Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


When they arrived home close to half an hour later, Alex and Bella were stuck on the phone for an hour each as their mother took her time to both worry about them aswell as berate them even though Bella tried to explain it wasnt their fault.

Alex just stood still and accepted every beration while mumbling apologies.

'In cases like this, no matter what you do you will end up on the loosing end, its better to just accept it gracefully rather then end up having to talk for another hour' Alex thought as he finally said his goodbyes with Renee and turned off the phone.


'That was one hell of a scolding session,' Alex thought as the smile on his face twitched, though he could do nothing about it.

'From the memories of this body, I know that Renee would come in Forks with a split-second decision if she thought that something bad was going on. I'd rather not have to deal with her as well,' Alex thought as he headed up to the bathroom.

After finishing taking a shower, Alex went to his room and lay down on his bed.

'Edward shouldnt come and watch Bella sleep now that they know im a vampire right? It would be extremely emberrasing to know that her brother knows your watching your crush sleep right? right?' Alex thought as he desperatly hoped those thoughts of his were correct.

'Oh god, what do I do when they do 'that'? I'll just run away, miles away.' Alex thought, then hopped off his bed and opened the window in his room.

Looking outside at the forest, Alex clenched his fist.

'I finally don't have to hide this from everyone,' Alex thought as a relieved grin appeared on his face.

The day passed quickly.

Alex headed to Bella's room and looked around the internet, trying to find anything interesting while Bella read a book on her bed.

The moon overtook the sun, and soon, it was the sun's turn to overtake the moon once more.

The time was six in the morning, just like yesterday. Alex was standing before his room window as he looked outside.

Snow was still covering the landscape, freezing over the water and causing cold winds to appear from time to time.

'Going to the Cullen house today, I can't wait to see that woodland mansion. It looked so damn awesome in the movies, ' Alex thought as he remembered the mansion he had seen in the movies.

'They have to let me check out their cars too, especially the Porsche. That thing looks dope,' Alex thought as he imagined all the things he could check out.

Slapping his face lightly, Alex shook his head.

'Allright lets calm down Alex, Lets just go one step at a time' Alex thought to himself and started getting ready for school.

Once he was all dressed up and ready, he headed downstairs just like every other day and prepared a small meal for Bella while she cleaned herself up and got dressed.

Bella arrived downstairs soon enough and ate the food Alex had quickly made for her. They headed outside to the Truck.

"I really think we should go and buy some better winter clothes this weekend," Alex said to Bella as they were walking to their Truck, which was in front of the garage.

"Yeah, the clothes we had from Phoenix really aren't cutting it. Even the ones that we bought for winter just aren't good enough for the winter over here at Forks," Bella said as she hopped into the driver's seat while Alex went into the passenger one.

"We should also look for some part-time jobs. We can't just be munching off Charlie all the time," Alex said as he closed the door of the Truck while Bella tried to ignite the Truck's engine, which usually took a few tries.


The Truck's engine finally started, making a loud noise and shaking a little.

"Yeah," Bella answered Alex, clearly absentminded, as she seemed to be suddenly absorbed in her own thoughts.

Driving out into the road, Bella started their drive to school.

The drive was silent, though not a deafening silence but a rather cozy one while they headed to school.

Both Alex and Bella were in their own heads as they thought.

One of them was thinking of the past, while the other thought of the future.

Finally, a while later, the Truck arrived at the school.

This time, it seemed like the parking lot wasn't entirely filled, so they managed to find a place to park the Truck.

'Literally, the only day where there isn't parking space, the incident happens, and then the next day with the same weather conditions, and suddenly there is parking space.' Alex thought as he narrowed his eyes.

'Is this the world enforcing the plot of the book or is it just a coincidence and i think its not because i know the future' Alex thought as he grabbed his backpack and opened the trucks door.

'It's quite an interesting topic. Does everything in this world get some kind of attraction to follow its original course, or does that force not exist, and I just haven't changed the event enough?' Alex thought, intrigued, as he followed Bella into the school building.

'First class today is P.ED ( Physical Education Aka Gym ) ill just go make an excuse, dont really feel like doing that today' Alex thought to himself as he turned to Bella and waved a goodbye at her.

"See you at lunch," Alex said, receiving no reply besides a small wave from Bella.

'Time to get this day started,' Alex thought as he headed down the hallway.


2nd chapter of the day, and one more comming in about an hour or two.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me, then check out the Patreon at:

Just a chapter or two so I can pad the time before he goes to the Cullen house. It felt a bit weird to jump to that directly, so you'll have to forgive me for the buildup. xD.

Hope you guys like this more chill chapter compared to the last few ones.

Thanks for all the support once more. I'm already more than 3/4th of the way to being able to achieve my dream of going full-time, and I could have never done it without you guys supporting me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Lots of Love

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