Reincarnated as a mana core

Sapient Support System (lore)

Right, heya y’all!
I’m having a bit trouble continuing with Raamc right now and probably need a bit of a break from the story to reignite my passion (I’m also sorta hella depressed since yesterday for some reason I don’t really know), so I thought I may as well finally get down to defining the sapient support system. (Which allows me to continue writing RoftA if I’m in the mood)

There are a few things I wish to clarify before you knock yourself out looking at the stuff below.

First of all, the sapient support system replaces the normal system for anything sapient. This is necessary because the normal system gives quests according to intent and desire and sapients are so complex that there is seldom one intent or desire that outweighs the others, resulting in no quest and ultimately no growth for them. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but people busy surviving have less time researching new stuff and Alyra (to all my RoftA readers out there, Alyra is the daughter of the Origin of Mana, as well as the system and the Archive. Very important) wants that.

Second, the sapient support system (SSS) allows an individual to choose a focus, a class so to say. Skills related to the class are easier to get and improve, meaning they get more system support. The (SSS) then gives quests based on that class and helps cultivate up to 5 full levels above the mana density. Beyond that, beings have to risk cultivating on their own. Evolutions are always supported by the system though.(Side note: Whether the SSS is unlocked for children depends on the laws, but it always unlocks once a being finishes its general development.)

Third, the system as a whole is a part of Alyra and thus very adaptable and hard to outplay. It also does not prohibit corruption, general evil and assholeness, as I said it's adaptable. (also sometimes the biggest atrocities lead to profound discoveries and Alyra really wants to know more) This ultimately means that SSS vary wildly in what they do and what they allow. A society such as ours would, for example, not allow the average person easy access to the law, what is basically an AI consultant or have an easy to understand law in the first place. Why? Well, completely denying access to the law is too obvious, but we can’t have the peasants know the rights they have and how to make use of them, otherwise it gets more difficult exploiting them and that would be very… sad.

Fourth, Alyra does not have complete control over mana. As the Archiv she does have some agency however, which allows her to artificially increase the mana density of a chosen region, in this case settlements. This has two purposes: It empowers the population and, more importantly, these regions serve as a beacon for monsters (beings that failed cultivation and have only one desire: more mana). This does pose a threat to any settlement, but it is still better than having a monster stay undiscovered and grow in strength endlessly. If that happens then RIP.

Fifth, the SSS are meant to make management easier and free time. They do not give excess information however, meaning a leather workshop is unlikely to have access to a map for example.

Sixth, different SSS can be connected to either work together or form an SSS of a higher order. Examples are multiple industries forming a union, law enforcements of different settlements forming a division that is responsible for all the areas.

Seventh, I dunno. Have fun I guess!


[Country/Settlement type/organization]
Name: —
Governor/Owner(can be a group of people): —
Country(HQ location for anything that isn’t a country or settlement): —
Population/Employees: —
Morale: —
Income: — (does not have to be money, can be shown in detail in submenu)
Expenditures: — (does not have to be money, can be shown in detail in submenu)

[Laws/rules] (not necessarily shown to citizens/employees, if non asshole leadership then it’s possible for a sub menu to be implemented that allows to ask the system questions about the law)

[Map] (non country/non settlement versions are inferior and vary depending on type of organization)

[Misc] (a variety of other menus depending on organization and what other organizations are attached to it. Shows crime rate and prisoners to governor if a guard force exists as sub organization for example, can show things like corruption to everyone depending on leadership)

Country and organization menus do not have levels.

Settlements level based on population as follows:

Population/Level name/benefit
50/Outpost/access to the sapient support systems
100/small village/allows nation creation (helps with delegation and combines all settlements in one menu for leadership)
250/village/mana density +1
500/large village/mana density +1 (overall +2)
750/high village/mana density +1 (+3)
1,000/small town/mana density +1 (+4)
2,500/town/mana density +1 (+5)
5,000/large town/mana density +1 (+6)
7,500/high town/mana density +1 (+7)
10,000/small city/mana density +1 (+8)
25,000/city/mana density +1 (+9)
50,000/large city/mana density +1 (+10)
75,000/high city/mana density +1 (+11)

I think you got it by now. The next level names are:
Regional capital ( max +15)
Metropolis (+19)
Continental capital (+23)
Planetary metropolis (+27)
Planetary capital (+31)
Multiplanetary capital (+35)
Star capital (+39)
Star cluster capital (+43)
Star field capital (+47)
Galactical cluster fuck (no {+51}) [how the hell did you get a city with 100-999 trillion people??!]

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