Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 24: Preparation

The guards seemed on edge when we returned to the city. We slowed our speed and flew close to the wall. They were relieved once they recognized us. We continued our flight directly to the palace. There was a lot more security than last time. A small crowd had formed at the gates, demanding an audience with the duke. All of them seemed to be rather wealthy looking. I suspected those were important people, scared by the sky turning red earlier, that now wanted reassurances. Of course with the fear of another assassination the guards denied them entry.

We flew right over the gate to the front entrance. There were several shouts of outrage from the crowd. The guards on the other hand just motioned for us to continue. I was still carrying Emily, she fell asleep on the way back. I handed her to a guard and told them to keep an eye on her.

The duke wanted to see us immediately. He threw everyone else out of his office. “Amaya, Lucy I am so glad you are here. Please tell me you have some information on what happened!”

We told him everything we discovered. He became paler and paler during the story. “How much time do we have?”, he asked.

“Hard to say. We don’t know what the demon lord is going to do. Technically he could ignore Iron Rock but I doubt it. He will probably strike quickly to prevent reinforcements from arriving. The city would provide him with a lot of sacrifices so it’s a tempting target. If he is marching his army through the forest straight to Iron Rock he should be here tomorrow.” , I reasoned.

“Tomorrow?” He looked lost. “I am not sure what to do. We have some powerful enchantments on the outer wall, but they won’t withstand a demon lord. Even with Nicholas powering them it will not buy us a lot of time…”

“Don’t worry, we are here to help. We will not abandon you, I have a plan”, I assured him.

“A plan? Are there reinforcements? Has the Dominion sent help?”

“No. Lucy and myself are going to engage the demon lord. All you have to deal with are his troops.”

He looked at me with disbelief. “But… but two people cannot fight a demon lord! That is not a plan, that is madness! We need to gather a group of archmages!”

I smiled at him. “We have our ways. Once Mantus arrives we will attack him at the edge of the forest. I will unleash a large storm in the area. It is likely that his normal troops will be driven towards the city. Your job is to make sure those demons are taken care of. Everything inside the storm will be dealt with by us.”

“I see. I will not pry into your secrets. You have done a lot for us and if Iron Rock survives it will be thanks to you. Our soldiers will be ready for the emerging demons. If Nicholas won’t be needed to power the wards he might be able to welcome them with his own magic.” He poured himself a drink. “I never thought it would come to this. The Empire unleashing a demon lord? And Elias the coward is running!” He took a big sip from his glass.

I feared he might go on a rant so it was time to excuse ourselves. “We will leave the city’s defence in your hands. Lucy and I are going to prepare for the attack.”

He nodded and we left. Once outside Lucy asked: “Is that really the plan? We just attack the demon lord? Are you that powerful?”

“Yes. Also don’t underestimate your own power. You are lacking proper armour but we can compensate with some magic. In the battle I will engage Mantus with my sword and keep him occupied. Don’t worry, that will not stop me from using my magic. If you see a good opportunity strike at his back. I will also summon the elemental lord again. Let’s hope she answers. We can let her run wild in the storm to keep our backs clear.”

Lucy looked at me. “I trust you. How do we prepare for the battle?”

“We are going to look for some information on Mantus. If we can learn more about his strengths and weaknesses it would be helpful. Other than that? Just a good night’s sleep to have all spells ready.”

We spent the remaining day doing research in the library. I also discussed spells with Lucy and made it clear she should prioritise her survival over dealing damage. We debated several ways we could fight him.

Meanwhile the town criers informed the people of an approaching danger. The duke assured everyone the city would be safe. The presence of a demon lord was kept quiet. Although all sorts of rumours were already spreading.

We were at breakfast the next day when the bells started to ring. We left the inn and flew straight to the wall. A large number of demons emerged from the forest. Some walked on two legs, others on four. Horns, scales, tails and wings were present. Their colours ranged from an ashen grey to a dark crimson. And standing on the forest's edge was their master, Mantus. The demon looked like a massive man, probably 2 metres high, broad shoulders and packed with muscles. Two black horns sprouted from his head. He had blood red skin, two batlike wings and was wearing black plate armour. There was no helmet, possibly because of the horns. He was wielding a sword just as large as his body.

I looked at the scene with a bit of fear and a lot of determination. Today I would show the world my power.

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