Reborn to Devour: A Demonic LitRPG

Chapter 95: Terrible Trio


Not even ten minutes had passed after creating a pact with the Chivalrous Demon that I was being escorted out of the city inside of an iron-shelled carriage. Strangely, this carriage had no wheels and nobody hefted it over their shoulder and carried it like a palanquin. Instead, it floated just above the ground. Demons in brilliant armor marched and flew around the cart to create an arsenal that most opportunists would not be able to stomach the risk of attempting to raid.

I felt a mighty rumble as the gates of Styx opened up and the mighty maw spat us out into the world. I could feel hostile auras surrounding us instantly, their malicious auras stared daggers into the carriage.

“Was there no Portal I could have taken?” I asked Sir Galahad who sat in the seat across from me.

The demon looked up from the book they had been reading and offered a mirthful energy. They closed it and it disappeared into the void that was his inventory.

“There is, but that would defeat the purpose,” Sir Galahad replied.

“And what is the purpose of exposing ourselves like this?” I questioned.

“To continually show them that we do not need to fear them,” Sir Galahad answered, slamming an armored fist into the upholstery. The outburst upset the carriage, causing it to sway before regaining its bearings. “As soon as you hide your face from the wolves, they will jump on your back and rip at your neck when you have no choice but to face them. We must constantly show that attacking us will only lead to unprofitable ends.”

True to Sir Galahad’s words, the feelings of hostility remained at an arm’s length. Eyes sought out openings that weren’t there and they eventually turned their attention towards the weaker ones that attempted to use our exit as cover to escape the city.

Screams and spells and explosions ripped through the air behind us, but a shield of mana kept us isolated; invulnerable to the world outside. The guards did not seem phased by the combat. Even Sir Galahad returned his attention to his book. The sounds and vibrations failed to draw his focus away from its contents.

Once Sir Galahad’s message had been sent to the vultures that flocked around the outside of Styx, the traveling pace increased immensely. A whirring sound from the mana engines that powered the carriage spooled up and began driving forward at the speed of a galloping horse. The sudden change in speed surprised me slightly and I gripped onto the upholstery in confusion.

“I’m sure you go faster than this on foot,” Sir Galahad chided like a father to his young daughter, his eyes did not move from his work.

“I’m in control when that happens,” I huffed before turning my attention to the outdoors.

I felt warmth touch my skin and heard the rushing of large bodies of water below us. The calls of coastal birds were replaced by the sporadic guttural roar of a beast; far enough to not be immediately concerned but close enough to feel uncomfortable.

“Raging Whirlpools Dungeon,” Sir Galahad explained without a question. “Need to have gills or a specific breath-holding skill to challenge it. Though, it does often overfill and spill out on the beaches. Not a bad place for training.”

I allowed myself to relax. If there was anything worth worrying about, Sir Galahad would mention it. It felt bizarre, the exhalation that seemed to allow hundreds of years of survival instincts to release from my mouth. If I felt any need to sleep, I may have curled up and slept on the seats. Instead, I allowed the cool coastal winds to buffet my face and blow around the curtains and the pages of Sir Galahad’s book.

We reached a cape that jutted out of the coastline. Boots stomped along wood and the carriage slowed significantly over a gap in the water along this bridge. On the other side, I felt a large concentration of auras.

“This is our fortress and your new home on the Third Rung,” Sir Galahad informed.

“Lucky me,” I replied. “I love the ocean.”

A trumpeting sound pierced the air and some calls could be heard from the fortress. A steel portcullis rattled upwards while a set of massive doors opened outwardly to accept us. The carriage slowly hummed through the entryway and into the courtyard. I could detect demons kneeling in deference, but that respect was wholly reserved for Sir Galahad himself. He had placed his book on his seat and waved out of the window and the demons assembled to accept him.

The carriage came to a halt and hovered at a comfortable height for me to step out without issue. However, the doors were opened and I detected an outreached hand to help me down. It was not a gesture I had experienced since I was a girl, since before I donned my father’s armor and marched to war.

I accepted the act of goodwill. The strong arm helped me down from the manageable height and my feet touched cobblestone. I could feel many pairs of eyes move my direction and inspect me closely. I didn’t falter, it was to be expected even if I felt slightly uncomfortable by the attention.

“Sir Galahad,” a gruff feminine voice said right next to me. “It is always a pleasure to receive someone as esteemed as yourself in my humble keep. For what occasion should I be celebrating your presence?”

“Dame Genevieve, it is good to see you,” Sir Galahad replied with a small nod. “I am here to deliver a new recruit.”

“Personally?” Dame Genevieve asked with a sharp tick of surprise.

“It warrants my personal attention,” Sir Galahad stated plainly. “This is one who has specifically caught the eye of our king, has met with him personally, and has passed his interview. It would be a disservice to our honorable monarch if I were to do anything less than personally attend to their transfer to your care.”

The looks only intensified upon me at Sir Galahad’s words. I could feel it, gazes dripping with resentment and jealousy. They investigated every single piece of me to discover just what it was about me that let me apart from them. Why was I loved more than them? How dare I be loved more than them?

I dropped my assumption that this swordsmanship given to me was something standard to Avalon. Would showing it justify my love or bring further jealousy?

“And have you divined how you wish to best utilize someone so loved?” Dame Genevieve inquired, her intense gaze landing on me with the same force as Sir Leal’s hammer.

