Red Princess

Chapter 23: Resolution

The entire room had grown deathly silent. By now, all eyes were upon them without exception, the music had long stopped, and even any pair that had been standing close to them now parted slightly to give them space while everyone else was watching. 


And still, Amaragi didn't once falter, her eyes gazing into Maren's own with an undying shimmer of hope and longing. Despite the fact that the latter was currently almost frozen in place, his hand was still held and asked for by the crown princess herself. 


Yet, there was also something else hidden beneath her eyes. Subtle, almost not noticeable. 


A sense of pleading


Internally, he felt… overwhelmed. Too many feelings and sensations coursing through him at once. But even so, it didn't take long until the surprise and shock was overridden by a sole and utter feeling of happiness within him. A warmth that spread through his entire being and enveloped him in whole. 


However, it was as quick to fade away again as it appeared. He loved her. As much as he had wanted to deny it in the past, as much as he had wanted to push her away in the past, to remain in his role, to fulfill his mission… what had she done to him in all this time to make him like he is now? To feel what he experienced at this very moment? 


She had appeared in his life in the blink of an eye. She had protected him numerous times despite the fact that he had merely been… a stranger, one who was no different from anyone else on the street. And yet, she had thought otherwise. 


She hadn't spoken to him like the crown princess. To him, she was, and had always been just… 


… Amaragi.


And from that moment on, when had there ever been a time where she hadn't been with him? Thinking back on it, he had shared so much with her, just as she had with him. Was there a single thing that she did not know about him at this point in time? And still, nothing had ever changed between them, never once did she look at him any differently than before. She had always accepted him for the person that he was, without hesitation. 


If anything, their bond had only grown in time. So much so that her presence simply felt… natural around him. One that he couldn't forget about anymore. 


Almost. A small, unbelieving smile would have almost appeared upon his lips. How curious… just a mere moment prior, he had thought that it couldn't possibly be. Until all of these thoughts swarmed into his head, reminding him that all this time… the most precious person in his life had always been right beside him, unknowingly changing him, shaping him, caring for him. 


And now here he was. And the same person was asking for his hand. 


Her lips began to tremble ever so slightly, showing only a small fracture of the fear that had begun to spread in her eyes due to his unresponsiveness. But still, the hope never faded away, and her hands held his own in a tender grip. 


The silence stretched on for a time that was unknown to Amaragi, feeling like an eternity that was internally tearing her apart. For with each second that passed, her heart was beginning to ache-


-until suddenly, she felt his hand slowly, almost hesitantly, intertwining with one of her own, and his eyes closed with the sweetest smile she had ever witnessed. 


"... I would be happy to…"


The moment these words were softly spoken, the moment they actually truly registered in her mind-


-her eyes had long widened in pure and unrestrained joy, finally pushing away the last shreds of fear. And with that, she had all but leaped at him before she enveloped his body with her own, her arms holding him around his neck as her lips claimed his own. 


Intent to show him every last bit of her feelings within this moment that she couldn't possibly fathom to express with words alone. 


The entire crowd around them was completely lost to the pair, but even so, slowly but surely, the reactions followed soon after. Barely audible at first when one person in the back started to clap, and it carefully spread around the people until the complete hall was filled with the sounds of clapping. Even though the reactions were mixed. 


While some of the present nobles were actually genuinely moved, smiling at the pair with shared joy at the sight, others were either raising an eyebrow or two whereas the rest actively stared at them with more than just narrowed eyes. And among them, even though he was clapping as well, stood one certain individual with a slightly scorned expression. 


"Clever move, princess… I'll give you that." a barely audible mutter that was directed at no one in particular, and still, with the wave of a finger, he motioned for a servant to come closer. 


"... I want any and all information that you can gather on this man… got it?" with a nod, the servant quietly stepped away. Thus, leaving Kazen to glance at the unsuspecting Maren once more. 


"Just who are you…" 


Meanwhile, the moment Amaragi slowly parted from him-albeit much to her dismay- due to the lack of air, she gazed into his eyes while panting. Tears had still formed at the corner of her eyes, and still, she wore the happiest smile he had ever seen from her. 


Despite that, Maren couldn't stop a sudden thought that entered his mind. 


"But… what about your father-" he was silenced with another kiss upon his lips, almost making him lose that train of thought completely when she hugged him even more dearly, tasting him with vigor. 


Until slowly but surely, she parted with a lidded gaze, her forehead leaning against his own. 


"This is my decision, and mine alone…" her voice was a husky whisper, her warm breath tingling upon his skin and making him shiver. And even now, she didn't care in the slightest about all the people around them, not in this moment. 


The entire evening was laced with a single topic, one that spread like a wildfire amongst everyone, leading to numerous conversations and silent mutterings. But even so, the whole ball almost turned into a celebratory event for the new blossoming of a young love, at least, for those who didn't know it any better. 


But for Amaragi… this… was long overdue. It was meant to happen. 


And now, he was finally her's.




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