Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 13

Rewritten: 13.06.2022 17:15 CET

Mana density

The mana density of a region is always level one without further intervention. High level regions are the result of powerful creatures dying or a lot of creatures dying in one place, making large battlefields dangerous for generations yet to come. Argul’s prison/dungeon is an irregularity.



Alyra looked concerned at Argul. “That’s not good. The influence of the other universe will now fight your mana during the evolution process.”

Argul did not like that. “Let me guess, all humans who are under the influence of our old universe are going to mutate uncontrollably until my mana has won?”

Alyra nodded. Fuck!

Argul had no idea how many humans that would be, but the answer was likely a lot and there would be a lot of bloodshed. Especially because a portal has opened on the planet as part of the mana pact, which meant they had no time to plan any countermeasures.

Fuck! Couldn’t things go right without dooming a shit ton of people for once?

She would not blame herself for all the deaths, that would be useless. It didn’t mean that she had to like it though and Argul would try to help where it was possible.

She opened her notifications, trying to create some plans for the future.


Quest completed: 

  • To walk the world
  • You created an avatar and can now enjoy the things of those who can move and interact with the world. STR +1, WIS +1 

New Quest: 

  • Clothes!!!!!!!!!!
    • You idiot!!! How could you not think of getting clothes first you brain dead mana fox!!!


Argul tried to ignore this quest, but still blushed a bit.

Skill created!


  • Fate contract


    • This skill allows you to create unbreakable contracts that will change and bind your fate to those of others. While this is not an archive restricted skill, it will be policed by it and abuse will always issue elimination quests to others.

Achievement made: 

  • Skill creator (3)
    • You have created 10 or more skills unknown to the archive and opened new possible paths for others. Your skill identify got a minor upgrade. INT +2


  • Identify (3)
    • The skill displays everything you know about your target. Even knowledge you forgot will be shown. The skill has a very low chance to hint at information that other sapients know and you do not. The skill does not display false knowledge.
    • You can upgrade the skill through quests.


While the upgrade for identify didn’t look like much, all new knowledge Argul learned through the skill would then count as her own, making it possible to learn more things by using the skill again. The more she used the skill the better it would now become.

Whatever was going to happen to them, this skill would likely help.


You have contracted your fate to: Alyra Agren, Fia Lotusriver. See details (+)

Achievement made: 

  • A leap of fate!
    • You have bound your fate to the universe, an unknown party just to be able to achieve possible coexistence. You really must have had faith in yourself to do such a monumentally stupid thing. You don’t just bind your fate to strangers and you don’t go with the man who promises chocolate. At least as long as you are not into such things, let’s hope that is not the case
    • You're so naive that you radiate it. Others are more likely to feel at ease when looking at you. (skill: curse of harmlessness (s)) STR +2


Argul had been sure what she had done was pretty planned through, but thinking back now she had been incredibly lucky that it had been Fia she negotiated with. It had been more likely to fail than to succeed with any other universe. 

While looking harmless might be nice, Argul could also see why the system called it curse. Idiots would be more likely to attack you or predators would be more likely to think of you as easy prey. It was a double edged sword you could only try to wield, but it would never be truly possible to do so for you. 

Also cheers to her fierce looks, it was nice to have known you.


Quest completed: 

  • Sweet freedom
    • You have not only managed to find a way to leave your prison, no you also made it your home. Once a month you are able to sacrifice 50% of your structural integrity to rip open space and travel to the lowest floor of your domain. (skill: emergency portal)
      • Possible duration of portal depends on your core size. (1+(str+int)/wis min) 
      • Cooldown depends on your core size and mana regeneration. (1-wis/(str+int) month)


That skill was a pretty nice reward. It would enable her to possibly save any normal friends she might get and once she was powerful enough and knew how to open a portal herself she could even do it without sacrificing her health. 

It was also the first skill she had seen that encouraged having one strong stat instead of balanced stats.


Quest changed: 

  • Like a weed (1)
    • Spread your influence. For every planet of your current solar system at mana level 1 your lowest stat will rise by one. 0/10


So there are 10 planets in this solar system that Argul’s old universe just threw away, what a rich kid. She liked that quests could change depending on the situation. It might offer a hint to something that you hadn’t seen before.


New Quest: 

  • They called it trash! (1)
    • While your current universe is not even the size of a galaxy, all kinds of treasures are hidden inside it. Failed experiments, dangerous creatures, strange natural phenomena and all kinds of interesting things wait just to be uncovered. May your luck hold true!


That was new for Argul, as the quest didn’t talk about what he had to do, but going by the last sentence the archive itself didn’t know where to begin to search, so it made some sense that it was open ended.


