Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 57

Changing her floors to small planets had really increased the surface area available to the inhabitants of Argul’s domain by a lot. She still had only one portal for every floor, the 6th being the exception. 

Well, 5000km of space between each portal was quite a lot so it wasn’t too surprising, but the true radius that was needed for her surface floors to open up new portals should have decreased by a lot due to her change.

Argul did a small calculation to ascertain the radius needed for the circumference of the planet to be larger than 10,000 km and was quite surprised by the result. The radius would need to be a little bit longer than 2120 km for a second portal to open up on the other side of the planet. 

Her change had more than halved the required radius and she was nearly halfway there. On the other hand the amount of portals that opened up had been reduced now. With her old settings at least three portals would have opened up the first time she reached the required distance between the portals.

Argul preferred having a new portal open up earlier however, because she really wanted people to get ported to different spots in her domain to make things more interesting. She would also have to endure knowing all the kinky stuff people were doing inside her domain, but Argul tried to ignore it as best as possible.

She shook away the weird thought and the picture of an energetic lizardman banging a happy lizard woman. There were things she didn’t want to touch right now.

Argul moved her view underneath one of the white Isolias and relaxed. There was still a bit of time left until dawn and she intended to spend it underneath the new tree. 

While Argul rested her mind her mana AI added a few small plants to the floor. None of them were too impactful however and nobody would question it if he were to find one particular kind of grass on every floor with slight variations. Today was not only the dawn of a new day, but also the dawn of deep blue hairy moongrass.

When the time had come Argul transferred her mind back to her avatar and got ready for the day. Mia and Alyra had woken up earlier than her and were already up, though technically she had never been asleep in the first place so they couldn’t out pace her.

Argul greeted the two and Aina before they went down to the first floor together. Alyra seemed to be in a suspiciously good mood today and for some reason smiled mischievously everytime she looked at her. Argul wasn’t sure what to think of that, but she would keep her eyes open for any pranks the girl might have planned.

Arthur arrived in the main room a bit after them and Luna served the group a nice breakfast. Alyra continued to grin in a suppressed manner even during the meal however and it distracted Argul a lot. 

Something was up and she wanted to know what it was. Argul could tell that it wasn’t something bad, but that really only helped so far when somebody was constantly looking at you like they had just heard the funniest joke.

She tried to distract herself from her daughter with Mia’s lesson after breakfast. Today was a bit special, because she wanted to teach Mia a bit more about magic. 

Argul knew that there was no way the girl would be able to replicate her mathematical spells so they would try out a few different things. She already knew that working purely with intent and an image of what you wanted in mind worked from Arthur, though in her opinion that only asked for disaster to strike if you didn’t train your image properly beforehand. The human mind was just too inconsistent for that to work right off the bat.

What Argul wanted to try out instead was to have Mia create catch phrases for the spell she associated with the image she needed for the spell. These could be literally anything and the length didn’t matter for now. Argul only wanted to use them to stabilize the image and then train it until Mia could cast a spell without having to say anything out loud.

They started the lesson with a repetition of the things Mia had already been taught and Argul continued with the things she had learned about intent.

During that her gaze wandered over to her daughter now and then and when their eyes met Alyra always smiled amusedly.

After the theory lesson they took a small break so Mia could fully concentrate during the next lesson.

15 minutes later Argul stood in front of her niece and her tail wagged slowly in agitation. She couldn’t get her daughter out of her mind and it was annoying her.

Argul tried to focus on the lesson again and looked Mia in the eyes. “Allright, I am going to cast my light spell in a minute and you will get some time to analyze it in more detail. Remember to focus on the image of the spell and not on my formation, understood?”

Mia nodded and Argul casted her light with a smile. Then she watched as Mia focused on the spell and even probed it once or twice with her mana control.

Argul got distracted again and really wanted to know what her daughter was cooking up in her mind. Her gaze slowly moved back to the couch area from where Alyra was watching them. The girl noticed Argul looking and once more smiled amused. 

Argul frowned in return. This was really driving her crazy.

Her line of thought was interrupted by Mia. “Aunt, for the third time now, I am done!”

She cocked her head questioningly. “Is something wrong? Are you well?”

Argul shook her head. Right, she had been teaching Mia. This was really going too far now.

She sighed. “Sorry Mia, but we will have to take another break. I have to speak about something with my daughter.”

The girl looked a bit disappointed, but still nodded. “Alright, but hurry up okay?!” Argul could see her excitement come through. “I want to try out magic myself!”

