Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 76: It Was Slander!

Jet-black veins appeared on The Benevolent Father's face.

His figure trembled and a murderous aura radiated out of his body.

The Butcher stretched his neck and said in a hoarse, yet grating voice, "I want his head... I need to take his head... We can't let him have his head... We can't let him keep his head!"

Arthur Chase glanced at him and boisterously laughed. Arthur Chase still had that look of disdain on his face, but this time, he was blushing. As for the reason why there was a blush on his face. It was obviously because of the tent he was pitching beneath his pants.

He felt ashamed that his body was reacting in front of a man.

He wanted nothing but to kill Calvin in order to erase this shame.

"I'm going to kill him!" He declared.

The Benevolent Father cracked his knuckles, "I'll have you kill him again once he's dead."

He started walking towards Calvin.

A murderous look was on his face.

Calvin had once worked as a custodian for Fivecent, so he knew what kind of a person the Benevolent Father was.

Once he was angry, it was impossible for him to calm down unless he dirtied his hands with blood.

The Butcher and Arthur Chase also moved. Of course, they stood several steps behind the Benevolent Father. They respected the Benevolent Father's strength and they knew that they could never hope to defeat him. In this asylum, strength was the law and authority.

The Benevolent Father who had overwhelming strength compared to the two of them was a figure similar to that of a nation's president.

They respectfully followed him from behind but they didn't bother hiding the looks of anticipation and excitement on their faces.

Being surrounded by these three monsters from all directions, even Calvin couldn't help but feel nervous.

He swept his gaze around the area and discovered that the Butcher, Arthur Chase, and the Benevolent Father were spread out in a way that they could easily cover all of Calvin's escape routes once he did try to escape. Bitterly smiling, Calvin let out a sigh.

"Finally ready to die? Relax... I'm not that cruel. You once praised my daughter and even dedicated your eye of aesthetics for her. I will grant you an easy death at the least..." The Benevolent Father stared right at Calvin with his jet-black eyes.

A hideous smile appeared on his face as he said all of these.

Calvin didn't know what to say. Was he supposed to say thank you and let the Benevolent Father end his life?

But why was Calvin just standing in front of the Benevolent Father?

Why wasn't he running?

Calvin sure had his own trump cards, but this wasn't the right time to use them.

The Benevolent Father may be a perfect killing machine in the eyes of others, but for Calvin who was once a custodian of Fivecent. He was full of weaknesses. So long as Calvin could survive his first attack, Calvin was sure that he could escape from the hands of the Benevolent Father.

But there was still a huge problem.

It was the fact that the Security Access Keycard was still in the hands of Arthur Chase.

In fact, even now, Calvin could see the keycard dangling from a strap wrapped around Arthur Chase's waist.

"You're not going to leave any last words, eh? In that case..." The Benevolent Father raised his arm and formed a stance. His stance was full of weaknesses and openings, but he didn't care. After all, he was certain that Calvin couldn't possibly survive his punch.


The Benevolent Father took a deep breath and unleashed a punch directly at the tip of Calvin's nose. The Benevolent Father was once a medical student, so he knew where to land his attack in order to grant a painless death. In this case, his punch aimed to instantly crush Calvin's brain stem.

If that happened, his death would be instantaneous and he wouldn't feel any suffering.




The Benevolent Father's punch landed, but the feedback that he felt on his fists didn't come from hitting human flesh.

Instead of Calvin's face, his punch struck the wall directly behind Calvin.

The wall immediately collapsed, sending clouds of dust of smoke flying into the air and lowering the visibility of the already dark area. Calvin took advantage of this opportunity to run away amidst the confusion. As for the reason why he managed to escape. He simply collapsed his own knees.

He knew beforehand where the Benevolent Father would likely strike to grant him a painless death. Using that information to his advantage, as soon as the Benevolent Father was about to unleash his powerful punch. Calvin instantly made his knees go weak as his body folded and fell onto his knees.

He kneeled onto the floor, but this simple action that displayed nothing but fear became the reason why Calvin managed to dodge the Benevolent Father's attack.


The Benevolent Father retracted his fists and stared right at his right hand in confusion. But soon, enlightenment dawned upon him and he couldn't help but smile in excitement.

"How creative! To think that he managed to dodge my attack using such a method! But what a waste... He tried to renege on his promise for my daughter's birthday party, so he doesn't deserve to live." The Benevolent Father shook his head before he dispersed the cloud of dust with a clap of his hands.

The dust covering the area immediately dispersed, but he was astonished when he found Calvin standing there with a smile on his face.


"You didn't escape?"

Calvin nodded, "Yes, there's no reason for me to escape."

"What?" The Benevolent Father was befuddled.

"What you heard from your darlings was mere slander against me! I never had the intention to escape from this place with those heretics..."

"Everything was just a misunderstanding..."

"It was slander!"

Calvin righteously declared.

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