Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Rash Decision

Heading to school with the old truck, the atmosphere was as gloomy as it had been the past few days. Bella hadn't said a word, too far inside her own mind to even notice anything around her.

The drive as always took only a few minutes and they arrived at the parking lot of the school.

Looking around, Alex quickly found a parking space which he drove into and turned the car's engine off.

"We're here Bells," Alex said as he turned to face Bella.

"Ah, ok," Bella said surprised as she lifted her head quickly and looked around noticing that they had arrived at the school.

'I'll have to message Alice to see if she was sending Edward, though there will be no need for him to even be there' Alex thought and grabbed his backpack slung it over his shoulder, and hopped off the truck.


Locking the truck with the key, Alex and Bella headed inside the school.

Without the Cullens there, the school truly was a mundane one with nothing really happening if something did then Alex would learn it in minutes considering how fast news went around in this small town high school.

Hours later, the last ring of the bell for the day rang and the students got up from their seats, heading towards the parking lot ready to head home or in Bella's case going with her friends to Port Angels.

"All right see you later tonight Bells," Alex said as he patted her back and headed towards the truck alone while Bella headed with Angela and Jessica to Jessica's old Mercury which they were going to be taking to go to Port Angels.


Turning the truck on, Alex reversed out of the parking lot quickly and headed onto the asphalt of the road as he drove towards the swan household as fast as the truck would take him.

Though the Truck wouldn't even go past the speed limit even if he tried to.

'The best way to keep your children from speeding, give them a car that literally can't go past the speed limit' Alex thought as a bemused smile took over his face.

'Smart decision Charlie' Alex thought as no matter how much he tried to floor the pedal the hunk of orange metal just wouldn't go faster.

'I could have gone faster if I ran in my normal form without even transforming' Alex thought as he shook his head.

Finally, after a few minutes, Alex arrived at the Swan household and parked his car in front of the garage.

Heading inside, Alex quickly grabbed a Post-it note telling Charlie that he would be going out with some friends tonight and he didn't need to wait for him to eat dinner.

'Though I should have probably told him yesterday, I feel bad leaving him with just a note' Alex thought but quickly shook his head trying to get his thoughts back on track.

'I need to head towards Port Angels as fast as possible so that I can find their car and follow them' Alex nodded to himself took his shoes off, and put them on his school backpack which he had removed the books from earlier while leaving the post-it note.

'Let's get started' Alex thought and directly transformed.

The transformation kept getting quicker and quicker the more he trained and used it.

By now it felt almost entirely natural and his body transformed at unprecedented speeds.

At one moment Alex looked like a normal although impossibly good-looking teenager and then the next moment he looked like a cosplayer who had a gift from god.

That was only if you looked at him in a picture though, if you stood before Alex in his fully transformed state and you were a normal human, merely his presence alone would cause your blood to freeze and your mind to go blank from fear.

It would be like a man looking at a lion who had its maw wide open and was staring straight into your eyes.

It was the primal instinct of all living beings who stood before their apex predator.


And just as instantly you could no longer see Alex, he had vanished instantly as he started running, this time he decided to run on the main road.

With the asphalt being a much better foothold than the dirt of the forest and not needing to try and avoid the trees, Alex was able to go much quicker.


A sonic boom went off a moment later as Alex was running however he soon had to stop himself and slow down his speed.

'I can't handle that much speed right now, I'm taking too much information from my eyes, and even though I can see what's in front of me I'm still unable to use all that information at such high speeds and then translate that into my own movements so i avoid hitting something or going off course.' Alex thought as he lowered his speed.

That didn't mean he was going slow however, Alex was currently racing down the road at 400 miles an hour, a speed that no car had achieved even twenty years in the future.

It only took a few minutes and Alex could already see the old Mercury of Jessica driving in front of him.

Quickly Alex sidestepped into the trees of the forest at the side of the road and lowered his speed to match the old car.

Keeping a speed that allowed him to keep up with the car and not let it leave his sight.

'All right, you want to know what Edward is Bella? I'll tell you everything tonight.' Alex thought as he followed the car.


A notification went off on his phone, Taking it out as he was running, Alex started reading the message.

It was from Alice.

[ Alex, don't do anything rash. I know you want to handle the situation on your own but you don't have to. ]

Alex simply looked at the text for a moment and then put the phone back in his pocket.

'Rash would be me leaving the situation in the hands of someone much weaker than I am. I'm not about to let even the slightest chance of something happening to Bella exist by doing it myself' Alex thought as he raced behind the car.

An hour or so later, Alex finally saw Port Angels on the horizon.

'I'll need to slow down so for about an hour I won't be able to watch you, Bella, please for the love of god don't do something stupid' Alex thought as he slowed down, put on his clothes, and started running at human speeds.

The old Mercury soon disappeared from view.


New day, new chapter :)

If you want to support me and read ten chapters ahead check out my Patreon at:

3rd volume has already started over there!

Thanks for all the support until now, throughout the ups and downs. <3

There will be a gamer twilight fanfic releasing soon but it's only on Patreon rn till I stockpile some chapters, should be up in a few days.

Lots of Love

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