiness that hadn’t been there before.


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