Red Princess

Chapter 33: Mine And Mine Forever

"Sleep tight, bound tight, my dear little brother~" 


A gentle voice sounded amidst the small, darkened chamber where, sitting on the edge of the bed, Namagi softly lulled Kiel to sleep. 


"Sleep tight, have no fright, I am always right here~


His eyelids having long grown heavy, she only watched until his breathing finally turned a lot more calm and peaceful, and he could finally find some rest. 


Her hand carefully trailed along his cheek, wiping any last remains of his tears from his face, so that none may remain to stain his slumbering expression. 


She knew not for how long she remained at this same spot, but faintly, she could hear the sounds of raindrops falling against the large frame of the window. Turning stronger with every minute, until it was fairly audible. 


Her gaze lingered on the sight outside of the window, turning from the darkened and grayish sky towards the once smoldering city below. 


The fires… the raging flames… ever so often, when she stared at the burned and ashen remains of so many buildings… she could envision it so clearly in front of her mental eye, as if she were reliving these moments over and over again. 


Until finally, the illusion subsided, giving way for reality to blend in once more. And thus, the flames were no longer raging, only the ashen buildings remained, where the rain was now pooling down upon. As if the very sky was weeping, even in this moment… 


Namagi returned her gaze towards Kiel, and slowly but surely, she placed a small kiss upon his forehead, allowing a small smile to grace her lips when he peacefully curled together slightly, his expression finally more at ease. 


"I will protect you, no matter what… sweet dreams, my dear little brother…" 


She carefully rose from the edge of the bed, lingering only for a brief moment longer until she was sure that Kiel was fast asleep. And then she slowly stepped outside of his chamber, quietly closing the door behind her. 


Alas, her smile had vanished again as quickly as it had appeared. 


Striving down the hallway, devoid of any life, Namagi stopped once she arrived at a certain door. Almost subconsciously, her hand reached out to touch the wooden texture, tracing down towards the handle. 


"... sister…" a tremble echoed in her voice. 


The capital… their home… reduced almost only to ashes… the people, their people, for whom they had secretly fought and protected for so long… they were now scattered upon the streets, with anything they might have had left in their life now gone as well. 


Her hand suddenly clenched together just as it stopped at the handle, and her eyes shut tight, refusing to shed any more tears herself. 


There was no one inside. It was pointless now. She was gone… 


… leading their armies in a sacrificial assault against the Norian capital. To exact revenge. To continue the slaughter… 


"... sister…!" her voice trembled even more than before, threatening to break. 


In the span of a single day, it felt as though everything she had held dear in her life had been stripped away. Anything that she knew, that she was familiar with, either destroyed or gone… 


… even their father, resting unconsciously in his chamber, with no telling if he would awaken once more. 


It was still their father… 


Only Kiel remained now. 


She suppressed the tears that threatened to escape her. Forcing herself together, her hand slowly easened again, and when she opened her eyes, she shifted her gaze outside one of the windows. 


For now… there was nothing left within her sister but a broken mind. 


And their world… would never be the same anymore. 



An enormous eruption, shaking the very foundations of the castle walls. It was this which caused Maren to abruptly be torn out of his restless slumber, tearing him away from the hellish nightmare that had plagued him. 


Cold sweat was clinging to his clothes, his mind only now regaining its senses. 


At least, until another eruption shuddered through the ground. A bright light flashed to life in that instant just outside of the window, followed by another tremor. Maren's eyes were wide as he hastily climbed out of the bed, gazing outside of the window to try and make sense of what was happening. 


Albeit the sight that unfolded in front of him…it only called into question whether he had truly escaped his nightmares…


…or if he had merely entered another.


The night sky was illuminated by a fiery, orange glow, spreading out to each and every corner of the town. And each time another bright light flashed across the sky-


-a giant, flaming boulder was descending upon the city, crashing down upon yet another group of houses and buildings, effortlessly tearing them apart. Such was the hellish sight, of flaming boulders raining down from the sky in a sheer endless barrage. 


While the entire capital was being consumed by a raging inferno, devouring each and every object it came into contact with. 


Maren's eyes only widened with each second he watched the scene unfurl. The screams from outside, the cries for help, the destruction and chaos… 


Before he knew it, he had strapped on whatever piece of armor that he could find, hearing the same amount of chaos and agitation from outside of his chamber. Without hesitation, he opened the door to step outside. Just as he did, he witnessed a group of Norian soldiers storming through the corridor, ignoring Maren as much as he were a simple servant of the castle grounds amidst their panic and hurry. 


However, before he could take a step further, another soldier had spotted him from behind, freezing amidst his movements. 


“Halt, you are not-”


Just as he had drawn his blade, he was cut off the moment one of the boulders suddenly impacted against the exterior of the wall, the large stone rocks that splintered through the hall immediately killing him as they bore through armor and flesh alike. Fire spread upon the blue carpets and marble, wooden furniture, blocking off the entire corridor. 


