Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 164: Succubus

“So, what is your actual name?” I asked the succubus.

She looked panicked. I suppose the real name would allow me to summon her in the future. Or bind her. Actually, was she bound?

“Are you bound, or do you simply have a deal?” I asked. She seemed relieved that I dropped the name question.

“It is a deal. It helps me grow.” She answered.

“I can offer some more information.” Lily said. “Demons are not that different from mortals. Well, succubi at least. They have parents, grow up and look for a job. Some of the more feral demons just go and hunt. They prey on weaker demons. Succubi tend to grow stronger through manipulation and seduction. Not something that you can train easily in hell.”

“But there are rather strong succubi. Isn't Lilith one as well?” I asked.

“Oh, they can grow powerful. But they are weak initially and have a tough time improving in their environment. That is why they are often forced to serve other demons. Succubi are desired as concubines. But they are also feared once their mental powers develop. That means most are enslaved when young and their growth is limited. Lilith, being a succubus that became a demon lord, is the one exception. Of course she still demands loyalty, but she allows them to grow.”

“I see. So our fledgeling here managed to stay independent and got a deal to help her grow. So she can avoid the normal fate of her kind.” I concluded.

“Yes.” Lily confirmed. “Of course, most young succubi who escape to the mortal plane end up being enslaved by a mortal instead.”

Having insider information about hell was rather useful.

“So we should not be too hard on her.” Lucy said. “But we still need more information from her.”

“Like her name.” I added.

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the city watch. A group of five dwarves appeared.

“Sir, those foreigners are trying to frame me!” Gronir shouted. “I am an upstanding citizen, you need to protect me!”

The guard who was in charge looked at Gronir, then he looked at us. He pulled out a piece of paper and studied it.

“Are you Amaya and Lucy Delphinium?” He asked.

“Yes.” We responded.

He nodded, then he looked at Gronir. “They are honoured guests of the palace. We have also received a note to not engage them for any reason. I will have to place you under arrest and report the incident to our superiors.”

I was pleasantly surprised. The dwarves were rather organised. They even distributed proper descriptions of us to the city watch.

“Dwarves are smart, they expected you to cause trouble and were prepared.” Lucy said.

“What? That is surely just a standard procedure for visiting dignitaries.” I protested.

“A bit of both ma’am.” The dwarf said. “It’s either for someone politically important, or someone powerful enough to cause problems. We can’t have a city guard engage an archmage.”

“Sir, how do we handle the demon?” One of the guards asked their superior.

“Normally we just slay demons…” He said.

“You don’t interrogate them?” I asked.

“Well, they are hard to contain and known for lying. It’s usually not worth the risk.”

“No! Don’t slay me! I can be useful! I can work for you!” She pleaded. Tears were streaming down her face.

“See, she is pretending to be all innocent. A lot of people would fall for it. If I arrest her she will likely disappear and we end up with a bunch of dead or heartbroken guards.” He said.

“She does have some important information. And she is young and weak.” I pointed out.

“I will have to take your word for it. I am not an expert on demons. I could leave her in your custody. We were told you are rather powerful.”

“I can take care of her, my ladies.” Lily offered. “I know how to handle her kind.”

“Go for it.” Lucy said.

“She is our demon expert.” I told the guards. Two of them were busy arresting Gronir, who stopped his protests, for now. The dwarf in charge was writing something down on a piece of paper. Then he offered it to me.

“I will need you to sign this, ma’am.”

I looked at it. Essentially it stated that I took responsibility for the demon and would be liable if she escaped and caused further damage. Also, it made me realise that it was in imperial. I did not actually know dwarvish.

“How come everyone is speaking imperial?” I wondered while signing the document.

“All guards are required to learn imperial ma’am. It is the international language of trade. Most learn elvish as well.” He explained as I handed him the paper.

I had never asked Lucy what languages she spoke. So far everyone was talking in imperial. Would that be a problem in our county? Should I teach her elvish?

“That would be all, thank you for your cooperation.” The dwarf said. Then the guards left with Gronir.

“I guess we are not buying any mithril today.” Lucy said.

It was a minor setback. But I was sure we could arrange something if we asked the king.

“I would like to thank you for sparing me.” The succubus said. “Maybe I can serve as your concubine…”

Lily laughed, then she transformed. We were alone in the office now. “Even if they were interested, you are a few centuries too young, little one. Lady Amaya is an archfey. Lady Lucy is a Kitsune. And I… Once a servant of Lilith, I am now their Storm Maid Knight. I have witnessed their power. They are a force of nature. They are the eternal storm. Now, tell us your name.”

The succubus watched us with a mixture of fear and awe. “I… I am Niralesthana," she said.

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