Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

New Morning

The walk to the outside of Port Angels was slow.

Alex took his time as he walked and didn't run, his mind was blank as he walked.

Finally, after almost two hours, Alex arrived at the forest outside of Port Angels.

Taking his shoes off, he put them in his backpack and started running.

Alex didn't transform but simply ran in his human form, that didn't mean he was running at human speeds but he was still considerably slower than when fully transformed.

Finally, when the clock almost reached midnight, Alex arrived at the Swan household.

Using his enhanced hearing he could already hear the calm deep breaths of Charlie and Bella.

'Seems like they're asleep already' Alex thought as he climbed up onto the roof and opened his window.

'The front door makes too much noise, and I really don't want to have to explain myself to Bella right now. Though since she's asleep and not waiting for me I'm guessing she still doesn't know' Alex thought as he slowly opened the window, trying to make as little sound as possible.

Once inside, Alex closed the window and sat on his computer chair.


'This is going to be one long night' Alex thought as he looked at the clouds still raining outside.

'These bastards seem to always rain when I'm in a bad mood' Alex thought as he got up from the chair and laid down on his bed.

The next hours were felt both quick and slow to Alex.

One moment he realized that hours had passed while the next minute felt like an hour.

Finally, the sun rose up on the horizon and the downpour of rain stopped.

Getting up from the bed, Alex headed to the window and looked outside as he did every day.

The chirping of the birds was faint but he heard them as always, different species of birds had even started returning from their migration.

Turning back around, Alex heard Charlie and Bella's breath start to change rhythm as they started waking up from their slumber.

'They should be awake in a few minutes' Alex thought as he headed to his clothes drawer and changed his clothes to dried ones.

The ones he was currently wearing were still soaked from the rain yesterday.

'Soon Bella will learn of the full truth and even be invited to the Cullen mansion. Soon I'll have to tell her about myself as well, I have to at least be the one to tell her. I owe her that much for being there for me or past Alex I guess' Alex thought as he fully wore a new pair of jeans and a white shirt.

Putting the books that he needed for today's school schedule in his backpack, Alex slung it over his shoulder and headed downstairs.

Once downstairs, he waited for Charlie and Bella to wake up.

Charlie didn't take long and was soon downstairs eating breakfast.

"So how did yesterday go?" Charlie asked as he ate a bowl of cereal.

"It was all right, we mostly just drove around in a car," Alex said as he lied through his teeth whilst he watched the morning news.

"All right" Charlie replied clearly seeing that Alex wasn't in a talkative mood today like he usually was.

"So anything happened at Work yesterday?" Alex asked trying to at least seem a little normal and not so under the weather.

He was failing miserably, however.

"It was fine, there weren't any accidents so you could call it a great day even," Charlie said as he finished his bowl of cereal and got up heading to the clothes hanger by the front door.

Taking his police jacket, Charlie wore it quickly and turned to face Alex.

"I'll be going now Alex, see you later," Charlie said and turned around, walking outside where he wore his boots.

"See ya, Dad," Alex said over the couch and then laid his head back down on the couch pillow.


A minute or so later, Alex heard the sound of the police car engine, and soon he heard it drive away.

Upstairs Bella had already woken up as she finished her morning routine and in a while arrived downstairs.

"Hey Bells," Alex said as he turned to face Bella who had just arrived at the end of the stairs.

Bella turned to face Alex and gave him a nod.

"Hey, Alex! Good morning!" Bella replied as she gave him a smile.

Turning towards the kitchen she hummed a tune as she grabbed her own bowl of cereal and started eating breakfast.

'She sure is in a great mood today' Alex thought as he stared at his sister.

'I guess the bond really does have a massive effect.' Alex thought and then turned his head around once more facing the TV.

"What did you do yesterday? Had any fun?" Alex asked as he listened to the morning weather forecast.

Bella hummed as she swallowed her food and then turned to Alex.

"No not really, it was pretty normal. We just went shopping for some dresses and flowers and then later went to a restaurant where we ate dinner, after that, I came home" Bella said and then turned to finish her breakfast.

'I guess they didn't tell her about me, huh, i guess I should thank them for that.' Alex thought as he nodded his head while he gave a small relieved sigh.

"All right I'm done eating, let's go," Bella said as she stood up from the chair and started heading towards the front door with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Sure," Alex said as he turned the TV off with the remote and got up following Bella.

Grabbing the car keys from the key holder in the small hallway at the door, Alex threw them at Bella who caught them.

"You drive today, I'm feeling lazy," Alex said as he wore his shoes.

"Sure" Bella replied as she gave a small nod and wore her own shoes.

Both of them headed outside and hopped into the truck.

Bella quickly reversed out of the house and into the road, starting to drive towards Forks High School.

'I guess I'll have to use the time when Edward shows his abilities to also reveal myself or I could do it when she heads to the Cullen house for the first time' Alex thought as he tried deciding which option to choose.


2nd chapter of the day, one more comming in an hour or two.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me then check out my Patreon at:

We are about 40 euros away from 400 which would allow me to reach medium wage in my country.

If we reach it then ill do a 5 chapter release day as thanks.

Sorry for the advertisment xd.

Powerstone goal : 600

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks a lot for the support.

Lots of Love

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