The light of the flames all but reflected within Maren's gaze as he stared at the mutilated body of the soldier, the blade having fallen to the ground near his feet. But once he heard the metallic steps of more soldiers approaching, he did not think twice about taking the sword before running the opposite way along the hallway. 


He had to find a way outside, immediately


Several times, he barely evaded the eyes of soldiers as they desperately stormed through the palace grounds, and the closer he came towards the main hall, the more he could hear the clash of metal, of pained screams, of all the fighting that was taking place. And during all this, the flaming assault from outside did never cease, sending tremor after tremor through the ground with each boulder that impacted somewhere nearby. 


Halting for the barest of moments once he stopped at a stone railing that offered a good view upon the main hall from above, he saw the first glimpses of the bloodshed down below. And among all of it, he saw who the Norians were desperately trying to fend off. 


The crest upon their crimson banners and shields, the sheer might they radiated with their nigh impenetrable seeming armor, whereas the equipment of the Norian guards only paled in comparison. 


Imperial soldiers…


Freeze, and surrender-


Maren was torn out of his thoughts when a deep voice cut through the air, having failed to notice the two Imperials who had rounded a corner and were now pointing their heavy lances at him. 


And yet, they suddenly seemed to halt for a moment, and the one who had first spoken up was also the first to lower his weapon ever so slightly.




Before he could say another word, both of the Imperials were forced to shift their attention away from him and towards an approaching battalion of Norians, storming through yet another corridor. 


Caught in a struggle, Maren immediately glanced around for another escape option, ultimately finding it with an opening in a nearby wall that was leading outside. 


Smoke and ashes were hovering over the entire town, meeting his nose the moment he set a single step outside of the palace. And it was only now when he could truly see the blazing inferno outside for what it was. Along with the flaming boulders that rained from the sky.


How…? The Imperial troops were assaulting the town without any restraint or abandon, and down below upon the streets, he could see multiple people trying to get away from the flames, crying, screaming for help. 


But there was none. 


Only more death. 


Utterly forcing himself to remain focused, he perked up once he heard the faintest sounds of fighting, even atop of the giant balcony he found himself on…


Following the linear path forward along the stone railing, the sounds of clashing steel only amplified. Thus, it was not long until Maren arrived at a giant, circular stone platform that extended outside from the balcony, situated in the very center atop of the palace. Offering a view of the entire town below. 


But alas, there was only one view that struck Maren in that instance. 


“...a-argh…! Curse you… you…” 


There, at the center of the platform, he saw the Norian king kneeling upon the ground, in a small puddle of his own blood. A hand held against his gravest injuries upon his chest, where only more blood trickled upon the ground, and a blade that was pointed against his throat-


-for in front of him, stood a single person. 


Her crimson hair flowed with the wind, almost melting with the light of the flames that were raging in the city down below. Her attire, quenched with stains of blood, and still, the figure stood tall and imposing, her grip upon her blade never faltering. And in her fiery eyes… shone not a single shred of mercy. 


“... y-you bloodthirsty demon” a last breath escaped the king before the blade bore through his throat, silencing his voice once and for all. 


A horrified gasp escaped Maren as he watched the king slump lifelessly to the ground, the blood stained blade removed from his flesh. And yet, the figure stood still nonetheless, unflinching, with her piercing gaze staring down upon the lifeless remains of the former monarch. 


Until finally, her crimson eyes moved upwards, and they met his own. 


Time seemed to have stopped. Her hair swept along the wind with another strong gust, her gaze lingering solely upon his own for what felt like an eternity. 


And suddenly, these eyes filled with warmth.


A smile etched upon her lips.


“... I found you… I knew… I knew you were alive…”


A soft whisper, carried by the wind. Her blade… lowered to the ground. 


Amidst the light of the raging fire and destruction


Amaragi slowly stepped towards him, each and every single step calm and elegant. 


As if the chaos did not exist around her


“I counted every day… every second… to be reunited with you once more…”


Her eyes filled with tears, unshed, and yet, her expression remained so happy and joyful.


As if none of the destruction mattered to her


“... not a moment went by where I did not think about you… my dearest…”


With each step, the distance grew closer, the gleam in her eyes only stronger. 


“... now…we can finally be together again…”


The sweetest of whispers, filled with joy, with all of her hopes-


-it was shattered the moment Maren wordlessly took a step back. With horror written upon his expression…


And the blade in his hands was raised against her


She froze. Her entire body, her eyes, her faceparalyzed.


And within her eyes, Maren could only watch in fright as something changed. As something was shattered. Like an image, one that held all of her hopes, her wishes, her dreams-


Her entire world


Silence reigned, blocking out all of the destruction around them. 


