Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 64: Encounter

The cake was delicious and the coffee was pretty good as well. Lucy seemed to enjoy her shake. “So, what do you want to do next? Check out the park?” I asked.

“Yes! It’s rather large and has a small lake in the centre. There are also several canals extending from the lake throughout the area.”

“Are you allowed to swim in the lake? Should we have brought a bathing suit?” Not that I owned a bathing suit. I had not gone for a swim since I entered this world. Maybe something I should consider buying.

Lucy shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s rather big, so I would assume you can swim if you want to.”

We left the cafe satisfied and walked into the park. There was a mixture of stone and dirt paths leading through it. Different areas had different vegetation. We were walking through a small forest and entered a field of grass with some shrubs and decorative stones. Water was a popular feature with small artificial streams and rivers. All of them were connected to the lake in the centre. I assumed they used magic to create a current. The sound of running water made for a pleasant experience.

We met a few other people but the park seemed rather empty. Of course it was close to midday. Probably not the busiest time. I wondered if picnics were a thing in this world. We arrived at the central lake after walking for an hour. There was a meadow next to it where some people enjoyed the sun. I also saw someone swimming.

Suddenly I heard a voice I recognized behind us. “Well well, what do we have here?”

It was Alexander, the 3rd prince.

I sighed and turned around. He was dressed in military uniform and had his hand around an uncomfortable looking woman. She was also in uniform but clearly of a lower rank. He had several guards with him, all male. Our own escort looked pale. The prince was part of the imperial family and probably their superior officer. Even if they were not part of his chain of command there might be consequences if they opposed him. So if we started a fight our guards had no good options.

“Who is that?” Lucy asked.

“That is Alexander, the 3rd prince. I met him briefly at the welcome party.” I answered.

I was not sure what Alexander expected. Maybe some bowing? Clearly our uninterested attitude was not it.

“Know your place dog! You are in the presence of royalty!” he shouted.

“Dog?” Lucy looked at me. “Do you think he does not know the difference between a dog and a fox?”

“Clearly the imperial education system leaves a lot to be desired.” I answered.

“I shall teach you your place! Men, I want them kneeling in front of me!”

“If he wants to teach us our place would it not imply that he does it himself? Instead of ordering others?” Lucy asked.

“I guess talking might just be too complicated for him. Poor guy. Maybe they dropped him on the head a lot as a baby?”

Alexander’s face was getting red. But he made no move to actually draw his own weapon. One of our guards spoke up. “I am sorry your highness but we are under orders to protect those ladies. Attacking them would mean defying the Emperor.”

“DEFYING ME IS TREASON!” Alexander shouted. This time he drew his sword and tried to stab our guard. But I was a lot faster than the prince. I ran between them and caught the blade, with my hand.

The blade actually cut me, so it was magical. Somewhat unsurprising for a member of the imperial family. But I still had pretty tough skin and a lot of strength. My hand was wrapped around his sword and he could no longer move it. Blood dripped slowly through my fingers. I stared into Alexander’s eyes. He started to sweat. None of his soldiers had moved yet.

“This has gone far enough. Leave before I teach you a lesson in manners.” I said. My voice was calm and cold.

“You threatened me! You can’t threaten a prince! Arrest her!” Alexander was sweating more and more. He still gripped his sword but he could not move it.

One of Alexander’s soldiers stepped forward. He was a big guy with a big sword on this back. I briefly wondered if the sheath was magical to allow him to draw it. Maybe I would find out.

“Unhand the prince. You are under arrest for attacking the imperial family.”

This whole thing sounded like a setup. Probably not by the prince, he seemed to stupid for that. But I suspected someone was using him. And someone was probably watching us.

“We have not attacked anyone… yet.” Lucy said. She stood there grinning, with her spear in hand.

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