Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 53: Announcement

After breakfast a servant informed us about an official announcement at noon. Speaking of servants, we used our own maids to prepare and serve breakfast. The ones the Empire provided did the cleaning and other tasks that kept them away from our conversations. It was still disturbing that they were slaves but unfortunately I could do nothing about it.

For the announcement we were escorted to the throne room. It used similar marble to the event hall where the welcome party had taken place. The room was rather long with a throne at the end. A line of statues was placed at the left and the right side. They looked like metal soldiers and I assumed they were part of the defence. The throne itself featured very comfortable looking black cushions with golden accents. It was like an armchair with an oversized and decorated backrest. The chair itself was made of dark wood. It looked elegant, imposing but not overly threatening.

The man on the chair was probably the emperor. I studied him while we approached. He had short black hair and a full beard. His eyes had a golden shimmer. Maximilian looked to be in his forties. While not overly muscular his body was in good shape. A silver crown sat on his head. Actually, it was probably mithril. There was a big sapphire in the front. The emperor was dressed in ornate robes.

It occurred to me that I was never told how to act in this situation. Was I supposed to bow? He might not be my emperor, but nobility was often respected across borders. I could observe Loriel but she was a queen, so there might be different standards. Oh well. All the delegates were with us and we stopped maybe 20 metres in front of the throne.

I simply inclined my head as a greeting. Maximilian was watching me with a slight frown. The other delegates were mostly bowing. I did not see anyone curtsy. Maybe that was not a thing in this world. Loriel only inclined her head, just like me. So did Lucy, she might have been following our lead. While she was raised in the Empire I doubt she ever learned too much about court etiquette. At least not as a free person.

Maximilian stood and addressed the crowd: “Honoured guests, I welcome you! I am glad that you accepted my invitation so we can discuss the tragedy that has befallen our neighbour. The events in Iron Rock have been truly disturbing and I was horrified by what transpired.”

I bet he was. Horrified how wrong his plan went. Disturbed by the fact that he had to deal with the aftermath.

“I can assure all of you that I will find the ones responsible for this mess, and make them pay.” He briefly looked at us during that statement. Curious.

“I will also pay reparations to Iron Rock. Imperial resources were used to harm them so it is only proper. I have also ordered the high inquisitors to come to the capital. We will have a proper hearing and investigation into their conduct! And I want all of you to bear witness as justice is done!” He raised his voice at the last part. And really emphasised the word justice.

“Unfortunately, it will take a few days for them to arrive. Meanwhile, my people are already going over records to discover how our forces were compromised. Please enjoy our hospitality for now. No expense will be spared for your enjoyment!” After that he took one more look around, then he left. There were two knights in armour that stood next to the throne who followed him.

He did not even let us ask any questions. Just a little speech and he left. On the bright side, it meant I did not have the opportunity to offend him. Aside from me not bowing.

After the Emperor left a finely dressed gentleman stepped in front of the delegations. “The personal maids assigned to you will have a lot of information about the services we offer. Anything you desire, just ask.”

He sounded kind of sleazy. I was not sure if I wanted to know what all those services included.

“So, what do we do now?” Lucy asked.

“No clue. Maybe explore the city? I am sure there are lots of things to see.” I answered.

“You two have fun, I have people to meet.” Loriel said.

“So how do we even get out of the palace?” I wondered.

“I think we should ask a guard for directions.” Lucy suggested.

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