Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 189: Storm

I used Storm’s Embrace, so did Lucy. Lily had a normal fly spell and Shani was floating anyway. It would allow us to reposition more easily and react to the flow of battle. We took our positions at the front of the army and started marching.

The Inquisition had soldiers wearing mail and carrying spears at the front. I could see more heavily armoured troops in the back. Additionally they had some mages and archers.

Hm. Could I use the wind of a conjured storm to blow away the arrows? It might be worth a try.

“I will cast Storm’s Wrath on top of the enemy army.” I said. “It will be interesting to see how it synergizes with my aura.”

The spell created a large storm with a 500 metre radius. I had used it against Mantus and his army at Iron Rock. But I did not have my aura back then.

Lucy transformed into a large fox. Her fur was covered in lightning as she unleashed her own aura.

Meanwhile I cast my spell. Rain began to fall on the battlefield. The dark clouds rumbled. Thunder and lightning filled the sky. The first bolt hit a magical barrier. The enemy was trying to protect their troops.

They answered with a volley of arrows. Magical shields sprang to life above our soldiers. I concentrated on my aura and encouraged it to provide more wind. The storm was on top of the Inquisition. Our own troops were at the edge. While I tried to protect them from the effects, my 9th circle storm might hit them if they charged in too far. Thankfully they held their positions and let us work.

My wind did not stop all arrows but it blew most of them away. The dwarves formed a shield wall and awaited the enemy charge. They were happy to contain them in my spell.

Lighting strikes became more frequent and the battlefield was getting wetter. My clouds blocked out the sun. While I could see in the dark, humans were not that lucky. I wondered how it would look for them. They only had flashes of lightning for illumination.

But the Inquisition was prepared. Magical lights appeared to give their troops some vision. It was not ideal for them, there just were not enough, but they would be able to see something. Then they started advancing.

Lucy howled. Electricity gathered in her mouth and she unleashed a bolt of lightning. It caused a small explosion when it hit the enemy. I saw people flying around. The electricity spread through the water on the ground and electrocuted everyone who was too close.

It halted the advance directly in front of us but the battle line was long. The Inquisition charged. I could hear the sound of horns. The cries of soldiers. The two armies clashed.

Lucy charged straight into the enemy. Spears broke as they failed to penetrate her skin. Meanwhile, her teeth tore through the enemy's armour with ease. My storm unleashed a bolt of lightning into Lucy. It seemed to charge her aura even more and caused a burst of electricity around her.

“YOU HAVE CHALLENGED THE LADY OF STORMS. NOW YOU FACE HER WRATH!” Shani shouted. Then she charged. Her huge scythe seemed to grow even bigger as she started cleaving.

Lily followed after her. She was surrounded by the illusionary blossoms her weapon created. She did not bother with any disguise. She was in her succubus form and had a serene expression as she became a whirlwind of death.

I drew my sword but did not charge yet. I was concentrating on my aura. It welcomed the spell I had used to create a storm. It gave me a certain control over it. I could direct the wind lightning to an extent.

I floated up into the air to have a look. The bolts of lightning coming from the sky were not always blocked. Especially the enemy archers were getting devastated. Maybe the Inquisition decided they did not deserve protection because they were inefficient in this weather. It looked like the archers started to pull back. Maybe they were trying to find a position that worked.

A group of enemy mages noticed me as well. Soon a volley of fire and acid came my way. They were learning. Nobody tried lightning.

I dodged the projectiles easily. I was fast, flying and they were far away. I answered in kind and cast Storm Bolts. Lightning, enhanced by the weather, rained down on the enemy mages. It might have only been a tier three spell, but coming from me it was devastating. All of my lightning attacks were enhanced. They stopped attacking and desperately tried to shield themselves. Not all succeeded. Even better, their direct focus on me created holes in their armies defences. It allowed more of my storm’s bolts to hit the army.

Lucy, Shani and Lily were pushing hard. The normal soldiers had no way of stopping them. I could see some movement in the back. The Inquisition was bringing in better troops to slow them down. Heavily armoured knights with magical weapons. And behind them their true elites gathered. I could see them watching me. Seven people, clearly covered in expensive magical gear. Four fighters and three mages. Things were about to get interesting.

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