Reincarnated as a World

Ch.288 And So It Begins

“Enough, Isgard. They’re here.” Chad said in a softer tone.


Isgard smoothly took a step back and wiped away his mocking grin. “Yes, your majesty.” He responded obediently, looking completely different from the wild man of before. But it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. No matter how crazy one might be, the sway a Progenitor had over his race is not something that can be easily ignored.


Actually, Chad’s status as a progenitor was sometimes put into question. After all, it was said that whenever a progenitor evolved into their unique race, it caused their followers to evolve into that race too. However, according to the rumours, that did not happen with Chad. Why else would Envy go to such wicked lengths to also become a Phoenix?


Moreover, the cruel racial expansion competition that both Phoenixes had at the beginning of their war was known to all. When it came to childbirth, there were multiple ways that a pregnancy could go. 1 of those ways was to sacrifice the mothers life in order to make a child that had 70-90% of the fathers bloodline. Of course, things like compatibility of race and even elemental affinity had to be taken into account, but that was besides the point.


Sacrificing the lives of various mothers was a genius method when it came to starting a race from 0, but it was obviously not something females were willing to partake in.


Although there was an option for any of the 2 Phoenixes to offer their vitality to preserve the female's life, it was obvious enough that none were willing to do that, especially since it cost even more vitality than if you weren’t trying to sacrifice the female's life to make a purebreed. Also, wasn’t it because Chad had used the vitality lending method that Envy had even gained the chance to strike?


Obviously, Chad would not be repeating the biggest mistake of his life. The females were bound to suffer if they couldn’t defend themselves. But who back then could resist the 2 legendary Phoenixes?


Envy was already unscrupulous enough, and Chad had been blinded by his notorious rage, so what came about was a terrifying time for female Bird beasts who were forced to use their wombs and life to nurture the next generation of Phoenixes.


It was said that some died from the stress early, and some even killed themselves since they knew they were already destined to die to the parasites leaching their very lifeforce. On top of that, it wasn’t like the males from those respective species were just going to allow all of that to happen without fighting back. But in the end, the Phoenix race still rose to prominence and achieved great numbers later on.


It was because of all this that Chad had his identity as a Progenitor put into question, since he was more of a regular Ancestor who manually bred a new race rather than magically create one. However, nobody could deny the pull the Phoenix King had over the Phoenix race.


In fact, the only reason he wasn’t called Phoenix Emperor was because no one else dared to take the title of Phoenix King, so there was no need for the greater title of Emperor.


But then again, maybe it was because they all feared him. Of all the people to be on the short stick of Chad’s wrath, it was funnily enough the Phoenix race that had experienced it the most. Perhaps their loyalty was more from fear than love.


Well, it didn’t matter much to Zero. Whether or not Chad was a true progenitor did not affect Zero’s relationship with the Phoenix race. Even if he was able to confirm that Chad was not a true progenitor, it would not be able to change how the Phoenixes treated Chad after all this time. Perhaps it could open a door to rebellion, but trying to open that door from the outside was not something Zero was willing to risk. At least for now.


It would be pretty disastrous for the Serene Moon Owls if Zero was found trying to create a rebellion in the Phoenix Race, because Chad would not take that lightly and unlike before, he would not be content to send warriors and wait for the news in his territory. He would be stepping out himself.


That was not something Zero was willing to bring upon his race.




The sound of something breaking the surface of the water - along with the triumphant cries from different creatures, entered Zero’s ears, and he sent a final glance to Chad before looking back at the sea, where he saw the various races of their foreign allies finally reaching the shore.


As Chad had said earlier, their allies had arrived. And if he were to be honest, the sight was… intimidating.


The collective aura of the savage sea creatures were wild and oppressive, making them seem like they would lash out at any moment. And it wasn’t just their aura either. Their large and ugly faces were filled with suppressed ravenous ferocity. Some of them even tossed from side to side as if they were a hiccup away from losing control and biting someone, and that was not something he wanted to see in his so-called allies.


There were also the various land creatures standing on their backs, and many of them were in their Enlightened Forms and made no effort to hide their 4th Realm aura.


And let’s not forget the flying creatures above. He could already see the illustrious Dragon race from here, blanketing the sky with the distinctive aura that was unique to their race, and there was also a strange vast and silver cloud behind them that looked like a collection of… insects?


Why were there insects here?


Nevertheless, this was the biggest gathering of powerful figures he had ever seen, and it was slightly overwhelming. There had to be tens of thousands of creatures and he couldn’t see the end of them. Their aura meshed together to create a chaotic symphony that made his heart beat faster, and he couldn’t help but think that something huge was about to happen, which put him on edge.




Zero’s feathers and hair stood on end as he heard the sound of thunder tear through the sky.


‘And so it begins…’ He thought helplessly.

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