Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


'The problem is that I don't know what I will do once I'm transformed. I don't want to repeat another bar incident. I got extremely lucky to be able to escape detection once. I don't want to push my luck,' Alex thought as he sat on his computer chair.

Getting up from the chair, Alex took the desk, dragged it for a few inches, and then took something out from behind it.

It was a hard, leather-covered notebook.

'It's so much easier to just write my plans down,' Alex thought as he opened the notebook.

It was filled with what others would consider chicken scratches.

' From what I've seen, this is the timeline until the dance or Seattle incident.' Alex thought as he looked at the notebook.

And then sweat started dripping down his temple.

'I swear I used to be able to read this,' Alex thought to himself as he tried to understand his own chicken scratches.


Closing the notebook, Alex threw it on his bed.

'I've been trying so hard not to get swept up in the plot, but at the same time, I've been following it to a T,' Alex thought, his eyes slowly changing intent.

'Why should I let Bella go through something like that? Bella, who for the last month has treated me better than most, if not everyone, in my past life,' Alex thought and clenched his fist.

'Fuck the plot, as if I'm going to let that shit happen,' Alex thought as he made up his mind.

Heading towards the window, Alex looked outside, a new habit that had been formed since he had come here in forks.

Time quickly passed, and soon, it was the next day, a Friday.

Heading to school, Alex looked at the disheartened Bella whose expression was constantly downtrodden since she had woken up.

"Ok, what the matter Bells? You look like someone killed and ate your cat" Alex asked as he drove down the road.

Bella raised her head and even widened her eyes for a moment before shaking her head quickly at Alex.

"Nothing Alex, it's just the morning. Nothing else" Bella said as she turned and stared out of the side window.

'I really want to just daze you and make you tell me right now.' Alex thought.

Not long after, The orange truck arrived at the school.

Bella started to look around immediately after she came out of the truck, and then moments later the disappointment on her face grew.

Alex was intrigued, and he started looking around himself.

'The Cullens aren't here,' Alex thought as he felt like a lightbulb light lit up in his head.

'Right, they do go on a trip since it's going to be sunny today, and they don't want others to know they are actually disco balls.' Alex nodded to himself and then smiled as he put his arm around Bella's shoulder and whispered.

"Miss Edward already? Weren't you together with him yesterday? And from what a little birdie told me, you even skipped classes with him," Alex said as a large, mischievous smile took hold of his expression.

Bella's face lit up like she was some traffic stop light.

Pushing Alex away, Bella almost stammered her denials and started stomping off toward the school's entrance.

Alex was left standing there alone, he, however, didn't feel sad, his emotions of joy were through the roof as he found another way to tease Bella.

'This is turning out to be a much better day than I expected' Alex thought as he smiled to himself looking like a total psychopath to everyone around him and then started heading toward the school as well.

'Oh right, I forgot to lock the truck' Alex thought as he backtracked once more, finally after locking the truck he started heading to the gates for real this time.

The rest of the day wasn't something to talk about in Alex's opinion as he walked towards the Truck with Bella.

"So, you going to La Push tomorrow?" Alex asked Bella as they walked alongside each other.

Bella gave a nod.

"Yeah, it's mostly just our table though Jessica said there might be two or three more people," Bella said as she walked while watching her feet, trying to not stumble onto something as always and then faceplant the ground.

"How are all of you going there? You taking the truck?" Alex asked as they arrived at the orange beast.

Bella shook her head and answered.

"No, Mike has this van that he will be taking us with. He should be coming to get me early in the morning tomorrow." 

Alex nodded as he unlocked the truck and hopped into the driver's seat.

Bella quickly joined him as she sat on the passenger seat and closed the truck door.

However, the car door was so old that you had to slam it multiple times for it to actually close.




Alex just stared at his sister and finally couldn't stop himself.

"Do you want me to help?" 

"No, I've got this," Bella said, her expression furrowed as she tried to close the car door.

"I can just go outside and close it for you, Bells," Alex said when Bella finally slammed the thing one last time, and it fully closed.

"You didn't need to," Bella said as she showed a smile that made her look like she had just made the greatest achievement of humankind.

Alex nodded slowly.

"Right, sure, Bells."

Reversing out of the parking space, Alex quickly drove home.

Once they were inside the house, Alex and Bella quickly separated as one of them went to study whilst the other took his phone out and lounged on the couch in the living room.

"Alright, I guess I can see what she's doing," Alex thought as he sent a message.

[ Hey ] 

And then he waited for about three seconds until he felt his phone vibrate.


[ Hey Alex! You finally gathered the courage to send a message, huh? I'm so proud of you ] 

'It only took her one message to start teasing me, huh?' Alex thought as he stared at the text message with a twitching smile.

[ So hiking, huh? It must have been fun. How did it go, hiker Alice? ] 

Alex wrote and sent. Thankfully, it seemed like Alice was one of the best people to text with.


'Finally, someone that doesn't just leave you without an answer for hours. Mike will see how awesome it is to wake up with purple hair looking like a look-alike Barney someday.' Alex thought as he snickered at his own imagination.

[ Oh, it was just lovely, Alex. You really should have been there. It's too bad that the small kids have to go to school. ] 

Alex stared at the text for a moment and thought.

'Childish tease but valid'

Quickly, he wrote a text and sent it.

[I'd rather be a kid than a disco ball ]

The answer took a few minutes, and this time, Alex waited.


[ Hey Alex, this is Jasper. Alice is currently dying of laughter. She looks like she needs to breathe even though we don't. Either way, disco ball, huh? I guess that's a way to call us ] 

Alex's smile turned into a grin as he continued texting back and forth with Alice throughout the night.


Hey! So here's the second chapter of the day! 

I hope you enjoyed it, the fanfic has become more and more fun to write as I go further, I have so many ideas that I want to explore but there just isn't enough time to do so.

 I have gathered quite a bit of stuff I want to write about that I will include as side stories once the main plot ends. Thought that's pretty far away.

Volume two is comming to a close in about 3-4 chapters in the Patreon, if you wanna check that out faster and support me then join my Patreon at:

Powerstone goal for extra chapter: 1300

Thanks for all the support, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Lots of Love

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