Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

What are you?

"Well then, how about I start with what exactly I am," Alex said as he looked at the Cullens surrounding him.

Carlisle nodded.

"First of all, I am a vampire," Alex said as he closed his eyes and opened them again, unlike when he first closed them however his eyes had turned crimson.

The change caused the others to shift in their positions, clearly, the tension in the room rose.

"Very interesting, your eyes that is," Carlisle said as he rubbed his chin.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked as he faced the man.

"Our type of vampire only gets red eyes when we drink human blood though we don't have the slitted pupils like you seem to have. If we don't drink human blood they turn into an amber color like ours are" Carlisle said as he explained to Alex.

'I know that already' Alex thought but nodded either way.

"Basically im close to what the old folklore describes vampires as, of course, all of the side effects are simply bullshit that humans have created. Like not being able to enter a house without being invited." Alex said as he turned his eyes back to their natural color.

"I see, are there any more of your kind?" Carlisle asked his curiosity peaked.

"As far as I know then no there aren't any others like me, at least I haven't seen any others that are like me," Alex said as he shook his head.

"How did you become a vampire then?" Alice asked from her position beside Alex.

"If im frank then im unsure as well, what I do know is that it's only me and neither Bella nor Charlie seems to have the potential to turn like me. They are completely normal humans besides Bella who has some kind of mental shield though hers seems to be a worse-off version of mine." Alex said as he turned to face Alice.

Alice nodded in understanding though her face clearly still showed her confusion on the matter.

Turning back to face the Cullens Alex continued.

"First of all a major difference between us is that I don't have a need for blood. It tastes a hundred times better than any other food I eat and could cause an addiction pretty quickly if uncontrolled but I don't have the physical need for any sustenance." Alex said, his words caused the other vampires in the room to widen their eyes shocked.

"That's a joke right Alex?" Emmet interjected from the side, his face showed just how shocked Alex's words had left him.

Alex shook his head indicating that he wasn't joking at all.

"No, I really don't have any need to joke around right now Emmet. Other abilities of mine include high regeneration speeds, immortal life, and super strength and speed." Alex continued, interlocking his fingers as he waited for the Cullens to digest the information he had just given them.

A small chuckle left Carlisle as he finally got his bearings back from the shocking information and jokingly said to Alex.

"Well, aren't your kind just a better version of ours?" Carlisle asked jokingly.

Alex laughed lightly at the man and then replied.

"No, im afraid not. Your bodies are most definitely tougher than mine, as for our strength and speed im really unsure about that and we would have to test that out" Alex said as he faced Carlisle with a smile relieved that Carlisle's joke seemed to have softened up the tension if only a little.

"Either way that's basically all, I don't really want to cause any trouble for you guys and I would hope that you didn't cause me any either and we could hold an amicable relationship," Alex said as he looked at Carlisle then the other Cullens around him.

Carlisle nodded almost immediately as he smiled at Alex.

"Of course Alex, we very much appreciate the fact that you came here and talked this out with us even though you had no obligation to do so," Carlisle said.

Esme got up on her feet and headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll get us something to drink, would you mind animal blood as that's all we have around," Esme said as she smiled at Alex from the kitchen.

"It's all right, that works just fine" Alex answered as he nodded showing his thanks.

"That whole fire at downtown forks was that you?" 

Finally for the first time since he had met her, Alex heard Rosalie talk to him.

Her words caused Alex to freeze for a moment.


Unclenching his muscles that had reflexively tightened, Alex released a sigh and nodded.

His confirmation seemed to make Rosalie's brows furrow even further.

"We don't need some uncontrollable Vampire around here," Rosalie said, her voice jaded and thorny as she looked at Alex with a venomous gaze.

"I shouldn't have done that but it wasn't as if I harmed some innocent people," Alex said as he looked at Rosalie, this time his eyes had changed they weren't the same soft ones that usually adorned Alex's face.

His eyes held a sharp intent as he looked directly at Rosalie's equally thorny gaze.

"All right, calm down now children and from what I saw at the hospital there is no way for them to find out who did it or more importantly that it was a vampire" Carlisle interrupted as he tried to clear up the suddenly formed cold atmosphere in the living room.

Alex nodded at Carlisle and relaxed his expression, right on time as Esme also brought them all a wine glass of animal blood.

"This is from a deer up in the mountains, we use a solution that keeps the blood fresh and drinkable," Esme said as she sat down next to Carlisle once more.

Alex nodded as he raised his glass to the others in the room.

"I want to give you all my heartfelt thanks for accepting me in your house and I hope that we can continue on with a great relationship between us even in the future," Alex said.

The others besides Rosalie who still looked like she wanted to rip him apart, nodded and raised their glasses.

A second later they all brought the blood to their lips as they drank, the blood staining their lips a dark crimson red.


The first chapter of the day, im releasing this a bit early as I'll be taking a nap for about 4 hours, I've been awake for about 27-29 hours now, and my brain really isn't working.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was basically just Mc explaining a bit more about himself to all the Cullens but not a full reveal of all his powers or transformation, I'll be doing that during some fight or something more climactic.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead then check out my Patreon at:

My second original novel got contracted by Web Novel today so that's good news, just wanted to share a bit of my joy with you guys.

Lots of Love

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