Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg

Chapter 742: Sephirotic Tree Dragon (side: Treant)

My body is enveloped in bluish-white light, growing rapidly. In mere instants, I’ve grown to the height where I can see eye to eye with the Magic Beast King.

【Characteristic skill [Slow Body: Lv-] has been lost.】

【Characteristic skill [Grisha Language] has risen from level 3 to MAX.】

【Characteristic skill [Automatic HP Recovery] has risen from level 7 to MAX.】

【Characteristic skill [Automatic MP Recovery] has risen from level 8 to MAX.】

【Characteristic skill [Flight] has risen from level 4 to 8.】

【Characteristic skill [World Tree Bark] has risen from 3 to MAX.】

A voice drones in my head. Is it referring to my skills…?

I have a feeling that it’s similar to the [God’s Voice] that master-dono mentioned. I wonder if it has something to do with the [God’s Wisdom] that was said earlier.

【Characteristic skill [Life's Balance: Lv-] has been acquired.】

【Characteristic skill [Divine Spirit Shield: Lv-] has been acquired.】

【Characteristic skill [Demon Eye of Karmic Allotment: Lv-] has been acquired.】

【Characteristic skill [Paradise Creation: Lv-] has been acquired.】

【Resistance skill [Status Condition Nullification: Lv-] has been acquired.】

【Resistance skill [Seven Attribute Resistance: LvMAX] has been acquired.】

【Normal skill [Akashic[1] Counter: LvMAX] has been acquired.】

【Normal skill [Genesis Magia: LvMAX] has been acquired.】

【Title skill [World Tree] has transformed into [Tree of Life].】

What…? This… is the power that I’ve obtained…? At the same time I’m overcome by amazement, I instinctively understand how to use those abilities.

It seems like my current form has a large mouth and walks on all fours. My body seems to be made of my usual wood, but it glows with blue light similar to that of [Undying Regeneration]. Behind me is a giant tail.

My form is similar to that of master-dono. That’s right… It’s as if I’m a dragon.

With this power, is it possible I could defeat the Magic Beast King and rescue Aro-dono?

【Characteristic skill [God of Destruction: Lv-] has been acquired.】

The voice sounds in my head once more. I remember hearing about this God of Destruction. It appears to those that acquire power they shouldn’t have reached, bringing certain death.

【Characteristic skill [God of Destruction]】

【Any who touch power beyond their means will crumble away without fail.】

【Maximum HP and MP rapidly decreases.】

【This skill cannot be turned off. Absolutely never.】

The messages come as though to remind me.

But, strangely, I don’t feel any despair. Instead, I feel relief. Without paying this price, I couldn’t believe that I could match the Magic Beast King.

【[Sephirothic[2] Tree Dragon]: Rank L (Legendary)】

【The dragon said to rule over the cycle of reincarnation of thousands.】

【Once this tree appears, it’s said that all life will enter the cycle, and a new world will be born.】

【Also, with the power to link to the world itself, it can draw out all forms of insight from it.】

Sephirotic Tree Dragon… Apparently, that’s my current species name.

I think it’s too tremendous a name for me to bear.


Species: Sephirotic Tree Dragon

Condition: God of Destruction

Lv: 1/155

HP: 28/2075

MP: 14/555

Attack: 195

Defence: 755

Magic: 445

Speed: 189

Rank: L (Legendary)

Characteristic Skills:

[Darkness Attribute: Lv-] [Grisha Language: LvMAX] [Harden:Lv7] [Automatic HP Recovery: LvMAX] [Automatic MP Recovery: LvMAX] [Flight: Lv8] [Soothing Drop: Lv6] [Indomitable Guardian: Lv-] [Gravity Compression: Lv5] [Stealthy Movement: Lv5] [Vitality Conferment: Lv-] [World Tree Bark: LvMAX] [Fairy Hex: Lv-] [Life's Balance: Lv-] [Divine Spirit Shield: Lv-] [Demon Eye of Karmic Allotment: Lv-] [Paradise Creation: Lv-] [God of Destruction: Lv-]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv8] [Fall Resistance: Lv9] [Magic Resistance: Lv7] [Status Condition Nullification: Lv-] [Seven Attribute Resistance: LvMAX]

