Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 49: Party Part 1

We were led to an imposing hall featuring different kinds of marble. The blue ceiling was held by black pillars on a white floor. Golden accents were added to the natural stone at certain parts. While there were large windows on the side, the sun had already begun to set. So the hall was illuminated by chandeliers, formed from magic crystals, which produced artificial sunlight. It was a room meant to impress and it certainly did.

Small tables were placed around the room where one could stand and consume food or drink. Two large buffets were visible and a lot of finely dressed staff was walking around to offer or refill beverages. We had a snack before coming here but I was always up for more food. From our delegation only Loriel, Lucy and myself were here. Elnora was likely busy with some planning and our guards and maid stayed at the guest accommodations.

“I see some interesting food, so I will be over there.” I pointed at the left buffet.

“Enjoy yourself and try not to destroy anything.” Loriel said. “I will be chatting to some of the Empire’s nobility.”

Lucy looked around. “I will catch up with Hilda and then I will join you Amaya.”

I considered making a joke about splitting your party but they would not understand the reference. Also, we were not in a horror movie. No, this was something far more sinister. A gathering of politicians. Or more accurately, nobles with political ambitions. While I distracted myself with those idle thoughts I was already filling a plate with delicious looking pastries. There was a variety of miniature savoury pies. I hoped they had a nice beer somewhere to go with it. While I was hunting for said beverage a young man approached me. He was wearing a military style dress uniform with a lot of ribbons on it. I did not have any knowledge about the imperial military but he definitely looked highly ranked. Which did not match his youthful face.

It was hard to judge the age but I would have guessed 17 or 18. He was clean shaven, or maybe he did not grow a beard. His short hair was black and he had a rather smooth face. Of course this was a magical world. He could have been hundreds of years old. There was a sabre on his belt, the hilt was highly decorated in jewels. It looked more like a decoration than a weapon. Or maybe they were magical?

While I was studying him he started talking. “You must be countess Amaya! I heard you fought a demon lord.”

While his words could be taken as admiration his tone was more sceptical. His eyes wandered all over my body. I did not like his eyes. I had a feeling he was mentally undressing me and not evaluating my powers.

“That I am, and who might you be?” I asked.

He looked surprised that I did not know. “I am Alexander, 3rd prince of the Empire!”

I realised that I did not know anything about the imperial family. How old was emperor Maximilian? How many children did he have? One thing I was fairly certain of though, in front of me was a spoiled brat and not an ancient being.

“Do they serve any beer or ale here?” I asked. I had no idea what reaction the prince expected, but this did not seem to be it. He mostly looked confused. Suddenly he smiled.

“Oh I can certainly offer you something to drink. Why don’t you follow me somewhere more private…”

“No thanks. I will just use my own I suppose.” I placed my food on a nearby table and summoned a nice dark ale from my storage. The prince looked rather shocked while I enjoyed my pastry.

Alexander raised his voice: “I am a prince of the Empire, show some respect!”

I stared at his red face while I slowly chewed my food. I wondered what would happen if he attacked me. I had a feeling he was too weak to even harm me in my sleep. But it would make a scene. Of course, a prince of the Empire attacking an emissary from the Dominion would give us a lot of political capital. I highly doubted that the Empire would escalate this to an actual fight.

People nearby were now staring at us. I stayed calm and continued to eat. The prince looked around for support but found none. I wondered how popular he was. After a moment he just turned and stormed away. I was fine with that. I made an enemy but nothing was destroyed, so it was a win in my eyes.

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