Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 10: Offer

We did not follow the road for long. Instead we headed deeper into the forest, towards the mountain.

“Why did you help me?” Lucy asked suddenly.

“There is a saying, all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. Now I would not consider myself a hero, but I do detest slavery and I had the means to free you. What good is the power I wield if I do not use it?”

“This was the only reason? You did not need information on the Empire? You just wanted to help?”

“Yes. Speaking of helping, I was serious about the job offer. I have no idea what qualifications you have but I am willing to hire you regardless. If you don’t want to travel with me I can also help you to start a new life. I will not abandon you.”

Lucy took some time to think about it before she answered: “Could you teach me magic? I have always dreamed about that. Fox kin have an affinity for magic. I joined the army in the hopes of qualifying for their mage program…”

“So you were a soldier? How did you end up being a slave?” I asked.

“An officer took a liking to me. When I refused his advances he made up charges and had me tried for insubordination. I was sentenced to slavery and bought by the ambassador.”

“That is horrible! I am so sorry!” I stopped and gave her a hug. And I started thinking, how could I help her? I was a sorceress, my type of magic could not be taught. But I had the money to pay for her education. There were several magic academies.

We continued in silence while I was lost in thought. There was a way to grant someone powers by creating a warlock. But it should be beyond the power of an elf. I was not normal though. I sifted through all the magical knowledge in my head. To create a warlock I had to use a part of my soul. That would not harm me permanently but it could only be done about once a year. We would be bound by a contract for all eternity. The whole process involved a ritual that required eight 9th circle spell slots from one person. I had nine, thanks to my cheating. You also needed a gem as a catalyst but I had plenty of those. All warlocks had magic but the spells they gained differed based on their patron. Their bodies changed too. In what way depended heavily on their benefactor.

Would I be willing to do that for Lucy? Giving her power would truly make her free. I barely knew her. I had no idea if she would use it for good. But I liked her and she was my responsibility now.

We stopped in the evening in a small clearing. I set up the tent while Lucy started a fire. For dinner we had hot dogs. Instead of traditional soft buns we used a baguette. The sausages were grilled on a stick over the fire. Our only condiment was a spicy mustard but they were delicious regardless. Thanks to my magic we also enjoyed a nice cold beer. During the meal I made Lucy an offer: “You said you wanted to learn magic, I can help you with that. If you want I will pay for an academy. But there is something else I can offer. You could become my warlock.”

Lucy stared at me. “My lady even I know that is not possible. No elf can create a warlock. Are you something else? A lady of the fey in disguise?”

“No, I am an elf. But I assure you it would be possible.” I tried to convince her but Lucy was still sceptical.

“What would you ask for such a boon then? Eternal servitude?”

“No. I do not wish to take your freedom. All I would ask is that you do not betray me. That would include keeping my secrets. There would be no need to serve me.”

“Who are you Amaya? No being of power would offer a deal like that. What are your plans?”

“Plans? I do not have a great plan. I just want to explore the world and enjoy life. You would be welcome to join me. Now who am I? I am an elf but I am not from this world.”

“I see. I will think about your offer.”, Lucy answered.

After our conversation we went to bed.



I was lying awake in my new comfy bedroll contemplating Amaya’s offer. In one day I went from a lowly slave to being offered the power of a warlock. With no real strings attached. Was she lying to me? Was she truly just an elf?

But why me? There was nothing special about me. Was she really just that kind?

In the past years I had given up hope. I had given up on my dreams. I just lived with no purpose. Amaya offered me a future, a new life.

I decided I would accept her offer. I craved the power it promised. After so long I finally felt hope and not fear thinking about my future.

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