Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 180: More Runes

“Fey magic?” Iris asked.

“There are certain… flavours of magic. Mages are an invention of the less magical races, in a way. As you know, sorcerers are simply born with power. They cannot choose their spells, it depends on their bloodline. Magical races, like demons, fey, dragons,... tend to be the same. Mages have studied the spells of sorcerers and replicated them. Mages have a large versatility because they copied the magic from all sorts of different creatures.” I explained.

“Of course there is some overlap. There are dragons, demons and fey that use fire. And all of them have versions of a fireball. But a lot of illusion magic will have a fey origin, for example. Besides normal spells, which are powered by spell slots, magical creatures tend to have abilities. Like my aura. This is where the magical flavour is rather dominant.”

“So if you feel an aura, you could tell if it is a fey, or a dragon?” Iris asked.

“If you have experience, yes.” Lilith said. “Most mortals do not have enough contact with magical creatures to distinguish flavours.”

“Were those people powered by fey magic? Did they switch because the demon version exploded?” Iris wondered.

“No, this is different. I don’t think they were really controlled. Fey… can be manipulative. Those runes suggest to me that they tried to alter people more subtly. Make them more loyal. Essentially, it’s a permanent change in their way of thinking. It would work best on someone who is a fanatic and just locks in that belief. Instead of forcing them to serve, they make them want to serve even more.”

“They altered people's souls to make them more loyal minions?” Iris asked, she sounded horrified.

“Yes.” I confirmed. “I think they also tried to boost those people a little. We will need an autopsy but I would not be surprised if those humans are modified to be more effective.”

Our enemies had mind control runes for infiltration. And now they experimented with various ways of getting loyal super soldiers. That was rather concerning.

“Do you think a fey is behind this? An archfey, perhaps?” Lilith asked.

I contemplated that. “It’s hard to say. They could be working with a fey, they could have abducted some. I would not be surprised if we found even more versions of runes on people. Maybe there will be a draconic version next.”

Lilith stared at me. “You know, your involvement did come out of nowhere. And your overall motivations are still not quite clear to me. If, let’s say, you were hunting one of your own… Another archfey. You would share this, right?”

I stared back at her. “I have no idea who is behind this.” It was the truth.

“Fine. I do certainly believe that we share the same goal. Stopping this.” She pointed at the runes on the dead body in front of me.

“Yes. I think all the bodies are safe and we can hand them over to others for examination. Maybe they will help Josef to find a way to counter them.” I said.

“I will send some of my succubi to help.” Lilith offered.

“Maybe we should look for Josef? And ensure that he is alright. He could have been a target, since he is working on a counter.” Iris suggested.

And she did have a good point. I had not thought about that.

“Do we know where he is?” I asked.

“No. But I suggest we visit Thessia’s tree. She might know and we can check on her.” Iris suggested.

I nodded and started walking. Lilith followed us. On the way to the palace garden, Lucy joined us. Ben was following her.

“Hey, are your parents alright?” I asked.

“Yeah. They are still inside. Minerva is keeping watch. Ben was getting restless so I thought I would take him to the garden.”

“Are you not concerned that there could be bodies?” I asked.

She shrugged. “He has seen plenty of those. And we are not going to the courtyard. I am sure the area around Thessia’s tree is fine.”

“So, this is your brother?” Lilith asked.

“Ohhh another demon! Are you a maid too?” Ben asked.

“No. I am Lilith. Queen of the succubi. A demon lord.” She introduced herself.

“Mom says demon lords are a bad influence.” Ben said. “But I know some nice succubi!”

“Sis, is she bad?” Ben asked.

I held back my laughter.

“She is an ally. But you should still be careful around her.” Lucy said.

“That makes no sense.” Ben said, shaking his head. “You should all slaughter something together. So you can be better friends!”

“I understand.” Lilith said. “He is getting a warrior's education and your parents are concerned because I am more known for subtler methods.”

I laughed.

Lilith looked offended. “I can assure you, I have fought my share of battles.”

“Sorry, sorry!” I said, as I managed to compose myself. “I was not making fun of you, but Ben is supposed to get a normal, less violent, education.”

“Then why was he taught the value of shedding blood together? It is not a bad lesson. Fighting side by side does form bonds.” Lilith said.

“That was Shani’s teaching.” Lucy clarified.

“Ah. You have an elemental lord educating him. A good choice. They are strong in battle and unburdened by the moral concerns of mortals. It will properly prepare him for a fey court.” Lilith said.

“I like you. When I grow up, you can be my maid!” Ben announced.

I laughed, again.

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