Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 61: Theories

Thinking back on it, the guards arrived awfully quickly. We did not have any time to investigate the scene. I still wondered what happened in the water. I did not see any magic circle before the monster appeared. Was it just a normal spell cast by someone hidden nearby? Where did the mage hide?

“You know, that battle did not last very long. And yet, in that short amount of time a maid managed to get help and the guards arrived really quickly. There were also a lot of them. So either they were stationed just a room away or they were prepared for what happened.”

Loriel frowned. “It would make sense for the Empire to have people nearby. To ensure our safety while we are here but also to stop us from doing anything. But they were so fast it really seemed like they were expecting something.”

“Now does that mean they were alerted somehow and came to help? Maybe someone breached their wards and they reacted? Or does it mean they were in on it?” Elnora pondered.

“Do you think they could have engineered an attack and then meant to rescue us so we are more grateful?” Lucy suggested.

“Hm. I feel like it would still look rather bad for the Empire if an attack happens in their palace.” I said.

“But what if one faction planned the attack and another one decided to use it to improve their relations with us?” Elnora countered.

I shrugged. “Honestly, we just don’t have enough information. A lot of theories but no evidence either way.”

We really should have examined the scene. But there was also some concern about our people. Checking up on them was not a bad choice. And refusing to go with the guard might have created further problems anyway.

“What do we do next? Have we heard from the other delegations?” I asked.

“The dwarves should be fine. They haven’t used their emergency communications crystal. But we will definitely have a talk with them tomorrow to discuss the situation and our response.” Loriel said. “We will also have to see what the Empire says. Who are they going to blame? Will they present any evidence?”

“What does this mean for our own plans? Will we go ahead with them?” I wondered.

“We might have to make some modifications depending on how close the Empire will watch us. After that incident they will undoubtedly insist on more guards. But it has also given us more leeway. Somebody else has made the first move now. And our plans for framing demons will look even more convincing now.” Loriel responded.

“You sound a lot more comfortable with the plan now.” I pointed out.

Loriel nodded. “Indeed. Now that we have been attacked we have some leverage in case we are discovered. I am also really curious about your demon now. Maybe she can help us identify what attacked us.”

“Do you think they will try again?” Lucy asked.

“Probably, the question is when.” I responded. “They could have achieved their goal already, if they only wanted to make the Empire look bad. Otherwise they will be watching for more opportunities. Unless our power scared them off, which I doubt.”

“Keep in mind that direct attacks are not the only threat.” Loriel warned. “Since that failed they might try poison, seduction, blackmail,...”

“We should definitely not go anywhere alone.” I said while looking at Loriel.

She sighed. “True. It will make Elnora’s work a lot harder if I have to drag her with me all the time though. Or are you volunteering to accompany me to political meetings with the local nobles?”

“If you want Amaya with you, lure her with food.” Lucy suggested helpfully.

I groaned. “Maybe you should use this as an excuse to stop meeting boring nobles.” After a moment I thought of something else. “So who will investigate this incident? The inquisition is basically a suspect and this would normally be their job. Is Beira going to have a look? Considering she is responsible for the palace wards, which presumably failed, is she a suspect too?”

“I am sure the Empire will let us know. They will send someone to question us.” Loriel answered.

“Why haven’t they asked us anything yet?” Lucy wondered.

“The cynic in me thinks they are still debating what made up story they will use as an excuse. But they could also be busy securing the scene, chasing a suspect or just simply searching the palace ground for any other intruder. The first priority might be the safety of everyone.”

“You know what’s really sad? I could use a relaxing bath right now after all this excitement.” Lucy said.

“The bath might be closed right now but what about room service? Having a nice meal and a drink can be relaxing too!” I suggested.

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