Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 216: The Yellow River Gang Must Be Destroyed!

"Hahaha," Calvin dryly laughed, "I sure can visit the Department of Justice if I do have the time in the future."

"Well, visiting is still good. We can talk about things related to our class." Martin smiled.

"Oh, sir Martin also has the Writer Class? So, that is the reason why you were calling me your kindred spirit earlier." Calvin nodded in understanding, "I guess, we truly are kindred spirits."

"Hahaha, you sure know how to coax, eh? Yes, I do have the Writer Class, my class specialization, or should I say, second class, is Arbiter."

"Arbiter?" Calvin stared at Martin, "Now I understand why sir Martin is working as the church's Chief Executor..."

"With such a rare class specialization, your abilities are really attractive to the church."

"You seem to know a lot about my class?" Martin stared at Calvin in astonishment.

"Reading makes the world go round, sir. I'm just an avid reader of books." Calvin reasoned out.

"I see, that makes sense." Martin nodded his head, "Your friends here are free to go, but their crimes aren't actually absolved..."

"The best that I can do with your ten thousand merit points is to sign their release papers on bail. Six months later, they still have to attend their criminal trial so you only have six months before the fates of your comrades are decided." Martin smiled at Calvin.

The latter nodded his head, but his expression quickly changed. It was because he realized the meaning hidden deep within Martin's words.

"Sir Martin, are you saying that there is a way for me to make the church completely forget the crimes that the Captain and the others committed?" Calvin asked in delight.

Ron Samuel and the others perked up their ears to listen.

"Yes." Martin nodded, "Money makes the world go round..."

"That adage is still true to us Predators, but instead of money. It's resources."

"If you are able to pay the price, then the church should be able to drop the case against your fellow Cavaliers. As for what kind of price, it could be more than the discovery that you did in the Village of Tulog."

"Do you have any idea as to what kind of meritorious deeds could match what you have contributed to the church so far?" Martin asked.

Ron Samuel and the others turned to look at Calvin.

"Would destroying the organization that is behind everything that happened in the Village of Tulog be enough to pay for it?"

Calvin nonchalantly asked.

Martin stared at him, wide-eyed, "Are you serious? So that is the reason why you said earlier that you know who is involved. But since you said that they are an organization. How could you be so confident that you are able to destroy them? On what basis?"

Calvin didn't back down as he also stared at Martin, "I need six months and a little bit of help from the Department of Justice."

"Well, I can surely lend you that help," Marin shrugged, "But what is in there for me? You don't expect me to just help you, right? You might be a kindred spirit, but I am not so altruistic that I would help you without any benefits in return for me."

"Martin, you're such a cunning old geezer." Ron Samuel couldn't help but criticize from the side, "He's just joking with you. There's no way that the Department of Justice can help you with such matters when the eyes of the Missionaries and that bastard Jose is on us..."

"If we dare to use the help of the Department of Justice, then he will surely lodge a complaint and complicate matters even more."

"Hahaha," Martin chuckled, "Why be a wet blanket and reveal me right there, Ron?"

"Yes, I might not be able to let him use the identity of the Department of Justice's Special Corps Division when he's about to destroy that organization, but I sure can push him to the other departments in this city, you know?"

"Ah..." Bruce uttered in understanding.

James Branzuela squeezed out a smile.

Ashlynn only shook her head, while Ron Samuel nodded, "I guess that's the only way then."

"Captain, sir Martin. What are you two talking about?" Calvin couldn't help but ask.

Martin patiently explained, "The Department of Justice will not be able to help you due to some complicated politics, but there is a way for you to legally destroy the organization behind what happened in the Village of Tulog..."

"I should be able to lend you a hand on registering for it, and coincidentally, they are currently in the process of recruiting fresh recruits for the position of Auxilliary Policemen."

"I can give you a letter of recommendation and by next week, the training should start. In approximately, three months, you should already be an Auxiliary policeman, so you would only have three months left to destroy that organization..."

"I know that the timings are tight, but beggars can't really be choosers, you see? How about it? Do you want to try your hand at it?"

"Do you want to join the Ashmelion Police Department?" Martin asked with a smile.

"The Ashmelion Police Department?" Calvin furrowed his eyebrows. It was indeed troublesome that he had to spend three months toiling for a place in the police department. Since he was under the Department of Justice's Special Corps Division.

He should've been able to skip past these contrivances, but unfortunately, the Missionaries and some high-ranking officials of the church must be on guard against Calvin's actions.

The deadline was six months.

Three months would be spent for training, while the other three months would be spent on destroying the Yellow River Gang.

