Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Visiting the Wolves

"Right, the white mist killing people," Alex mumbled as he put up a twitching smile.

Alice nodded and just stared at him.

"Well what are you waiting for, get out of here, shoo shoo," Alex said as he looked at the two Cullen vampires.

Edward finally spoke up since he had come here.

"I wanted to see Bella one last time as I will try to stay away from her from tomorrow," Edward said as he came closer to Alex.

Alex looked at the emo disco ball and shook his head.

"Doesn't matter Edward, if you want to say goodbye then you can tell that to her face and not when she's asleep in her own bed. Her room should be a safe place for her. Not somewhere where she doesn't feel safe and you spying on her most definitely break that." Alex said as he looked at Edward, his eyes slowly started changing colors.

"And I'm not joking around here Edward, if you try anything I'll make sure that Alice's vision becomes true, got that?" Alex said as his eyes fully became a shining crimson color.

The aura that had been almost nonexistent around Alex turned frightening as if you were looking at some kind of starved beast ready to be released from its chains and tear you apart.

Alice quickly held up her hands and interrupted the two.

"All right let's calm down you guys, how about Edward and I just go back?" Alice said as she got up on her feet and went to grab Edward's hand and head away.

Grabbing his hand however Alice noticed that Edward wasn't moving, he was stuck in place as he looked directly at Alex.


"Don't do this Edward, I'll tell Carlisle and he will not be happy" Alice said as she looked up at her brother's face.

Edward stood still for a few more moments and then faced Alice and nodded.

Turning around, he started walking away, his steps as quiet as those of a cat.

Alex stared at them for a few moments and then turned his head around to look at the sky once more.

'Why the hell did that bastard even get so stuck up on seeing Bella? Is the mate bond really that strong? If it is then it's just dumb to try and go against it and for a whole month at that, until Bella is in danger once again in Seattle.' Alex thought as he sat there for hours.

The sky started brightening up once more when Alex got up on his feet headed to his window and went inside his room.

'I would have supported them, but why does Edward have to be a damn bipolar piece of shit through the entire early story.' Alex thought as he sat on his bed.

'I can use this month when nothing happens to go, and I can look around the reservation and meet up with the shapeshifters. The problem is if they can smell that I'm a vampire or not. Jacob hasn't undergone the transformation yet, so that could explain how he didn't smell me, but Sam should have already gone through it, and maybe some of the other guys in the pack as well.' Alex continued to think about whether he should risk it and go to La Push or scrap the idea.

"Fuck it, ill just go. If they try anything, then I'll just beat them up. Im done being so goddamn careful around others who are also supernaturals." Alex mumbled.

Alex laid down on the bed and tried to get a wink of sleep, it was however futile just as every other attempt he had made.

Seconds ticked, Hours passed, Days and Weeks followed.

Alex had gone to school, come back, and followed a regular routine of going to the forest to get better control over his full transformation.

At school, Alex found himself pissed at the fact that Bella was now in a shit mood almost all the time.

Edward was in the same case as her; however, the stubborn disco ball, as Alex had nicknamed him, simply refused to break this self-induced isolation of his.

Alex also talked with the other Cullens, mainly with Alice, Jasper, and Emmet though the meetings had gone down as well.

At most, he would see them when he had class with them but otherwise, ever since the night on top of the roof, a small distance seemed to have been formed between them.

Alex thought it was because of Edward, who seems to hate his guts nowadays.

Driving down the road in the old truck, Alex thought to himself.

'Why the hell is he even pissed at me when I only refused his weird stalkerish behavior? The fucker even tried to do it more than once, and I only stopped him and didn't even kick his ass,' Alex thought as he took a right turn.

'It's already been two weeks since the first time. At least he only tried it two more times, though it feels weird to say that three attempted stalking incidents aren't a lot.' Alex thought as he looked around the road.

He was currently heading to the Quileute Reservation.

'I messaged Jacob earlier and he sounded like the happiest dog I've ever heard when he found out I wanted to visit, Let's just hope this small trip doesn't end up turning sour.' Alex thought as he started slowing down the truck.

In front of him were some metal gates that looked as if they had been made from metal scraps if Alex had to be honest.

'Quileute Reservation, ' Alex read the small sign next to the gate.

'It's time I finally saw some wolves, huh.' Alex thought.


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The last chapter of the day, thank you all for the continued support and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I decided to do a time skip as it really isn't that interesting to read about Alex going to school and talking with Mike and Jessica and I feel like it was better to further his relationship with Alice in more interesting situations.

I will however be doing this small visit to the reservation before we get back onto the plot, I felt like it would be interesting to write about.

Once more, thanks for all the support. See you all tomorrow.

Lots of Love

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