Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Walking down the stairs, Alice by his side. Alex gave the mansion one more look and then turned his head back.

Looking forward, he saw that every Cullen besides Rosalie was waiting at the door.

"Uh, you guys didn't need to all get up to send me off," Alex said as he sweated.

Carlisle shook his head as he gave a smile.

Esme said as she came and hugged Alex.

"How could we not send you off, Alex? Your presence was truly pleasant, and I hope you come by many times in the future as well. Our house will always be open to you," Esme said as she parted from the hug.

Alex smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Thank you. I also had a great time, and your hospitality was great," Alex said, a bit caught off guard, not really knowing how to respond.

Esme just gave another warm smile as she gave way for the others to give their goodbyes.

Emmet and Jasper came together as Emmet patted Alex's shoulder, or maybe he should call it a slam instead of a pat.

While Jasper simply shook Alex's hand.

"As Esme said, you will always be welcome amongst us, Alex. Or maybe I should call you homie?" Jasper said with a small smile.

"Thanks, Jasper, Emmet," Alex said and headed forwards.

At the end of the line were two other Cullens who had yet to give their parting words to Alex.

Edward and Edythe.

Edward simply nodded his head while Edythe came close and said to Alex that she looked quite uncomfortable while saying the words.

"Uh, hey, I'm sorry about the cafeteria thing the other day. I was..."

Holding his hand up, Alex interrupted her.

"It's fine Edythe, if it was for the security of my family then I would do everything to protect them. Anything so what you did was justified" Alex said as he patted her shoulder and gave her a smile.

Edythe stopped for a moment and then revealed her own bright though slight smile and nodded her head.

"Thanks, Alex, and just as the others said, you can come anytime. Maybe I can show you the rest of the house next time?" Edythe asked.

Suddenly, Alex felt someone appear right beside him.

Turning around he saw that it was Alice who was looking at Edythe right in the eyes, her expression looked unnatural, it was as if she had no emotions at all.

It only showed for a split second, however, as Alice turned back to her cheery self and faced Alex.

"Should we go now then?" Alice asked acting just like the bundle of joy she usually was.

"Uh yeah, let's go," Alex said and then turned around, gave the other Cullens one final wave, and headed outside of the mansion.

Edythe was left speechless as she stood in place.

Jasper came next to her and gave her a side hug.

"Yeah, I don't think I should get anywhere near Alex until they figure themselves out first," Edythe said with an awkward smile on her face.

Jasper, who was on her side, nodded as he smiled.

"They really are so similar sometimes, though," Jasper said as he watched Alex and Alice head towards the garage.

Edythe nodded as she hugged Jaspers's side as well.

In front of the mansion's garage which in comparison to the one Charlie had looked massive, Alex was helping Alice lift the garage door up.

"Shouldn't this be automatic or done with a remote?" Alex asked as he pushed the thing up.

"It is, but I think it broke last week when Emmet accidentally hit it or something," Alice said as she mumbled a small thanks to Alex for lifting the thing.

"Must be nice being tall and all," Alice said as she headed towards a yellow car.

"We're taking the Porsche?" Alex asked, startled.

"Yeah, that's my car, the Volvo is Edwards, and the Jeep is Emmet's car," Alice said as she unlocked the car.


'That's a 911 Turbo with 480 Horsepower. That baby is so damned cool,' Alex thought as stars practically appeared in his eyes while staring at the yellow beast.

Alice smiled as she looked at him and then threw something over.

"Give it a drive," Alice said.

Catching the thing she had thrown, Alex opened his palm to see a pair of Porsche keys.

"You wouldn't mind?" Alex asked surprised as he lifted his head to look at the vixen.

Alice released a small giggle as she shook her head.

"No Alex, it's just a car and I can buy another one whenever I want even if you crash it, and at the end of the day, neither of us would even get harmed if we crashed this thing so just drive it to your heart's content," Alice said as she hopped into the passenger seat.

Alex stood still for a moment, and then a large grin appeared on his face.

"Well, don't mind if I do then," Alex said as he jumped into the driver's seat and closed the door behind him.

Putting the key into the ignition, Alex pressed the start-up button.

The car's engine fired up as it released a loud sound, unlike the truck's noise however, the Porsche released a clean sound that was clearly just a show that the car was working perfectly while the truck sounded like it was so broken that it could barely drive.

Putting it in first gear, Alex drove out of the garage and into the road.

Turning towards Alice once more, Alex asked one more time just so he could be sure.

"I can drive as fast as I want, right?" Alex asked.

Alice turned to face him and showed a mischievous smile.

"As long as the police don't catch you, that is."

Alex copied her expression as the grin on his face widened and hit floored the gas pedal.


Second chapter of the day, and one more coming tonight since we hit the Powerstone goal.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead then check out my Patreon at:

Powerstone goal: 1000, you guys just hit them too fast... if I put 900 You'll hit it tomorrow.

Once more, thanks a lot for the support and for allowing me to get so close to this dream of mine.

And yes I do know the current chapters are quite short, I try to make up for that with a lot of uploads which I think are probably in the top range of fanfics.

I have already increased the word count but I'm writing 10 chapters ahead so it takes a while for changes to come to the public. Thanks for your understanding.

Lots of Love

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