Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 177: Wrath

Enemies went flying as Lucy hit them with her paws. Lightning shot from her body, electrocuting the soldiers who were too close. They seemed to have some magical protection on their armour but a few succumbed to the electricity. The storm above was eager to help. Some bolts of lightning hit Lucy herself. They did not harm her, no, they enhanced the electricity surrounding her.

The enemy tried to fight her with longer weapons, like spears and polearms. But they were meaningless against the enraged kitsune. The few hits that landed healed quickly.

Meanwhile, Lily had deployed her full plate armour and was wreaking havoc with Storm’s Blossom. A trail of beautiful petals followed her as she danced through the enemy, cutting them down without mercy.

After briefly surveying the battle I started with some Storm Bolts. Technically it was a spell that only worked outdoors, because it needed clouds. But it seemed that the clouds my aura had summoned counted. Which was interesting. The lightning I had called hit the enemy near the palace doors. I tried to take some pressure off the defenders.

Shani charged straight towards the palace. It looked like she was determined to ensure that our people inside were safe. Her large scythe reaped through the enemy. The protections they had shattered quickly.

While I was still surveying the field I noticed that some enemies were definitely stronger. Every enemy on the field had some enchantments on their gear, but some had more than that. They seemed rather skilled, relatively durable and their gear might even be mithril, rather than steel.

One enemy in the back, who was protected by two elites, was carrying a staff. A staff that started glowing. And he was pointing at Lucy. Not wasting any time I used teleport. I even pushed it into a higher tier to make it instantaneous.

The guards were shocked as I appeared before the mage. My blade went straight for his throat. While they reacted quickly I was simply too fast. My victory was short lived as the now dead enemy before me started to glow. Then he exploded.

Fire filled my vision and I went flying. A helpful piece of metal fence stopped my movement. I could feel blisters on my face. My skin hurt. But it was already healing. The area where I had been was now a huge crater. There was no sign of the guards. Only some molten metal was left.

As I stood up I noticed that multiple explosions filled the area. Some of the fallen enemies were the source. It seemed that some soldiers exploded on death. Also, more glowing staffs appeared. I had a feeling that we were not dealing with high level mages, but with magical tools instead.

One enemy unleashed a stream of flame from his staff towards Lucy. She roared. A second tail made out of lightning formed. Her eyes blazed purple and electricity gathered in her mouth. Then answered with a beam of lightning from her mouth. It was rather effective. The enemy soldier screamed and dropped his staff. Smoke came from his armour as he fell.

“YOU DARE CHALLENGE THE STORM?” Shani shouted. She was near the palace doors now. Blood and dead enemies surrounded her. She gathered the liquid in a ball above her head.

I could feel something through the bond. Shani was a part of it as our court elemental. And she interacted with the connection we had to the plane of wind. Power surged into the bond network. I could feel my aura grow.

I channelled some of the power into my voice: “You attacked my people. Now you shall meet my wrath.” I did not shout. I spoke in a cold and calm voice that penetrated the whole area.

Heavy rain was falling. Lightning illuminated the cave. For a moment the battle seemed frozen. I could feel a request over the bond. I was not entirely sure what was happening but someone wanted me to use a ninth circle spell slot. I obliged.

I was not the only one. I felt a similar power coming from Lucy. It raced through the bond towards the connection to the plane of wind. Meanwhile, in the real world, the orb of blood above Shani changed. It became a portal. And out of it flew an army of small elementals. They were tiny and winged, like Adhira. They wielded small scythes formed of red lightning.

As the elementals formed up behind Shani, the lightning forming her scythe turned red as well. “Hi. I am the WRATH.” She said, with a huge smile.

Then she charged while laughing maniacally. The elemental army was with her. And they were surprisingly effective. Size did not matter when you were a being of magic it seemed. And being small made it easy for them to target weak spots in the armour. Thunder and screams filled the battlefield as the enemy was slaughtered. Some of the elementals were taken out by explosions. But it did not even slow the assault.

Soon no enemies were left standing. At least in the courtyard. Iris was still holding the entrance so nobody should have entered through the front door. But we had to ensure that Lucy’s family was safe.

She transformed back, because she was too large to easily enter the building. Then she raced inside, I followed. Iris saluted as we passed and I gave her a nod. There were some signs of battle inside. The door to our accommodations was damaged. I could see blood…

I sighed in relief as we entered the room. Lucy’s family was ok. Minerva was there, bleeding, but not too badly wounded. The recruits were with her. Myla, Kade, Arlie, Adhira and even Nira. They were all wounded but alive. I could see the bodies of five intruders. Thankfully, they had not exploded. They did not wear plate armour either. They were dressed in black leather instead.

“You are ok!” Lucy shouted and hugged her family.

Meanwhile I addressed our maid knights. “Thank you for protecting them.” Then I used my heal to treat their wounds.

“Sis, why do you have a second tail?” I heard Ben ask.

I turned around and stared at my lover. She now had two fluffy tails.

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