Reincarnated as a World

Ch.259 CRACK!

“Huhuhu~” Kazolix chuckled. “You think we’re all fools here? You look like you can’t wait to pry off his flesh with your teeth, and you don’t even have any.” Then he laughed again good-naturedly as if this were all entertainment.


However on the inside, he was sending another telepathic message.


=Say that you are indeed angry, but……= Kazolix gave out a list of instructions to follow, before ending with =Like this, although some may still think that something is off about you, at least they won’t suspect our relationship.=


Bilibu inwardly sighed. He rued the day that he met this creature. That was the day his life had changed forever. If only… If only he had never let greed lead him into that cave…


Alas, there was nothing he could do now. Actually, on the brighter side, it was likely that things were inevitable from the beginning. Kazolix’s goals were too lofty, and he even scorned the position of Kaiser. Others would laugh or spit if they heard such a thing, but Bilibu knew better.


Kazolix’s abilities were just not fair. Truly and Utterly. And their alleged requirements were seemingly nothing before Kazolix’s intelligence and manipulation. He was just not a being that could be competed with.


Bilibu knew that Kazolix had a great chance of actually achieving his goal, so maybe it was a good thing that he had become his… follower… now when he was useful, rather than later when he would be of no use. At least he was alive.


Bilibu sighed once more before psyching himself up for his task. Thankfully, the threat of death had suppressed his rage and urge for violence, making what he was about to say seem even more believable.


“You’re right, Kazolix. The fact that somebody dared to promote to the 4th Realm without my permission made me incomparably angry, especially since I had been dealing with some difficult issues when I heard the news. However, I am an Emperor now. I cannot continue to base my actions on my emotions. If I can make Zuko submit to me, it would be a greater boon to me than the strength I could gain from eating him.”


“Is that so…” Kazolix responded thoughtfully.


“Yes. In fact, you should stop killing everyone who stumbles into your territory and get some subordinates yourself. I wouldn’t give this kind of free information to anyone else, but you are a valued ally of mine. Subordinates will be very useful to you, especially in the upcoming Kaiser battle.” Bilibu insisted as if he genuinely cared.


Kazolix paused as if he took the message seriously. Then out of nowhere he said.


“Your words hold value. How about this, you give me Zuko and I’ll let you into my territory to pick a few treasures of equal value.”


Gasps, squeals, screeches and other animalistic sounds of shock rang out as they heard these words.


It was common knowledge that since Kazolix lived in an Emperor sized territory of the sea all by himself, the amount of resources he must have accumulated could not be anything less than astronomical. Naturally, this incited the greed of many, causing all kinds of attacks over the years with the most famous ones even being led by Sea Emperors.


Bilibu himself had been one of them. 


However, every single one of them had either been beaten back, killed, or somehow made into an ally. Bilibu being a shining example of the latter, along with 2 others.


Not much knowledge of the events made it out, and nobody knew how it was even remotely possible that a Sea Emperor could defend against an entire army composed of Sea Kings and even another Emperor, but there were stories that somehow, Kazolix had the ability to see anything in his territory at any time.


No matter how sneaky you were, once you went in, only a Sea Emperor had the hopes of coming out. Bilibu’s current army was his second one. The first one had all met their death at Kazolix’s hand. And yet they were now allies


Most people didn’t think too much about that since in the Sea, only benefits moved people. Compassion and sympathy didn’t even classify as a myth. Any sea creature from the lowest kind to a top tier Kaiser could suddenly decide on a random day that they wanted to snack on their own subordinates, and no one would bat an eye.


It’s not that they didn’t have the survival instinct to avoid such a thing, far from it. it’s just that there was nowhere else in the sea they could go where that wouldn’t happen. On top of that, they themselves would do the same if they had the power to do so, or were already in a position of power and had performed the act already.


This was just the intrinsic ruthlessness of the Sea, so for Bilibu to not care for his previous army and seek benefits in allying himself with Kazolix, most people didn’t care. At most, they would talk down on him behind his back, blaming him for losing his entire army in one go and calling him a failure.


Still, that didn’t mean that people were completely oblivious.


There was not a small amount of people that were casting their eyes on the ‘survivors of Kazolix.’ Insignificant compared to the population of the Sea, but enough that if their suspicions were proven correct, a huge problem would arise.


In any case, all of this proved the great desire people had for Kazolix’s treasure, and how fiercely Kazolix was willing to go to defend it. But now, all of a sudden, he was willing to relinquish a ‘few’ of his treasures that were equal in value to someone in the 4th Realm? All for just the 1 Zuko?


Were they hearing correctly?


“This…” Bilibu barely worded out as if he were shocked silly. “Kazolix, are you sure? I know your situation is quite unique and you are in… great need. But-”


“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Kazolix waved a large tentacle magnanimously. “Besides, you are my ally. This is treatment that only my allies can receive. So if I-”



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