Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 92: Just an Elf

I looked around the city. Slowly my emotions calmed. The wind blew softly, it almost felt like a gentle embrace. The stench of the battlefield was replaced by the smell of rain. All the blood and dirt covering me was slowly washed away. My magical armour of wind did not stop the water. It almost welcomed it as a friend.

While I hovered there, contemplating the situation, I felt arms reaching around my body. Lucy snuck up on me from behind and was hugging me. I relaxed in her embrace. We simply floated for a bit. After a while she asked: “What’s next?”

“We should probably go back to the palace. I think this incursion is over, for now.”

“There will be a lot of questions. I don’t think your ‘I am just an elf’ line is going to cut it.” She said, sounding amused.

I sighed. “It’s not like anyone is going to believe the truth. But I might have to admit that I am not just a normal sorceress.”

“And I can admit to being your warlock.”

“I suppose. I wonder how everyone is going to react.”

“Elnora’s face will be priceless. I still remember our first meeting.”

“Mhm. The Empire’s reaction will be more interesting. The Dominion's power is greater than anyone expected with us being part of them. Some might even accuse us of manipulating or controlling them.”

“I will gladly slaughter them all in your name!” Shani interjected. I had not noticed that she came closer.

“You should probably return home and heal.” I said.

“Awww. But call me once you start stabbing, or slicing, or roasting,...” I dismissed the spell and she slowly faded away.

“We also have to talk about Lilastheria.” Lucy said.

“True. We need to find a way to free her without making her vulnerable to Beira. That also reminds me, I still have all the research we stole from her lab. We need to give that to Elnora at some point.”

“Do you know if Lilastheria is ok?”

“Focus on the bond. It connects us all. You can still feel her. I sense no dread or pain. She should be fine.”

“Good. We are responsible for her.”

“That we are.”

We fell into a comfortable silence again. The clouds above slowly dispersed. The rain stopped and the late afternoon sun shone down on us.

Eventually we decided it was time to leave. We started flying towards the palace. Shortly after landing a servant found us.

“My ladies, there is an emergency meeting of the delegations in progress. Please follow me!”

We nodded and went along with the man. He led us to a meeting room with a large U-shaped table in the centre. Very few people were using it. There were buffet tables along the walls. Most people were mingling and eating.

“Huh. Yeah, it really looks like an emergency.” I said. We spotted Loriel and walked towards her. She noticed us as well and left her group to approach us.

“Where have you been?” She asked. “You can’t just disappear!”

I shrugged. “We got tired of politics and went on a date.”

Loriel’s mouth opened and closed for a bit, lost for words. Then she just sighed.

“So what sort of emergency conference is this? Looks more like a social gathering.”

Loriel took a deep breath. “As you might have noticed, there were attacks in the city. So they called all the diplomats together, gave us a little speech about them handling it, and then served food. It’s not really a meeting, more a ‘keep the diplomats busy and out of the way’ event. We haven’t heard any updates about the situation. Elnora is trying to find out more but they don’t want us snooping around or involved in any fighting.”

Her eyes narrowed as she said the last part. She stared at us, then sniffed. “You were totally involved in the fighting.”

The rain had washed away most of the evidence. Our wounds were gone by now, thanks to our regeneration. We even changed into our 2nd set of travelling clothes on the way. Maybe we should have taken a full shower though.

“We simply helped the Empire.” Lucy said. “You know, killing some demons, killing a high inquisitor…”

“You… WHAT?” Loriel’s outburst attracted some attention. She calmed herself and spoke in a more quiet voice: “Tell me everything.”

I told her about today’s event. But I kind of glanced over the storm I might have summoned. After I finished, Lucy decided to add that part. “You left out the best part Amaya! In the end you got so worked up, your emotions became a literal storm. Your eyes glowed purple and your aura made those imperial’s squirm. I am proud to be your Warlock.”

Loriel’s face became pale as the words registered. “You… you are her patron? But… how? What are you? Elnora tested you with the divine orb!”

I shrugged. “I am just an elf.”

Lucy burst out laughing.

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