Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 194: A Reminder

“Duke Witmore, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My companions are Lilith, queen of the succubi, Amaya Delphinium, an archfey, Lucy Delphinium, a kitsune, and their servants. You probably know Loriel, the night queen.” Dalroc introduced us.

“So, you are in league with a demon lord.” Witmore stated.

“We are allies. The Inquisition is a threat we are facing together.”

“It is an insult that shall be eradicated.” Lilith said.

“What about humans? Are we an insult too?” He asked.

Lilith snorted. “Oh my, you overestimate your importance. Like so many. Humans are insignificant. Just one species among many. I don’t see them differently than elves, dwarves, orcs,... Mortals are all the same.”

The duke certainly did not like that judging by his face. But he was smart enough to not insult a demon lord. For now.

“I see.” He said. “Are you expecting me to surrender?” He asked Dalroc.

“We are here to discuss the future of the Empire.” The king said. “As you know, the Inquisition needs to be stopped. But we don’t have to be enemies.”

“Let’s discuss this inside. Please, follow me.” The duke said. He led us to a big dining hall. Maids were standing around, waiting to serve. We sat down and immediately a servant appeared offering us something to drink.

“Which wine has the best poison?” Lucy asked.

The servant paled. “I… I assure you nothing here is poisoned!”

“She is just joking.” I said. “Don’t frighten the staff, Lucy.”

“It was funny!” She protested. “Ok, I am sorry. Just give me some wine. Also, you remember the fancy place in the Empire? Some poison might have good flavour.”

“Oh, you must try demonic stingtail!” Lilith said. “It’s a delicacy. The poison has a deceptive sweetness at first, which soon turns into a nice burn. It dissolves its victims from the inside. Gives you a nice warm feeling.”

“Huh. I will have to remember that. Is it more of a dessert thing?” I asked.

“It is hard to work with. Most organic material gets destroyed when you mix it with the poison. But my chef does have a wonderful ice cream recipe…” Lilith said

“This is one of the most dangerous poisons.” Loriel pointed out.

“Is it? For mortals, maybe.” Lilith shrugged. “Demonic food is quite tame compared to the fey courts. I do have to say I envy that debauchery. Most demon lords are all about fighting. Fey are so much more civilised.”

“I will take your word for it.” Loriel answered.

Meanwhile Dalroc asked the duke: “How much do you know about the Inquisition and their rebellion.”

“I have always considered them an important tool to keep the Empire functioning. A bit too zealous at times but I have never expected them to fall so low. Iron Rock was a big blow to their reputation. Demons…” He shook his head. “They were foolish to think they could control them. They paid the price. I am surprised that so many are still loyal to those fools. Traitors, all of them.”

“Do you know about the runes?” Dalroc asked.

“Runes? Are you talking about that mind control nonsense?” He asked.

“It is true.” Iris said. “Duke Witmore, I have seen those runes with my own eyes.”

He eyed Iris. “I know you. You have been responsible for the security a few times when I visited Unitera. Vice captain Iris, right? What are you doing here? Wearing a maid uniform.”

“Captain Gunther betrayed me, he betrayed the Empire. Ladies Amaya and Lucy stood by my side when no one else did. I serve them now.”

“As a maid?”

“A maid knight.”

He snorted. “Right. You left the Empire to serve its enemies. Maybe they put you under a spell? Maybe you never saw those runes, just think you did.”

“Sir, do not insult my ladies. They are honourable!” Iris insisted.

“Yes, we are here peacefully but we shall not take your insults lightly.” Lily added. Her gaze looked murderous.

“Another demon? You are not making a convincing case.” The duke said.

Erin stepped forward, next to Lily. “You have now insulted the three most powerful beings in this room. It might be a good time to start begging for your life.”

“You are here as guests. I do not take kindly to threats.” Heinrich said.

Lilith sighed. “You see Amaya, this happens when you treat mortals as equals. They forget their place. They forget the respect we are owed.” Then she looked at the duke. Her eyes became black. Her aura flooded the room.

The duke screamed and fell from his chair. Dalroc and Loriel shuddered. I felt the aura brush on my own but it did not harm me. I looked at Iris and Lily. They seemed mostly fine. Interestingly enough, the bond we had shielded them to an extent. It seemed that my aura protected them through it. Well, mine and Lucy’s. She had an aura too. But the servants in the room did not do so well. I extended my own aura and tried to cover them. It worked. They managed to stay upright on shaky legs.

Guards ran into the room. They collapsed. After a minute the screaming stopped. The duke was breathing heavily.

“This is my only warning.” Lilith said. “We are here as guests after all. If you keep up your insults I will leave. Then tomorrow, I will return. And I will show you the true power of a demon lord. Now, clean yourself up. Then come back and try again.”

The duke had soiled himself. He was on the floor, trembling. Servants rushed to his side and helped him out of the room.

Lilith picked up her glass and had a sip of wine. “Mortals do have some decent beverages. But it really does not compare to the fey. Amaya, could you help me purchase some fey wine perhaps?”

My mind was still thinking about what had happened. Lilith was a bit rough. I did not think that aura was necessary. But she had not permanently harmed anyone. Well, at least I did not think so. There was a possibility she broke his mind. In the end, it was not my responsibility to protect the duke from his foolishness.

“I want to try some fey wine too!” Lucy added.

My inventory contained many things. Sadly, fey wine was not among them.

“I don’t have any, sorry.” I said. Maybe I should ask Adhira about it.

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