Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 192: Debrief

While I was talking with Lilith, Lucy and Shani returned.

“That was awesome! Your fox form looks great with blood on it!” Shani said.

“I am not sure. It kind of sticks to the fur. I don’t mind it during battle but I would not want it on me for too long. Amaya’s rain helped a lot though. I don’t want to know how I would look otherwise.” Lucy replied.

“We need a blood storm! Rain is cool and all that but imagine it raining blood! So much better.” Shani said.

“I am not sure. I have enough trouble with all the stuff that ends up in my mouth while biting. I don’t want even more blood.” Lucy said.

“But… but… what if it is tasty blood? I am sure there is a flavour of blood you like! We should do a blood tasting!” Shani proposed.

Was Shani corrupting my girlfriend? I suppose blood sausage was alright, but just drinking raw blood? If you summoned blood, what kind would it be anyway? Could you choose? I did not have a blood rain spell but I would not be surprised if it existed. I knew that there was blood lightning. I was getting distracted though.

Lucy was still in her fox form. There were pieces of demons stuck in her fur.

“You need a bath.” I said.

“Hi to you too. Fighting as a fox is dirty business.” She replied.

“I can clearly see demonic flesh stuck to your fur.” I pointed at a piece.

“Huh. I did not notice. You know, as a fox I don’t mind such things as much. It also helps with the taste in my mouth. I will need to brush my teeth when I transform otherwise I might gag.” She said.

“Is that why you are still a fox?” I asked.

“Partially. I did not want to get my clothes dirty. I plan to transform in a place where I can wash up.” She explained.

“I could fill a tub with blood for you! So you can bathe!” Shani suggested.

We both looked at her. “She is trying to get rid of blood, and other things, sticking to her fur.” I pointed out.

“Boooooring!” Shani replied. “I am gonna enjoy my bath!” Then she floated away.

“Maybe I should clean up too.” Lucy replied. Then she trotted off.

I looked at my own clothing. Maybe I subconsciously directed more rain my way but I was fairly clean. I suppose it also helped that I fought with a sword and did not bite enemies.

Lilith looked amused but did not comment. Both of us entered the command tent afterwards.

“Welcome back Amaya!” Dalroc greeted me. “We had a glorious victory! There will be a lot of feasting tonight!”

“Thank you for your help.” General Bodil bowed. “You saved a lot of lives. Our casualties were minimal.”

“That is why I am here.” I said. Then I reported my encounter on the battlefield.

“Disturbing.” Dalroc said.

“Do you know what kind of magic was used by him? How did he escape?” Bodil asked.

I shrugged. “I thought about it. Seemed like a shadow spell. Probably 5th tier or higher. Turning yourself into a smoke cloud can be done in a few ways. The question is, did he flee as smoke? Was the smoke part of teleportation? Did he use two different spells, like become smoke, then teleport? And did he move far away, or did he only leave the battlefield and then retreated normally?”

“Sadly I am not much help there. As Amaya has said there are a lot of different options. Besides normal magic, some creatures of the night have inherent abilities, like a gaseous form.” Lilith said.

“Creatures of the night? You mean undead?” Dalroc asked.

“Not all of them are undead. The world has many creatures dwelling in the shadows.” Lilith replied.

“I wonder what the paladin has to say about this. Certainly he has spent some time with the unknown mage and has seen some powers, right?” I wondered.

“Zealots have a way of ignoring evidence that contradicts their belief. He might have some way to justify anything he saw in his mind. But that does not mean he can’t provide useful info. I will personally help with the interrogation. Amaya was kind enough to give him to me.” She said with a smile. It was certainly an evil kind of smile.

“What about the city? Has the duke reacted to the battle?” I asked.

“There has been movement on the walls but the duke has not contacted us. Or reacted in any visible way. The gates are still closed. I have sent a messenger. We will have to wait for their return.” Bodil reported.

“I suspect he will wait a bit and observe, then invite us to a meeting.” Dalroc said.

“I guess in that case I will clean up.” I decided. My sword could use some cleaning. And I could use some soap myself. Also, Lucy was likely using the tub in our tent right now. I could join her…

I smiled.

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