Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 5 – To The Capital

The next morning, their house was abuzz with excitement as the day of the Bestowal Ceremony dawned. Mav woke early, the sunlight streaming through the window, filling his room with a golden glow. He sprang out of bed, his heart racing with anticipation, and quickly dressed in the clothes Emily had laid out for him the night before.

Downstairs, the aroma of fresh bread and herbs filled the air as Emily prepared breakfast. Nacht was already seated at the table, his face lit with a warm smile as Mav rushed down the stairs.

The Bestowal Ceremony was a significant event, a rite of passage held in the capital. Only within the temple there could the Flames be properly bestowed, with the aid of a Flame Priest and a device known as the Orb of Bestowal. Mav was about to discover his destiny.

As Emily and Nacht prepared for the Bestowal Ceremony, their thoughts were occupied with both excitement and a tinge of anxiety. Emily, adjusting Mav’s small travel bag, couldn't help but reflect on how quickly the years had flown by. The tiny baby she had cradled so many months ago was now a curious, bright child on the cusp of discovering his future. She glanced at Nacht, seeing the same mixture of pride and apprehension in his eyes. The ceremony was not just a tradition; it was a pivotal moment in Mav’s life, one that would shape his path and define his role within the village.

Nacht, observing Emily’s thoughtful expression, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He was aware of the weight of this day and the hopes pinned on their son. As he loaded the final items into the carriage, he thought about the unknowns ahead—the uncertainties of which Flame Mav would receive and how it would influence his future. Would his son find a Flame that matched his gentle, yet firm spirit? Or would it challenge him in ways they hadn’t anticipated? The thought of Mav facing any difficulties stirred a protective concern in him.

Emily met Nacht’s gaze, sharing a silent understanding. “No matter what happens,” she said softly, her voice trembling slightly, “we’ve given Mav all the love and support he needs. Whatever Flame he receives, we’ll be by his side.”

Nacht nodded, squeezing her hand gently. “He’s a special boy, Emily. He’s shown us time and again how resilient and thoughtful he is. I believe he’ll find his way, no matter what challenges lie ahead.”

Their shared moment of reflection was a mix of hope and anxiety, but it was also filled with pride. As they finished their preparations and Mav’s eager face appeared in the doorway, they both took a deep breath. The day ahead would be a new chapter, full of promise and uncertainty, but for now, they focused on the journey ahead, holding on to the hope that their son’s future would be bright and filled with purpose.

Mav quickly ran to the carriage, where his parents carefully packed the carriage, making sure everything was in order. The excitement from the night before still lingered in the air, and Mav could hardly contain his anticipation.

"Are you ready, Mav?" Emily asked, kneeling down to adjust the small travel bag slung over his shoulder.

Mav nodded eagerly, his silver hair catching the morning light. "I’m ready, Mama!" he said, his voice full of determination.

Nacht smiled, ruffling Mav’s hair. “Then let’s get going. The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll be there.”

With everything in place, the family climbed into the carriage, and Nacht took the reins. The horses began to move, and the small village of Oraios slowly disappeared behind them as they set off on the road to the capital, where Mav’s fate would soon be revealed.

As the carriage rumbled along the narrow road, the dense canopy of trees on either side cast shifting patterns of light and shadow across the path. The trees were lush and green, their branches intertwining overhead to form a natural tunnel. The only sounds were the rhythmic clip-clop of the horse’s hooves and the occasional rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.

The road was winding, and the way was occasionally interrupted by the sight of wildflowers growing along the edges. Mav pressed his face against the carriage window, marveling at the changing scenery. Emily and Nacht exchanged smiles, the anticipation of reaching the capital filling them with a quiet excitement.

The road widened as they emerged from the shaded forest, opening up to a bustling field. The broader road was alive with carriages and pedestrians moving in a constant flow. The sky, a brilliant expanse of blue, stretched overhead, dotted with a few drifting clouds. The lively atmosphere was a sharp contrast to the serenity of Oraios Village.

Nacht guided the horses through the busy avenue, skillfully maneuvering the carriage amidst the other travelers. The atmosphere was lively, with the sounds of conversation and laughter mingling with the clatter of wheels and the occasional call of street vendors.

As the grand gates of the capital loomed ahead, Nacht slowed the carriage, and greeted the two guards stationed at the entrance. The guards greeted him with familiarity and respect, recognizing him from his frequent trips to deliver vegetables from his wife’s farm. Nacht exchanged a few friendly words with them, and they waved him through with a nod. The gate creaked open, revealing the capital’s grandeur beyond the walls.

The carriage continued forward, passing through the imposing gates and entering the capital. The capital city was encircled by a large wall, it's towering buildings and bustling streets were a stark contrast to the tranquil village of Oraios. Nacht navigated the carriage through the crowded streets until they finally arrived in front of the grand temple, its majestic spires rising high into the sky. The temple was an imposing structure of intricate stonework, its presence commanding respect and awe.

Emily and Nacht helped Mav out of the carriage, and as they stood before the temple, the significance of the day settled in. The grandiosity of the temple seemed to encapsulate the weight of the moment, the culmination of years of anticipation and hope. The ceremony was about to begin, and Mav’s journey was set to unfold within these hallowed walls.

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