The fox-kin smiled and petted Mia. “I will make it as fast as possible.”

Then she looked at Alyra and walked over to her at a fast pace. Argul grabbed her daughter by the arm and began to drag her towards the kitchen. “We are going to have a quick talk, no buts!”

Alyra didn’t even try to struggle and followed Argul into the kitchen obediently. Argul closed the door behind them, leaned against the wall next to it and crossed her arms. “Your poker face is a bit lacking today, you know?”

Alyra grinned at her. “Well, I didn’t even try in the first place.”

Argul rolled her eyes and sighed. “What is it you are hiding from me?”

Her daughter's grinn became a bit more impish. “Nothing too important, mother, don’t worry.” Argul could tell that the girl had a hard time suppressing a laugh right now.

Alyra’s eyes unfocused for a moment and the identify screen of the White Isolia appeared before Argul, just with more information.

</The White Isolia is a large type of tree. It grows in mild to warm environments and has stark white wood and bark. 

The tree grows 4 different blossoms, the commonly found pink blossoms, the uncommon mint green blossoms, the rarely found teal blossoms and the almost impossible to find golden blossoms. The blossoms periodically fall off, though White Isolia’s never stop growing them until their death. They also bear a very sweet tasting fruit, to spread their seeds that is similar to a cherry, but larger.

This tree pulls intents of purity and healing close to itself and absorbs them periodically.

The pink blossom or rather lust blossom has a sweet and alluring smell. As its name already implies it has the capability to increase the libido of whomever smells them. This effect is limited to the immediate surroundings of the blossom. It is unknown if the blossom can be utilized for other things.

The mint green blossom, also named fertility blossom, has a strong smell similar to that of mint. Upon ingestion the blossom has fertility boosting effects, though the strength of the effect depends on the user. It will however always increase the fertility even if it had been zero before. It is unknown if the blossom can be utilized for other things.

The teal blue blossom or stamina blossom has a stark acidic smell. It has a strong energizing effect if it is ingested. Depending on the user this can be dangerous. It is unknown if the blossom can be utilized for other things.

The fourth blossom of the White Isolia, the saint blossom, has a fresh and calming smell that adds to its golden colouration. Ingesting this blossom leads to one of its three miraculous effects.

  • Wounds, lost limbs, lost organs or other ailments of the body will regenerate and heal.
  • All permanent illnesses even if they are caused by genetic issues will be cured.
  • Depending on the blossom the lifespan of healthy individuals may increase up to 100 years.

Vast amounts of mana, intent of purity and intent of healing are needed for the saint blossom to grow. It is unknown if the blossom can be utilized for other things.


When Argul read through the lust blossom's explanation she blushed deeply and her ears drooped in embarrassment, much to the delight of her daughter. 

She should have guessed during the night that something was up when the system hadn’t shown anything about the blossoms' effects during the night. Argul really just wanted to create something that wasn’t weird but still cool for once. 

She ignored her laughing daughter and continued to read on in the hope that things would get better.

Her reaction to the other blossoms was a lot different. The fertility and stamina blossoms sounded really useful and their effects screamed make a potion out of me. It was the saint blossoms' description that completely overwhelmed Argul however.

The blossom did everything to live up to its name and just for the chance of something like this to grow the tree was the most incredible plant Argul had inside of her domain. Now it also made sense why the tree collected purity and healing intent, though she doubted that a saint blossom would ever grow in the current mana levels.

Argul looked up from the screen. “This is, wow…”

Alyra had stopped laughing at some point and smiled kindly at her mother. The expression was a lot different from before. “It’s an impressive plant, isn’t it?”

Argul nodded and looked a bit puzzled at her daughter. “It is, but why did you hide the info from me?” She would have known the moment something sniffed on the blossoms anyway.

Alyra clasped her hands together. “Well, I wanted to have my fun!”

Then she looked to the ground and a hind of sadness entered her voice. “And because of something else.”

Alyra stepped to Argul and hugged her. “Now I don’t have to tell you that you are unable to have children.”

She kissed Argul on the cheek and rushed out of the kitchen before her mother could respond in any way.

Argul just stood there and tried to understand the emotions inside of her and what the hell had just happened. She had been unable to have kids and knowing that had likely weighed on Alyra’s mind.

Being immortal but not able to have more kids would have been hard to take for Argul, though the feeling was distant now that she knew there was a method around that. Instead she felt all warm and fuzzy inside. It was nice to have somebody who cared about you, even if that someone still played her pranks now and then.

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