Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 44: Powers

The meeting was wrapped up quickly after that. It was decided that we would leave for the Empire the day after tomorrow. While the delegations did not need a lot of time to prepare, William had not expected to leave Iron Rock. I wondered who he would choose to accompany him.

My musings ended when we arrived at our quarters. There we could talk without too much worry of someone listening in. “You did not object to the temporary alliance, I assume that means you approve?” I asked Loriel.

“It was a good idea. It never hurts to have a formal agreement. Since we are already negotiating with the dwarfs it does not benefit us that much. Mostly Iron Rock needs the protection.”

“How strong is the Empire?” Possibly a question I should have asked before.

“That is hard to answer. As far as we know there are at least 12 people capable of 9th circle magic. There could be more though. A few who have mastered 8th tier magic might have advanced without our knowledge. One should not underestimate mages in general. Even the lower tiers hold a lot of power. Further there is an archcleric of Imperius. The church is loyal to their god first and the Empire second. They might even be on our side if we expose experiments on humans.” Loriel shrugged then continued.

“The Empire also has a number of powerful warriors. Usually each high level mage is protected by at least two fighters in combat. There are also several orders of knights with varying strengths and about 300 000 soldiers in the regular army. Some of them are needed to keep the peace, in case of an offensive war they might use about 200 000.”

“Don’t forget their mysterious backer.” Lucy pointed out. “Whatever creature they have helping them is not only going to be powerful but also might have their own army.”

“Speaking of powerful creatures, how would the Dominion have handled Mantus? What sort of force is used for such beings?” I wondered.

Loriel looked at me curiously. “While Mantus was not the most powerful demon lord I would have sent at least a group of six. Two fighters to keep him occupied, a priest for healing and magical enhancements and three spellcasters capable of 9th ranked magic. Of course they would all need powerful equipment as well. And the spellcasters should have at least three 9th circle slots unlocked. Otherwise I would send more. Which really highlights the question of how the two of you defeated Mantus? Since you have agreed to work with me would you be willing to tell me more?”

“We are rather powerful and a lot more well rounded than the average spellcaster.” I said smiling.

Loriel frowned. “The divine orb confirmed that you are an elf Amaya and you seem to be a sorceress. Lucy admitted to being a warlock. Warlocks tend to have some physical powers, depending on her patron she might be able to fight a demon lord in close quarters. But she would still need healing and magical enhancements. As a sorceress you would need to keep your distance. You seem to have some training with your sword Amaya, that might help against mortals but no sorceress could match Mantus in melee.” She paused, thinking. “You both are most likely at the peak of your power with an exceptionally strong bloodline. I assume you had some sort of anti demon artefact prepared. Possibly a way to slow and weaken him. And you would have needed high quality potions for healing. Honestly, even with a lot of resources and preparation it was quite the feat that you have accomplished.”

It was interesting to hear Loriel’s assessment. It also confirmed that the world still underestimated us. Of course our powers were thought to be impossible for mere mortal races. That helped. “How strong are you Loriel?”

She did not immediately answer. It was a rather personal question. I assumed that while powerful people wanted others to know about their might the exact strength was a secret. Eventually she came to a decision and answered. “I have not reached my full potential yet, but I am close. I have access to five 9th circle spell slots. I will not tell you the actual spells I possess unless it is relevant though. My bloodline is considered a strong one. I do have the power to transform, which is an exceptionally rare ability.” She glared at us. “It is not generally used to play around with.”

I suppose she remembered Lucy’s comment, who perked up at the mention of a transformation. “Being an animal can be a lot of fun, you should really try that more!” Lucy said. “It also makes travel a lot faster and more convenient. What does a shadow beast look like?”

Loriel sighed. “It looks like a black tiger with purple stripes…”

“Awww that’s cute! You have to show us!” Lucy said.

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