reborn to be a farmer

watching the goblins

Paul was walking alone on his way to meet some person named Luke, Olivia informed him that Luke would be taking him to his newly found manor. Paul was approaching the gate that led outside the city. He was dragging himself through the stoned path that led up to the gate. There was a man there with wings of gold yet they looked to be made of silk. “Are you Luke?” Paul asked with as much energy as he could muster up. Paul didn't like to be with people for a long amount of time; it drained him. “Yes I am and I'm going to guess that you're Paul,” Luke said, not harsh but still fast and punctual.

Luke shows me a wood basket like a barrel, one would put wine in although it had a handle on it, I ask a question “ so you do this often I see” I take off my backpack that was weighing me down ‘maybe that's why I was so tired’ i think to myself as i hop in the basket.

“Yea we do this every so often although most of the time for longer, I was told you were too weak to protect yourself.” Luke said as he shot off the ground with a burst of wind and graded a hold of the handle with his talons.

We raised up with a jolt and he glided with his wings every so often a surge of wind would lift us up when we lowered a bit too much. “So your kind mostly glides with the use of magic” I ask Luke as we glide over roads and hilltops. “ my kind is cipni prenu and yes we do”. We flew in silence for some time, bobbing up and down as we went.

I looked over the ravaged land full of those green terrors, weak individually but get 10 together and they could take down some pretty big creatures. I ask Luke to slow down so I could watch the goblins trying to kill a bear. He stopped and sat the basket down on a hill,I had a good look of what was happening.

It took at least 2-4 hours to play out but the sun was not fair past its zenith. I saw 100 take down what looked to be a bear with fire and then they took all the meat of the bear. their own flush looked to be rotting away although they had no worry or for the skin that got burned, they took the meat to what must have been a female. It was a massive thing, akin to a termite queen with a long sack, she dragged it as she moved along.

The male once in front of her all started bashing each other, one hit to the head with a hammer or a makeshift spear would kill the other, One after one fell at each other's hands when all had died except ten.

The female mated with them and then she started to eat the bear meat alongside the dead goblins. She moved away with the ten and over 100,000 eye-like things the size of coins in that egg sack of hers. Paul turned to Luke and asked him “what the hell was that!”.He didn't answer as it was obvious.

They continued flying for some time. The sun was getting ready to set when I saw her the manor that is. The manor was big,old and falling apart but there was something to it that gave it a sense of grandeur. Luke sat down in the basket for the last time today. When I got off, he flew

away with the wind .

Fighting my way through overgrown grass that grabbed at me and at times when it did get a hold of me felt as though it tried to pull me down to hell. When i finally got to the door of the manor I was covered in sweat and my backpack felt 200x more heavy. I looked at the eery wooden door, and slowly took out my key. It shined as if it had an edge on it, when I opened the door the hinge screamed like a banshees.

Going inside the place was quiet and big, but some parts of the floor had pitch black holes. The walls of the building had small empty indents every few feet. There was a ketch, Searching through the cabinet for cutlery, there was none at all nor something smaller than a couch.

Paul had planned for this and had got a few things from the city before coming out here. Founding a slightly larger bedroom then the others he had found. He walked into the room where dust blanketed everything from end to end, he would have to clean it up but that could wait he thought as he went to open a window.

Paul heard a cry come from the first floor, going down to find out what that sound was; he found nothing. He didn't believe in ghosts but that cry sounded all too real to be a figment of his imagination, but there wasn't much he could do. Paul decided he needed something to do so he went outside to see if there were any good spots for a farm around his land.

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