“...Maren…?” his hands began to tremble, to shake, as the fragile whisper met his ears. He could feel the tears trying to fight their way to the surface. 


The whisper of a small and innocent girl


“... Maren…”


A single tear. Rolling down from her eyes, tracing down her cheek, before it ultimately fell to the ground. 


Hurt… betrayed… and utterly broken


But even then, when Maren's stance did not change, his own trembling voice finally sounded from his lips. 


“... who are you?


And suddenly, everything changed. 


Amaragi's hands fell limp at her sides, her blade barely clinging to her fingers as her body grew still. 


Her head lowered to the ground, her own hair concealing her eyes. 


Again, a moment of dreadful silence passed. 


Until Maren witnessed a shudder coursing through her body. Another. And yet another.


And he gasped when he saw the multitude of tears falling to the ground, each and every single one of them silently shed, with yet another terrible shudder coursing through her. 


But they ceased. Even in this moment, her body suddenly grew still once more, and not a single tear fell to the ground anymore. 


For when she raised her head again, her eyes had ultimately changed. And whereas the previous warmth presided in her crimson gaze, it was shared now with the same hollow void that he had seen just when she had killed the king. 


It was twisted. 


Her smile vanished. 


And the grip upon the blade in her hand tightened. 


“... it is not your fault. I do not blame you… I forgive you… I only need to bring you back home, everything can be as it had been before… I love you… Maren…”


It was in that moment when, for the first time in his life, he had felt true and utter dread. For it was then when she raised her own blade, and he stood before her in a way that he could have only experienced in his most hellish nightmare.


As her enemy


When their blades first crossed, when Maren saw her this close against him, as their blades clashed for dominance-


I feel as though I don't have anyone at my side… not my father, not my own people…


His arms trembled, his focus lessened. 


... tell me, please tell me… that you won't leave me… please…!


Her strength proved to be superior in every way, as their blades danced with the other, and they met with clash after clash. 


... thanks… thank you so much… for being here…


In a mere blink of an eye, as all of these images coursed through his mind, of all these memories, these joyful experiences, each and every single one of them that he cherished like nothing else in his life…


… he failed to block another focused swing of her own, and he lost his balance before he stumbled to the ground. His blade clattered to the floor next to him as he lay on his back, his strength having left him, his senses waning amidst the fires.


... Maren…? Can I ask you something as well…?


-he shakily shifted his head to the side, the blade only an inch away from his grasp beside him.


... do you love me…?


But the moment he tried to reach out for it, his hands and wrists were suddenly caught in the hold of another. 


Amaragi's own blade had clattered upon the ground, left and forgotten, as she herself lay atop of his own body, trapping him in every way. 


And yet, never once did she harm him, never once had her blade met or even graced his skin, and even now-


-her hold on him was as loving as it had always been, using as much force as it was necessary to pin him beneath her. 


Thus, helpless and trapped, Maren all but froze when one of her hands suddenly touched upon his cheek, gently holding it, but prompting him to meet her gaze nonetheless. And it enraptured him in every sense. A sight that he had never seen before. 


“Why have you become like this…? W-why…


His own frail voice was silenced when she placed a single finger upon his lips, and suddenly, her own lips were engulfing his own. Spreading warmth through his body, bringing back only more and more images in front of his mental eye-


-for even now, he could feel his resistance faltering, with each moment that her lips claimed his own, tenderly, lovingly.


And as she kissed him without restraint, a single, lone tear rolled down from his eyes. His emotions were torn apart and twisted. Until she finally pulled back, never separating from his face more than a few inches, just so that her eyes would solely meet his own. 


“I have never changed… this is how I am~


Do you want to know the most important lesson that I have learned in my life?


His eyes widened slowly but surely, the memories coursing through his mind. 


It is to pretend. To blend in, to make others believe that I am what I show them. Always… to pretend…


As vivid as if he were experiencing them all over again. 


“But I have learned now that pretending will not give me what I want…”


Another, barely audible gasp escaped his lips, as her forehead tenderly came to rest upon his own. 


And once again, her eyes enraptured his own as they lidded.


“Love me… adore me… just as I love you, and will… foreverit is all that I will ever desire…”


His eyes trembled, while her fingers gently caressed each and every spot that she touched, showering it with care and affection. 


“... all of these flames… all of the destruction… may they serve as proof of my devotion… to never let anything stand between us ever again…”


Her fingers slowly came to a hold, cupping each side of his cheeks. 


“... my armies…my title… my power and strength… I would use it all for you, and forevermore…” 


The image, of all the raging flames, of the destruction, of all the deaths, they burnt into his mind forever… just as she regarded him with all the love and devotion that she carried. 


“... and all that I will ever want in return…”


Until her face lowered once more, sending a shiver through his entire body, as her head almost buried against his neck. 


And her lips whispered into his ear.  


“... is for you to be mine, and mine alone…”




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