Calvin thought about it for a while and remembering the grievous injuries that the bastard had sustained in the Village of Tulog before he escaped, Calvin started to feel confident that he should be able to uproot the entire Yellow River Gang in three months.

However, he was concerned if destroying the Yellow River Gang was enough contribution, so that the church would forget about what the Cavaliers had done.

"Are you concerned that the church would deem your efforts insufficient for the acquittal of your comrades? Well, that is a legitimate concern..." Martin let out a sigh, "I also do not know how the church will react, but let's see... what's the name of the organization behind what happened in the Village of Tulog?"

"Depending on that organization's scope and how huge it is, I should be able to predict the church's next course of actions once you're done with that organization." Martin gave a confident smile.

Calvin nodded, "It's the Yellow River Gang."

"Ah, the Yellow Riv—"

"What did you just say?" Martin was once again shocked by Calvin's words, "The Yellow River Gang is behind all that happened in that village? How can you be so sure?" A frown appeared on his face, "For the church, the Quads in Ashmelion are just a bunch of ragtag ruffians with little precious in their heads. Are you sure that they are the ones behind everything?"

"Yes, I'm a hundred percent positive. In fact, I fought against their leader but the bastard managed to escape in time before the arrival of the church's punitive force." Calvin explained.

"I see..." Martin took a deep breath, "Now it makes sense why you had to destroy your medallion. At first, I thought that you made an unnecessary decision since I don't really believe that you wouldn't be able to escape that village if you wanted to—since the sinister being is still in the process of awakening. But right now, it all makes sense."

"You were forced into a corner by the leader of the Yellow River Gang, am I right?"

Martin asked.

"Yes..." Calvin nodded seriously, "That is what happened."

"All right,' Martin softly nodded, "But even if you are a hundred percent sure that it's the Yellow River Gang. You can't just expect the church to believe in your words so easily, right?"

"I understand." Calvin replied, "It should be enough if I brought a trophy would me which would prove that everything that happened in the Village of Tulog was the doing of the Yellow River Gang."

"Yes, that is enough." Martin smiled, "I'll be going first and prepare that letter of recommendation. There will be a medical examination on Thursday, you better not be late."

"I'll order someone to deliver the letter to you later in the afternoon..."

"For now, I'll go and retire first."

He waved his hand towards Calvin and the Cavaliers, "See you guys later."

Of course, Martin didn't forget to inform the Jail Warden of the Cavaliers' release on bail.

Ron Samuel stared seriously at Calvin and he couldn't help but speak.

"The Yellow River Gang..."

"Even if they are not the true culprits behind what happened in the Village of Tulog. Uprooting them from this city should still be a good enough contribution that the church would turn a blind eye to what we have done."

"To be honest, I don't think that the church is that willing to punish us. I bet if we manage to shut the trap of that bastard Jose and the other high-ranking officials rallying behind Rosales's banner, the church should forgive us for what we have done on the account of your contributions." Ron Samuel explained.

"Captain, are you saying that everything has just become complicated due to the efforts of those that hate us?" Bruce was the one who spoke, a frown was on his face as he asked, "Why are they doing this to us when we're all under the banner of the Church of the Three Orthodox Gods! We're basically comrades living under the same roof!"

"Hahaha," Ashlynn coldly laughed, "You don't understand, Bruce..."

"But someday you will."

"You just have to understand right now that even though the Missionaries are not our enemies. They sure are not our comrades either..."

"If we are on a battlefield, you should not actively help them. But if they are specifically asking for your help, you should help them on the account of us being under the same banner."

"I got it..." Bruce softly nodded.

"Forget about that issue for now. I don't think that we would be able to do anything anyway since we are on bail." James Branzuela waved his hand, "Let's just think that we are on vacation for the next six months..."

"Of course, that's really not the case since we are now criminals that cannot possibly go out of the city of Ashmelion. In short, we will spend the next six months in the coffee shop!"

"OOOH!" Ashlynn exclaimed, "Yeah, that's not a problem... Let's make our coffee shop, the number one coffee shop in Ashmelion!" Her eyes beamed with the light of gold. It was as if she was starting to imagine the money that they would earn in the next six months.

Staring at the Cavaliers, Calvin felt at peace.

Ron Samuel stared at Calvin and asked, "I'm sure that you know what's your priority right now, right? Leave the coffee shop to us. As for your wife, I'll make sure to reward her properly with a raise that she deserves." 

Calvin nodded, "Thanks, Captain." 

"Yeah, I know what to do..."

"The Yellow River Gang must be destroyed!"

Calvin declared in his heart.

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