Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Alex stood before the three men, a dead body behind the counter and the bartender unconscious on the floor.

Crouching next to the man closest to him, Alex looked him in the eyes and asked.

"Murder or Rape?"

"Both," the man said with a trembling voice, tears streaming down his face.

Alex nodded and then asked the man with a smile.

"Do you want mercy?"

The man's eyes widened as he quickly opened his mouth.

"Yes," The man looked like he wanted to beg some more. However, Alex's earlier command didn't allow him to.

Alex smiled and nodded, then told the man.

"All right, get up on your feet."

The man got up, his legs shaking as he stood before Alex.

Alex then neared his ear as he whispered.

"I hope god has mercy on you because I won't, you stinking bag of shit."

Alex opened his mouth wide, his canine teeth enlarging to resemble snake teeth as he bit down on the man's neck.

The man couldn't do anything.

Tears streamed down his face, snot covering his chin. His eyes were shaking.

However, he couldn't release a single sound or move a single inch as he felt his blood leaving his body at a tremendous speed.

His face quickly became pale, his eyes became increasingly hollow, and his skin started stretching.

The whole process only took a few seconds, and the man fell to the ground as Alex removed his fangs from his neck.


Spitting out, Alex thought to himself.

'Disgusting piece of shit, even his blood tasted like shit.'

Looking at the body on the floor, it didn't look like it had just lost its blood alone. It had transformed and now looked like a skin bag with no muscle or meat on it, merely the skin and the bones.

'Hmm, so when I bite someone, I take more than their blood. It's almost like I take anything that has vitality in it. He does look like a hundred-year-old corpse,' Alex thought as a certain character from Dragon Ball Z came to mind.

'It doesn't seem like I get an increase in strength; it's more like I'm rejuvenated, even though I shouldn't have the feeling since I should always be at my peak. I'll have to test this out more, though. I'll do it with other people. I still have other things I want to test,' Alex thought as he turned to the last two men.

Walking a few steps, Alex arrived at his next victim. This man was younger than the others, though he still looked to be thirty at least.

'What I asked in my wish was to be a traditional vampire. One of their abilities in some folklore is the ability to take over someone's skin and hide inside their bodies. Let's try that out,' Alex thought as he crouched next to the man.

"What have you done?" Alex asked.

"I mugged people on the streets." The man similarly stuttered just like the other ones had as he answered.

"How many?" Alex asked as he thought that maybe he could spare him some of the pain.

"Six," The man said.

Alex's smile widened as he nodded.

'I really shouldn't have any hope with these bastards. Where the hell even is the police? How are these guys still free and roaming around?' Alex thought to himself as he gritted his teeth under his smile.

Placing his head on the man's forehead, Alex ordered the man.

"Open your mouth"

The man's mouth was forced open against his will.

'Now then, let's just try thinking about it,' Alex thought as he closed his eyes and concentrated.

Slowly Alex's hair turned silver as he assumed his complete vampire form.

The man's eyes started shaking even more wildly as he saw the change.

His thoughts had already become a wild mess, his mind barely intact from the terror.

Alex's eyes snapped open as his body started turning into mist, his clothes falling to the ground.

The black mist rushed into the man's open mouth and down his throat, causing the man to choke as he couldn't take in any more oxygen.

The process was almost instant, and a moment later, the man's eyes closed as they lost their shine.

The man placed his hand on the ground and held his body up.

"Hmm interesting so this is how it works" The man, no Alex said with the man's body.

'This could definitely be useful if I wanted to infiltrate the Volturi, ' Alex thought and then sat back down.

Closing his eyes once more, the man's body became still.

A few seconds later, a bloody hand came out of his mouth.

It ripped the man's flesh apart as though it were fabric, blood spewing on the ground as Alex started coming out from inside the man.

A few moments later, Alex managed to fully worm out of the man's body. It was unknown how he had even managed to fit inside.

'Maybe I'll slowly turn back to my physical form as I get out, though I don't have a way to know how accurately.' Alex thought as he stood up on his feet. His body was entirely covered in blood.

'Hmm, there's no time like now to try and see if I can manipulate blood,' Alex thought as he extended his arm and closed his eyes as he focused.

It took a few seconds of nothing, but then suddenly something did happen.

The blood that had soaked Alex entirely froze and was slowly lifted into the air around him.

Slowly, the blood gathered into a blood ball and headed directly into Alex's mouth as he gulped it down.

Taking his clothes, now fully clean of blood, Alex started wearing them quickly and turned towards the last man.

'Huh? He's already dead?' Alex thought as he stared at the man who he couldn't hear the pulse of anymore.


'That's enough for now,' Alex thought as he slowly untransformed, his hair turning back to its normal color.

'I have changed. It hasn't been noticeable, but now I can confidently say that I'm not the same person I used to be,' Alex thought as he stared at the carnage around him.


This chapter shows what I want the true nature of Alex's vampire to be. He needs to learn that he isn't the same anymore and that while he thinks he hasn't changed, he has tremendously.

A vampire can never be a human. No matter how hard they try, they will always be monsters of the night.

Thanks for the support, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Lots of Love

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