Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 94: Emperor

I waved at Iris as we approached the table. It held a map of the city and had several marks on it, presumably where incidents happened. Interestingly the marks were placed with magic. It would allow them to easily change and remove them. I took a moment to study the five people present. I already knew Logan and Iris. Her presence was surprising. Who was taking care of the garrison? The others included an old but fit man with grey hair. He had a scar on his right cheek. Next to him was a woman with long black hair wearing a robe. The last person looked relatively young and cocky. He had short blond hair and a smooth face.

“So, what is this about?” I asked. They summoned us after all.

“I am general Heinrich.” The old man introduced himself. “This is captain Gunther.” He pointed at the young man. “You already know his vice captain, Iris. I believe you are also familiar with Logan, the royal inquisitor. And this lady here is my adjutant, major Clara.”

“I am Amaya Delphinium, with me are Lucy Delphinium and Loriel Nightshade.” I skipped our titles. I suspected they knew them anyway.

“You have been summoned because of your involvement in today’s events.” The general said. “The Emperor himself will join us in a bit. This situation is… unusual. Foreign agents operating in our city is not something we welcome, yet you have saved some of our troops.” Gunther sneered. Heinrich ignored him and continued: “And afterwards you ended in a confrontation with the inquisition. We have heard… worrying testimony about your power. There have been questions about your identity.” He left it at that and stared.

I picked a small slice of toast, covered with a paste I could not identify, from my plate and bit into it. The taste reminded me somewhat of tuna. It was hard to identify the flavours but I liked it. I ignored all the staring. They did not ask a question after all. The room descended into an uncomfortable silence. Well, not for me. I was enjoying my food.

“My lady, this is no way to behave!” Logan added.

“Oh, you found your voice again since our last encounter?” Lucy responded. “Also, are those new pants you are wearing?”

I did not really pay attention to his clothing. So I had no idea if Lucy was being serious. But I suppose I sort of intimated him with my aura in our last meeting.

“This is ridiculous!” Gunter complained. “Why are we dealing with this trash? Just lock them up!”

Iris stiffened. “Sir, they saved the garrison. They have helped defend the city.”

Gunther turned to her, a sneer on his face. “Your incompetence has cost us enough! Be silent.”

“See, that is why you are in this mess.” I said while pointing at Gunther. “You have too many inbred idiots in positions of power.”

While Gunther seemed speechless Heinrich responded. “That was uncalled for. Let us be civilised.”

“Civilized?” I snorted. “Look around you. Your capital is under attack by a cult. Demons kill your people. Everywhere we look incompetence is in charge. Nobody is trying to solve an issue. It’s all just politics while your people die in the streets. Not to mention, that a slaving nation can hardly be called civilised in the first place.” At least the general had the decency to look slightly ashamed. Or was it resigned? I continued: “Even now you are just looking for someone to blame. Who is even managing the garrison? Have you found your mages yet?”

“ENOUGH” I heard a strong voice from the back. There was a secret door next to the throne that opened and Maximilan emerged. Beira followed him. The emperor was not wearing a crown this time. He was dressed in a fancy suit and had a sword attached to his belt.

“You have made your point lady Amaya. And unfortunately you are not entirely wrong.” The people all bowed to the emperor. Well, not our group. We just inclined our heads in greeting.

“There is a lot of rot in my nation. It might be time for me to take a more active approach in cleansing it. But I cannot help to notice that you are speaking for the Dominion. Have you usurped Maeve? Is she your pet?”

Loriel answered: “Your majesty, countess Amaya is part of the Dominion and not in charge.”

Maximilian looked at me. “Really?” He sounded unconvinced. “Anyway, that is not the reason for this meeting. Amaya, you have slain my high inquisitor. You prevented my knights from bringing him before me to face my justice.” He stated.

I shrugged. “He sealed his fate when he attacked us. Especially after he decided to blow everything up. You had your chance to deliver justice after Iron Rock. You failed.”

I heard several gasps in the room. I suppose people were not used to someone judging their Emperor. Especially not a foreign countess.

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