Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 7 – A bit of slice of life

Meditation class was a class where all the students sat down on mats and simply meditated. Since the students were not allowed to cast spells inside the meditation room, some official witches that majored in draining spells, come to drain the mana and stamina from the witches periodically whenever the mana and stamina reached their maximum capacity. It was a rather arduous process for first-year apprentices, but for third-year apprentices, they could shrug off the fatigue and endure.

Alex sat down on one of the free mats on the floor, they were arranged in a circle. After 5 minutes, a middle-aged goblin woman, dressed in casual fabric clothes, covered in a black runic cloak of a senior witch sat down on the teacher seat. Her name was Baza. After she entered, a few official witches that graduated last year entered, they all possessed black magic robes having some runes inscribed on them, showing their status. They had classes such as "Drain witch" or "drain mage" as a second class.

Baza said cheerfully, "Good morning class, as always, we will now do the meditation class as normal. Today at night on the yearly double full moon, you will summon your very own familiar, and be one step closer to being a true witch. So besides physical education class, you are free until night. Let us begin."

As the words fell, all the witch apprentices felt the annoying yet familiar feeling of mana and stamina leaving the body. They immediately began meditating, and Alex was no exception. Every time an apprentice reached full capacity, they would be drained again. This process continued until two hours have passed.

Ding. Mana Drain Resistance increased to lvl 8.
Ding. Stamina Drain Resistance increased to lvl 6.
Ding. Meditation increased to lvl 9.
Ding. Wisdom increased by 1.

At these prompts, Alex pumped her fists in her mind. 3 Skill increases at the same time + a stat increase was rare. Along with her increase in skill in the morning, that was quite the haul. It must be her lucky day.

Baza said, "Ok class, you all must be hungry now. Go eat your breakfast to replenish your reserves and then go to gym class. Class dismissed." As she said that, she stood up and exited the room. Everyone else followed and went to the cafeteria.

Alex walked down the hall, saying hello to some of the apprentices she met on the way. Along the way, two girls joined her. One of them was a short black-haired catkin girl with golden feline eyes, white skin, a lithe body, and C Cup breasts named Natasha. The other was a long silver-haired and deep brown skinned dark elf with purplish silver eyes, a voluptuous body, and E Cup breasts, named Ecna. They were both two of Alex's closest friends, childhood friends, and sex friends in the academy, and the three of them collectively were known as the queen bees of the third-year students.

Natasha asked casually, " Hey Alex, how was class? Did anything improve?"

Alex replied, "Yeah, got quite the haul this time. Both resistances and meditation increased, even got me another wisdom point."

Ecna whistled, impressed, " Wow last time that happened to me was in the first year. Let's see if you are on a streak and get something in gym class."

Alex asked back, "So how did your meditation go? Any luck?".

Natasha shrugged, "Nothing for me today, it was raised last week so I can't expect much."

Ecna grinned a bit, "My wisdom increased along with stamina drain resistance. I thought it was a good harvest until you told me about your bumper harvest."

Alex shrugged with a smile, and changed the topic, "So girls, do you know what's for breakfast?".

Ecna replied, "It's summoning day today. They are giving better stuff. I think last year we got harpy eggs with fire bovine bacon and Holstaur milk. And a side dish of Alraune leaf salad. But the thing that got me going was that heavenly pudding they made." As she said the last one, she shuddered exaggeratedly while hugging herself, to which Alex and Natasha giggled a bit.

The trio soon reached the packed cafeteria. When the crowd saw the trio coming in, they made way for the queens no matter how much they were hungry. That was the power of respect, background, and popularity. Alex was the daughter of an elder, Natasha came from a powerful military background and Ecna came from a very powerful family clan stationed at Gorgon city. They were also top students within the top ten of the year. Besides that, all three of them were nice and easy to get along with. Even the most anti-social students and the bullies knew when to back off.

Soon they reached the food counter. A rough-looking orc lunch lady, with an artificial metal arm, was distributing food. The woman looked at the trio and said with a smile, "Oh lil Alex, Natasha, and Ecna, How are ye? Gettin' sum dem special grub aye? Here ya go. Tadey we got ourselves dem famous lamia egg omelet with earth pig bacon, along with a cup of Holstaur milk and special mandrake and Alraune leaf salad. And fo' dessert, ruby strawberry jam, and cream cake. Enjoy! Oh, and lil Alex, say hi to mama fo me!" Alex replied, "Ok aunt Gongza, thanks for the food!" And with that, she gave the food to the trio and they went off to their usual seats.

Ms. Gongza was a party member of Alex's mother's dungeon exploration party and a powerful shield warrior. She saved Alex's mother in a boss fight, costing her a powerfully cursed wound that removed her left arm from the elbow. By the time the curse was removed, the arm could not be restored anymore unless she was healed directly by a level 300 healer. And since only a few dozen individuals were known to be healers of that caliber in the entire planet of Ekkaryon, including monsters, she gave up on restoring it and instead got a prosthetic arm. Alex's mother covered all the costs and even got her a cozy retirement job as a lunch lady. She knew Alex since she was a baby and even held her and changed her diapers. So for Alex, she is even closer than a flesh and blood aunt.

After sitting down, they ate their delicious food and chatted. Natasha asked, "Hey Alex, What are you planning to pick as a class? Do you still want to be a healer? But that's such a waste!" Alex replied, "Yeah, I still want to at least have my second class as a healing class. As for the first class, I will decide after I summon my familiar, though that weird skill will probably affect what I pick too. What about you two?".

Ecna stated, "You know my clan and unique skill already, so probably a shadow witch and an assassin class."

Natasha said, "You also know me, I want to be a battle witch. Close and personal is my calling. I will be a body enhancer witch and a magic warrior second class probably."

Alex nodded, "Yeah, I guessed so. Anyway, let's finish up and go to gym class. Today we are all together right?"

Natasha nodded cheerfully, "Yep".

Ecna also nodded enthusiastically, "Yep, let's go and finish this quickly, and then go to the library."

The trio finished the delicious food and went to the sports ground.

Alex's stats


And that's it for today. I wanted to add the other two's status also for comparison but decided not to add it for now.


Edit: By the way, a normal untrained human adult will have 5 at each stat when reaching 18 years old.

Edit: I accidentally wrote the language from azarinth healer. fixed it now.


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