Achievement made:

  • Bane of the multiverse
    • Because of your fate pact your mana now actively fights any universal influence except that of the Lotusriver universe. Your mana has become a bane to other universes' existences and means of defense and attack.
    • Wis +3


Argul honestly hadn’t thought about it that way, but she congratulated Fia on winning the lotto. She didn’t really care all that much as long as she wasn’t pulled into that crap.


New Quest:

  • Gotta save em all!
    • Because of your fate pact large parts of the human population are about to mutate into horrible monsters. Try to save as many of them as possible. 0/--


Argul decided at that moment that she would follow that quest for now. Making mistakes was mostly okay, hers might not be okay but she tried not to care, as long as you tried to remedy what happened.

She opened her status.


Status (core)


Six more wisdom and Argul would try four dimensions again. She might be able to manipulate space with 25 intelligence, but she wasn’t sure about that. Her stats were still coming along nicely for now and her first floor had a third of the area of Germany, so she was sure her ecosystem would survive.

Sadly there were more important things to do right now. Argul looked at Alyra who had been waiting patiently for her and nodded. There was no need to communicate what they were about to be doing for the next few months.

She turned to the slime that was still desperately clinging to his back and had to smile at the sight. “Alright Aina, you better hold on tight because we are going to go on a fast jog.”

Alyra took the lead as she was the slower one of the two and they began their track to the portal.

During that run Argul noticed a new status option and investigated a bit further.


 Status (materialized)


She had three new stats in this form and they likely meant different things, so she opened their descriptions.

Strength (Str)

  • Strength makes you more durable and stronger. The stat reduces the amount of body fat and grows the optimal amount of muscle mass for your body.

Agility (Agi)

  • This stat makes you more nimble and heightens the control you have over your body.

Perception (Per)

  • This stat will strengthen your perception, so you can smell and hear more, see better and also during the dark and will let you perceive faster motions and slower motions with more accuracy.

Intelligence (Int)

  • This stat will improve your memory and heighten the amount of mana your mind can store.

Wisdom (Wis)

  • This stat will improve your mana regeneration, as well as how fast you can think.

Willpower (Wil)

  • This stat will strengthen your mental defense as well as improve any skill that uses mana. Wil becomes stronger the more Wis and Int you have.

Her core Str seemed to contain Str and Agi and his core Wis was a combination of Wis and Per. Wil was part of his core Int. Alyra had been right, Argul did get a lot more stats because she had less possible options. She had just needed to see it visually to fully understand it.

Alyra and Argul traveled at a sustainable pace for them. They were still quite fast because of their size and their stats.

After asking her about this Argul now knew that Alyra was able to copy the stats of any living being for her avatar and that she would just copie Argul’s with a different variation of skills.

Despite them being quite fast it still took them about two hours to reach the portal. Argul eyed the unstable thing warily. She had seen the slime go through without issues, but that didn’t mean she trusted the portal.

One thing was sure, she would not let her daughter go first. As Argul approached the rip in space grew big enough for her to walk through. Argul stopped and tried to assure herself that nothing bad would happen.

She took another step and a screen popped up asking her where she wanted to go. The only options were her floors, the moon Luna and strangely a planet named Erod.

Argul took another deep breath, closed her eyes and jumped through the portal. Her body suddenly felt a lot heavier and she nearly fell as she opened her eyes.

After stumbling a bit away from the rip she looked at her back to make sure Aina was alright and then that Alyra was okay.

Aina was indeed still on Argul’s back, even though her body looked a bit more flat and wide than before. Argul immediately restricted access to Erod to the 6th floor so no strange creatures could come through for now. 

Alyra simply walked through the portal and rolled her eyes at her mothers antics.

Having made sure everyone was alright, Argul focused on her surroundings. It was warm and the sky was mostly cloudless. They were in a birch forest that extended as far as she could see. The ground was really sandy and different kinds of grass and flowers grew here and there.

The forest was dead silent and Argul did not like that. Something was off and she couldn’t quite tell what.

Argul sniffed for any similar scent, but the only thing she found was a very weak smell similar to that of sylvester. How odd.

She looked at Alyra, searching for help. “What now?”

Alyra opened her mouth, wanting to answer, but was interrupted by an incredibly loud bang. Argul winced, that would explain the dead silent forest and gunpowder smell.

Alyra smirked. “Well, if you are in doubt just follow the lovely sound of gunfire!”

The corner of Argul’s mouth twitched upwards. Damn this was a dead serious situation smiling now was inappropriate. The pun did not quite help and now she was smiling openly. 


Screw it, there was no use for walking around frowning anyway. Might as well have a bit of fun while trying to save as many people as possible.


New Quest:

  • Did someone say guns?
    • You heard gunfire. Investigate the source and help if help is needed.

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