Normal Skills:

[Take Root: Lv5] [Clay: Lv5] [High Rest: Lv6] [Fire Sphere: Lv7] [Aqua Sphere: Lv4] [Clay Sphere: Lv6] [Wind Sphere: Lv4] [Telepathy: Lv5] [Gravity: Lv6] [Poison Cloud: Lv4] [Physical Barrier: Lv6] [Antipower: Lv6] [Decoy: Lv6] [Statue: Lv6] [Meteor Stamp: Lv6] [Tree Spiritisation: Lv6] [Berserk: Lv5] [Wood Strike: Lv5] [Wood Counter: Lv5] [Armour Break: Lv5] [Guard Lost: Lv5] [Clay Wall: Lv5] [Ground Tremor: Lv5] [Heat Ray: Lv5] [Woven Armour: Lv4] [Death God Seed: Lv5] [Undying Regeneration: Lv6] [Humanisation Technique: Lv2] [Akashic Counter: LvMAX] [Genesis Magia: LvMAX]

Title Skills:

[Demon Lord’s Subordinate: Lv-] [Eater of the Fruit of Wisdom: Lv-] [White Mage: Lv7]

[Black Mage: Lv7] [Dragon’s Lost Property: Lv-] [Tree of Life: Lv-]


It’s the same as I heard from Master-dono. This is my current status…

“Treant… san? That form is…”

Aro-dono speaks, looking up at me from the ground.

『Please don’t worry. I’ll definitely protect you, and your home.』

Even if I were to lose everything for that sake, that’s my true wish.

『You evolved… this late into the battle? Impossible, non-divine skill holders shouldn’t be able to attain Legendary rank. That form…』

The Magic Beast King glares at me. It appears considerably surprised, but quickly recovers, shaking its head.

『No, you are merely Legendary rank… In addition, you should only be level 1. No matter what you plan to do, it’s nothing more than clutching at straws now. You won’t even put up a fight against a single chimaera, let alone me…』

The Magic Beast King snorts.



The surrounding chimaeras crowd around to box me in, coming close.

『Finish it. I have no intention of dallying any further with these…』

Suddenly, the first chimaeras to come close stop in their tracks and start to convulse.

“A, A, A…?”

『What are you…』

The chimaeras shrink and wither, blackening and falling over. Flowerbeds spring to life from around their corpses.

【5010 experience points have been acquired.】

【The level of [Sephirothic Tree Dragon] has risen from 1 to 45.】


The Magic Beast King’s four eyes open wide.

It’s my skill… [Life's Balance].

【Characteristic Skill [Life's Balance]】

【Life force and mana is drawn from those near the user, becoming the user’s sustenance.】

【The user can control who the skill affects.】

【The strength of [Life's Balance] is dependent on the difference between the user’s maximum HP and current HP.】

Following the first chimaeras, more begin to fall down, thudding to the ground one after another. With the increase in my level and increase to my maximum HP, the difference between my current and maximum HP continues to widen, making the skill’s power remain potent.

Some chimaeras that leap out to challenge me, but their bodies wither in midair, transforming to flowerbeds. Others decide that they aren’t a match for me and turn to flee. In an instant, all that remains around me is a field of flowers and the withered remains of chimaeras.

【44460 experience points have been acquired.】

【The level of [Sephirothic Tree Dragon] has risen from 45 to 74.】

『…[Teeming Reincarnation] worked against me, it seems. However, that won’t change how this ends.』

The Magic Beast King moves to stand in front of me.

[1] – Akashic – to do with the traditional Indian concept of space or the sky – wiki

[2] – Sephirotic – to do with the Tree of Life in Jewish Kabbalah – wiki

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