Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 39

The rest of the way back they walked mostly in silence. Mia complained about being hungry a few times and Argul tried to start a conversation twice, but neither Alyra nor Arthur took her up on that offer so she gave it up in the end.

Argul had the distinct feeling that Arthur wanted to speak with Alyra alone. He was glancing towards her now and then, though Alyra pointedly avoided eye contact every single time.

When they reached the inhabited part of the city the sun was already setting and it would still take them another hour to get back to their inn. The streets were mostly empty and people were already at home most likely preparing dinner.

The group of four reached the wooly sheep in the last light of the day, but in an emergency  Argul luckily would have her flashlight. Jokes aside, she felt a bit bad about being this late and making Luna wait for them.

Argul tried to open the door, but it was already locked so she knocked instead. Luna’s shout came as a response from somewhere inside. “I am coming in a minute!”

It was silent for a moment before you could hear the creaking of a door and the sound of hooves walking on wood. Then the curtain of the window right to the door was pulled aside and revealed Luna peaking out at them in the dimming daylight.

The girl brightened up upon seeing them and hurriedly opened the door. “Welcome back!”

The group greeted her in return and then entered the inn, where they walked towards their rooms to store their stuff. When Argul reached the stairs to the second floor she turned around and looked at Luna apologetically. “Sorry for being late, Luna. We kind of lost track of time and underestimated how far away we were from here.”

Luna just waved her away happily. “No worries, happened to me all the time in the first two months.”

She turned towards the kitchen. “I am going to warm up your dinner again~.”

Then she walked towards the door in the back of the eating area. Once she was inside there the only thing Argul could hear was Luna’s humming. She turned around herself and walked up the stairs. 

Inside of their room Alyra laid on the bed and Mia was busy with sorting her loot. Argul put her collection of bags in the corner of the room. Maybe she would even sort and tidy the stuff up later.

She kept the bag with the games to take them downstairs again. Argul wanted to give them to Luna as a present. They couldn’t keep the games, because they didn’t have the capacity to take them with them on their travels and Argul had no intention of staying in Newport forever.

She turned towards the other two. “Let's go down again and have dinner.”

Mia immediately jumped up and ran past Argul towards the stairs. “Yay! Food!”

Alyra just yawned and made no move to get up. Argul was a bit worried about her. Aly had been a lot more energetic when it had only been the two of them, but since they met Arthur she had shown less and less emotions.

Argul walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge with her back facing Alyra. “Are you okay Aly?”

Alyra answered nonchalantly. “I am alright mom.”

Argul sighed and set down the bag with the games before she turned towards Alyra. “You know that that won’t work with me.”

She crawled on the bed not caring about her shoes and hugged her daughter. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”

Alyra whined in defeat. “It’s just- I don’t know what to do mom.”

She pressed herself into Argul’s embrace more. “I know all these things. Happy things, possible dangers for us and utterly disgusting things, but I don’t know what I can tell you without making a normal life for you impossible.”

Argul caressed her behind her ears a bit. “It’s really sweet of you to care that much about me.” Here they were, immortal beings with utterly stupid sounding problems, but for them they were real concerns. 

She looked Alyra directly in the eyes. “But let's be honest, Aly, me and a normal life?”

Alyra snorted and Argul smiled at her daughter. “You should just be yourself as Mia had said in the afternoon.”

Alyra booped her nose against Argul’s. “I will try, my hopeless case of a mother.”

Argul grinned at her. That was her daughter, a cheeky impertinent teenager. Argul punched her playfully and then got up. “Maybe you should start by taking on a humanoid form? It might help you to feel more connected to the rest of us.”

Alyra hmphed. “Fine, but only for you mom.”

Argul turned around and watched her daughter intently. Alyra’s form became blurry to the normal sight and she began to change slowly, but Argul was more interested in what the mana was doing. 

When she had created the materialization skill, both of them had only been able to create the image of a body that then got slowly built up completely. Their insides had been practically empty when they had left her domain, but now after half a year their avatars were true bodies.

The insides of Alyra’s body got changed into a massive amount of mana that began to slowly build up the organs, bones, flesh and blood of a humanoid body. A large amount of the mana dispersed into the surroundings. The change was terribly inefficient and Argul already had one idea to improve the skill, but wasn’t quite sure how to do it.

If you had a barrier of mana, a shield so to say, around you, that would stop the rest of your mana to disperse. The only problem was that you couldn’t control your mana in the changing process, so any barrier Argul could create would collapse immediately.

Once the change was over Argul got to see the humanoid form of her daughter for the first time. Alyra was covered in white fur from head to toe, except for her breasts for some reason. They were only covered in a really short layer of fur.

Her legs were still a bit formed like those of a predator and her feet were something between a paw and a human foot, but still clawed as were her hands. Despite the fur you could see the muscles on her body and Alyra was really muscular. That six pack was bound to receive the jealousy of a lot of men.

She had the same ears and tail as Argul, just in white with silver tips and Alyra’s face was still similar to that of a fox. Argul grinned at her daughter. “Couldn’t let go of your foxy self?”

Alyra stood up and looked down at herself. “Well, it would be a shame to let go of my beauty.” 

She was kind of beautiful, but in a strong looking way Argul had to admit. Aly was also smaller than her by around 20cm and if Argul had to guess her age she would say 16 or 17.

Alyra looked up at Argul. “Do you think people would consider me naked if I only wear a breast band?”

Argul looked at her thoughtfully. “Honestly I have no idea. Except for your breasts all your private parts are hidden under your fur and even your breasts are technically covered by fur.”

She shrugged. “If you don’t want to wear anything else then why not?”

Alyra sighed in relief. “Nice, can you lend me something?”

Argul grinned at her. “What would you do without your mum huh?”

She went over to her wardrobe and rummaged through it until she found Arthurs old shirt turned breast band, which she then threw at Alyra. “Here, take my old rag.”

Aly fumbled around a bit until she managed to get the knot on her back right. “How generous of you mom.”

Argul haughtily fanned herself some air. “But of course, only the best for my daughter.”

Alyra rolled her eyes and was about to answer when Mia shouted from downstairs. “Dinner is ready! If you don’t come down fast I will eat everything.”

Argul smiled at Alyra. “Looks like our time is up.”

Then she walked out of the room together with her. Arthur came out of his room too and stopped when he saw Alyra. “Wow.”

Alyra huffed and turned away from him. “If you stare any longer you might as well grow roots.” Then she went downstairs.

Arthur looked at Argul. “She can take a humanoid form too?”

Argul smiled at the clueless boy and winked. “Believe me, there is not a lot she can’t do.”

Then she walked downstairs too, leaving a befuddled Arthur behind.

ff--> furry feelings

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