“I want you to put them with Squire Seift and the new squire. Give them a challenge to gauge their abilities. I think the three of them may make a good squad.”

“Your will be done, Sir Galahad,” Dame Genevieve said with a deep bow. I felt the wind bluster off her swishing cape. “I will personally ensure that those three will make up a group that will bring honor to our names.”

“You would be good to do so,” Sir Galahad replied. “Expectations are high.”

Sir Galahad stepped back into the carriage. The sounds of the mana engines whirred up and the vehicle turned back towards the gates. The doors creaked open and the portcullis cranked up. Two loud slams marked his exit from the fortress and the beginning of my care under Dame Genevieve.

“Shall we get started right away, special girl?” Dame Genevieve asked in a confident manner and a sharp bite.

“Whenever is best for you, Dame Genevieve,” I responded with a bow similar to the one she provided Sir Galahad.

I could hear some vocal tics and a swallow from Dame Genevieve. She cleared her throat. Sudden subservience was the expectation of women like me, perhaps it struck a nerve in a person of a similar upbringing to my own.

“Very good,” Dame Genevieve complimented, some of the sharpness dulled already. “Squire Finley, fetch the occupants of Room Thirty Four and tell them to report to the Dungeon Portals immediately. And you, favorite of the Chivalrous Demon, follow me. The rest of you, return to your duties.”

The fortress returned to their acts and bustled to follow new orders. Dame Genevieve led me around the main hall and along the wall. Bursts of ocean wind crashed over the wall and made my loose hair whip against my face and shoulders.

Behind the main building, a group of demons kept watch over a series of Portals. Each had a marking in front of it to signify the destinations. Of course, the only one that I recognized was the one labeled ‘Styx’ that would undoubtedly return me to the building that I met the Chivalrous Demon in.

“What Level are you?” Dame Genevieve demanded like a true military leader.

“Level 20,” I quickly replied.

“Hmmm,” Dame Genevieve hummed to herself. “I wonder what would make the most suitable challenge for this group. Keep in mind, this isn’t a test for your individual ability. I would never dare overturn my king’s decision. This is to see whether you are capable of cooperating with your chosen squad.”

“Who is this squad?” I asked.

Two sets of footsteps directed my attention behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see two energies. Actually, it was three energies. The demon on the left’s energy in her body and the energy in her head was disconnected by a sharp black line. The head seemed to float just a few inches above her neck as if there were a repelling force between the two energies.

“Squire Seift, reporting to your summons, Dame Genevieve,” the severed energy announced.

As for the demon on the right…

“Squire Tisiphone, reporting to your summons, Dame Genevieve,” the snake-haired woman said with a bow. “So we meet again, Yoshitsune.”

“Tisiphone, what a surprise to see you so soon,” I replied with a grin. “I’m glad there is a familiar face.”

“You know each other?” Dame Genevieve asked.

“Fought to the death on the Hell Express, Dame Genevieve,” Tisiphone dutifully answered. “We fought to our mutual death, I, regretfully, died first and was made to face constant pain until the train came to a stop.”

Dame Genevieve’s eyes bounced between the two of us. Squire Seift showed no reaction, not even the smallest ripple in either energy showed any interest in the words spoken.

“That will hopefully make things easier,” Dame Genevieve remarked. “Squire Seift, Squire Tisiphone, I have received a request from Sir Galahad on behalf of our king. This means it is both my and your greatest objective.”

“I will follow the wishes of the Chivalrous Demon,” Squire Seift and Tisiphone said in near-unison.

“As is expected,” Dame Genevieve replied with a knowing nod. “It is the intention of Avalon to have you three form a squad. Squire Seift, as the most senior Squire, it is your responsibility to be leader until you three can choose one yourself. Challenge the Bloody Plains, I will send a Viewer through to monitor how you will manage the task. Any future assignments will be based on your performance in this task.”

“Your will be done, Dame Genevieve,” Squire Seift and Tisiphone said in nearer-unison.

One by one, each of us stepped through the Portal to land on a wide stretch of grass. Large groups of animated armor with beaked helmets roamed the grasslands, clashing with each other and anything near them. Black-winged soldiers soared through the sky and rained down magic on anyone unfortunate enough to be standing just beneath it.

Squire Seift grabbed their head and threw it skyward. I felt the energy grow smaller and smaller until it hung high over the battlefield. A sphere of mana surrounded the head to keep it maintained at that elevation.

The ground beneath the squire rumbled. A steed made of black energy rose from the ground and lifted perfectly beneath Seift. A sword so long that it nearly reached the ground appeared in Seift’s hand. She swung the sword once and the blade sang from vibrations. I could feel nearby suits of armor turn their attention towards us.

“Please follow my orders,” Seift requested, their voice reverberating out of their chest.

Tisiphone summoned her god-covered shield and her spear slithered out of the grass and coiled around her wrist.

“Yoshitsune, I had a great time fighting you. I hope that fighting alongside you is more enjoyable,” Tisiphone said as she took on a combat stance.

The hands along my body dutifully released my sword from its position against my flesh. The blade sparked eagerly for a fight. Maybe this distance from the others was what I was looking for. I needed an opportunity to show everyone, myself included, who I was and what I was capable of.

“I hope so too.”

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